Конкуренция в сфере общественного питания | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (99) октябрь-1 2015 г.

Дата публикации: 01.10.2015

Статья просмотрена: 143 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Лисичкина, О. И. Конкуренция в сфере общественного питания / О. И. Лисичкина, Н. А. Дмитриенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 19 (99). — С. 456-459. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/99/22217/ (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

As you know, today is not only the market, not only the number of restaurants, cafes, bars, and — most importantly — requirements for catering from customers. Every year people are becoming more selective, and sometimes finicky that require opening more quality restaurants. Unfortunately or fortunately, but five of the ten opened facilities during the AGC months are closed, so as not compete, which undoubtedly lies in the amateurish approach.

What is catering? It is a manufacturing company selling finished products aimed at the satisfaction of needs. Every year that need is increasing more and more, the desire to nice and even spend time with good food is gaining tremendous momentum. To go on the weekends with my family at a nice cafe or in the evening with a noisy crowd in a bar, you only have to choose where. And here we can speak about the competition themselves.

The more firms, the more the choice becomes wider, but not everyone can meet the requirements of many visitors. The main social factor is certainly the level of life of the population. From this rate depends on the purchasing capacity of the population, the need for services of public catering enterprises.

Competition is an integral part of the market environment, a developed market is inconceivable without competition. Competition is the main engine of the market economy. The main objective of every enterprise is to improve the quality of manufactured products and provided services. The success of an enterprise offering to the consumer goods, services, or products at competitive prices determines the profit.

The competition is growing each year and attract visitors to become more and best thing you can do in this situation is to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. Thereby to reduce the competitiveness of the need to introduce new innovative methods in the work of the enterprise. Need to investigate the marketing strategies of similar businesses and enterprises located in the direct vicinity to this enterprise. This applies to all aspects everything, about design, about food, about staff, about the range.

As for the competition overall, there is a differentiation between General competition (player on the market of public catering), territorial competition (a cafe or a restaurant nearby), price competition (school, playing in the same price range) and covered by Intersegment competition (an institution with similar concepts and target audience). Thus, for each candidate under this classification apply their methods of competitive struggle.

The range of the ratio determines the optimal set of dishes on the menu to account for differences in the needs of consumers. In today's catering market the main criteria for the formation of its range of is demand and supply on the market of products, etc. That is, the client will be guided, and their tastes and preferences, based on location of the institution.

Thus, enterprises proceed from the needs of the population, based on this they come up with new dishes, an interesting program and unique design to attract more visitors and reduce any competition. So you need to attract qualified personnel, which can provide the service, bartenders, waiters, administrators, surprising with unusual serving dishes and drinks. In a sense, competition is needed in the development, that is, it pushes the catering market output to a higher level, in comparison with the European catering market which still lags behind.

In conditions of relative economic prosperity in the catering business became one of the most favorable options for successful commercial activity. At the moment the competition is high, because the popular fast-food and fast-food restaurants, where fast and not expensive to meet their needs, also operates a home delivery service or work, which also simplifies the life of the local population is not always a desire to go to a cafe and restaurant and a nice time. But often the service in such institutions is below average, which also affects the competitiveness of many institutions. This kind of competition can be attributed to functional.

Functional competition is based on the fact that the same user need can be satisfied in different ways. Functional competition occurs because every need, generally speaking, possible to satisfy very different ways. And, accordingly, all items to ensure such satisfaction, competitors are functional: in the shop of sports equipment products, like these are. Functional competition should consider, even if the firm produces a truly unique product.

The basis for the enterprise is just a marketing ploy, a strategy for attracting visitors. The successful concept of the institution will be submitting them, the idea of starting from the entrance of the institution, its signs, advertising and finishing the remaining impression of the food, service, prices very atmosphere of the institution. While using the chips, which have no competitors. For example, charming interior like the old movies or the bartenders that before serving drinks to show an unforgettable show. Not recent, but rather this is the kitchen facilities, it can also be varied, to include food from all the Nations of the world, or one, European, Korean, Russian, etc.

Currently on the market of public catering has developed a high level of competition, which is exacerbated thanks to the steady increase in the number of enterprises. Growing competition has led to the search for the most effective methods of service of the population, the need for inexpensive, but good food and service catering. The heads of respectable restaurants began to strive to earn the space on the prices and on the number of visitors and quality service.




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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AGC.

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