About innovative features of research and conservation of craftsmanship wares in the conflict zones (on the sample of Ganjabasar region of Azerbaijan)
Автор: Гасанов Эльнур Лятиф оглу
Рубрика: 1. Общие вопросы
Опубликовано в
II международная научная конференция «Науки о Земле: вчера, сегодня, завтра» (Москва, июнь 2016)
Дата публикации: 15.02.2016
Статья просмотрена: 10 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Гасанов, Эльнур Лятиф оглу. About innovative features of research and conservation of craftsmanship wares in the conflict zones (on the sample of Ganjabasar region of Azerbaijan) / Эльнур Лятиф оглу Гасанов. — Текст : непосредственный // Науки о Земле: вчера, сегодня, завтра : материалы II Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, июнь 2016 г.). — Москва : Буки-Веди, 2016. — С. 1-2. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/earth/archive/201/9834/ (дата обращения: 22.%м.2025).
In the territory of Ganjabasar region during the end of 2014 — in 2015 have been carried out scientific researches, archaeologic and ethnographical investigations by local scientists together with researchers from National Museum of Natural History of Smithsonian Institution of the USA and Tokio Museum University of Japan with the purpose to study of historical formation and development of Urban culture. Because, one of the areas of initially appeared human civilization was an integral part of Azerbaijan, the historical land of the city Ganja. Scientific and archaeological researches have proved that Ganja was cradle of science and culture not only of Azerbaijan, but also of the whole East. The majority of historical monuments, that are demonstrate the ancient history of Ganja, which is the national wealth of our people, today gain unique place in the expositions of World’s museums. In state and private museums of Metropolis, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Louvre, Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities rare and valuable exhibits, that concern to the history of ancient Ganja are preserved. Ganja city that located on an altitude of 400–450 meters above sea level is situated on the west of Azerbaijan, 375-kms to the west from the capital city Baku, on Ganja-Kazakh plain, that located in the Kura — Araz lowland, at the foot of the Lesser Caucasus on the north-east. Ganja, that has changed its location at least 4 times since its establishment, is located in a favorable position from the strategic point of view.
The main aim of our international investigations for the second half of 2013 with scientists from the US and Japan is research of significance of local traditional handicraft patterns as a source in research of features of urban culture in Ganja. As known, Ganjabasar is one of the richest areas from archaeological point of view. As a result of archaeological investigations here were found samples of material culture that concerned to the stages of different history period.
Basic objective of research is outreach, also publish in international academic journals of the main results of scientific researches in this field on the basis of application of innovative technologies and methods.
During these scientific investigations have been used some main innovative academic methods:
- Application of biochemical innovative technologic methods (as radiocarbon, dendrochronologic methods and etc.);
- Research of local materials of craftsmanship patterns;
- Determination of traditional methods and materials of handicraft wares on the basis of innovative roads;
- For the first time research of problem of genesis of handicraft traditions on the basis of production technology and technique of local craftsmanship patterns of ancient and classical periods;
- Foundation of the new scientific direction on ethnography and ethnology on the basis of investigation of sustainable historical features of handicraft branches in research of the historical past of formation and development of Urban culture;
- Investigation of importance of the handicraft patterns as the main source in research of characteristics of formation and development of Urban culture (formation process of the features of urban culture) for ancient and classical periods on the basis of scientific arguments.
Discussion of results and applicative significance
a) For the first time has been researched the significance of traditional craftsmanship patterns from ethnographic and archaeological point of view in investigation of development of features of urban culture in Ganja on the basis of scientific arguments.
b) Were noted the main results of investigations of local researchers in this field with scientists from the USA and Japan on the basis of application of innovative technologies and methods. In the future it would help to continue the both scientific-research works, also ethnographic and archaeological investigations, excavations and for the main academic results in this field.
c) These scientific investigations have a great applicative significance. It is possible of production of these handicraft wares for ancient, classical and Mediavel periods on the basis of its production technology and materials in the modern time as new models.
Local, traditional handicraft wares of Ganja for ancient, classical and Mediavel periods for the first time have been researched.
For the first time in the territory of ancient Ganja have been carried out scientific researches, archaeologic and ethnographical investigations by local scientists together with researchers from National Museum of Natural History of Smithsonian Institution of the USA and Tokio Museum University of Japan with the purpose to study of historical formation and development of Urban culture. Importance of typical local wares of handicraft branches of Ganja was investigated for the first time in research of historical formation and development of the main Urban culture elements and construction feature — craftsmanship blocks (quarters).
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