Some ıssues of research of effectıveness of renewable energy sources | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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IV международная научная конференция «Науки о Земле: вчера, сегодня, завтра» (Казань, май 2018)

Дата публикации: 22.01.2018

Статья просмотрена: 21 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гасанов, Эльнур Лятиф оглу. Some ıssues of research of effectıveness of renewable energy sources / Эльнур Лятиф оглу Гасанов. — Текст : непосредственный // Науки о Земле: вчера, сегодня, завтра : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, май 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 4-6. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

In this scientific article was given the main information about renewable energy potential of Azerbaijan, also issues of investigation such problems as the effectiveness and fields of application.

Key words: Azerbaijan, renewable resources, energy-efficient potential, non-traditional.

Exploitation of the Earth's surface and burning of the fuel also destroys the planet, worsens its ecology, and the issue of the use of environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources is becoming more and more urgent. They include only solar and wind energy, biological resources are inexhaustible and ineffective to nature, not just for environmental protection, but also to soften the dependence of countries, territories, economic systems on oil and its value. Depending on the nature of the region, this or other source prevails in the structure of alternative energy use. In some countries of Iceland, Denmark and the United States, hydropower facilities with predominantly geothermal sources, and small hydropower in Norway, are used for alternative energy production. In windy regions wind energy is used, and solar batteries in southern regions. Biomass burning technology is widely used in countries with rich forest resources. The use of these sources of energy is largely due to the fact that the renewable source of fuel is present in the given area.

Azerbaijan has renewable natural resources, favorable for its energy-efficient potential, according to the amount of sunny and windy days. The State Program on the Use of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of 21 October 2004, with the Decree of 16 July 2009 to speed up the consistent and effective implementation of the issues arising from the Program The State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources has been established within the Ministry of Industry and Energy. This once again demonstrates that alternative energy opportunities are in the focus of our state and that the transition to renewable energy is economically and ecologically efficient. It is important for Azerbaijan, a country of oil and gas, to join the global community in solving global problems.

The use of renewable and ecological energy sources, along with saving large quantities of fuel burned at thermal power plants, also significantly reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the environment. the use of alternative energy sources by using the country's natural potential paves the way for progressive changes in the future development directions of the electric power industry. Azerbaijan has favorable opportunities and renewable natural resources in terms of its inexhaustible energy potential. The use of alternative energy sources is more promising in areas where this potential is high and that traditional fuel resources are lacking [13, 6].

Alternative energy sources with an untapped energy source have already been installed in the «Ecological Park» project implemented by SOCAR in Gala. Solar panels with a total capacity of 20 kWh and wind power generators with a capacity of 40kWt have been installed in the park to compensate for some of the energy supply in the park by alternative wind and solar energy. The main purpose of using alternative energy sources at Ecological Park is to attract public attention to this energy. Thus, wide use of ecologically clean alternative sources of energy, with a special role in compliance with the principle of «zero waste» in accordance with SOCAR's «Environmental Policy» document, reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the environment and saving large quantities of natural fuel resources (SOCAR, «In harmony with nature», 2010). One of the main indicators that characterize the DPI is the indicator of energy production and consumption in the country. These indicators include general information on energy generation and consumption per capita, most important and most important of which are renewable, non-depleting alternative energy (traditional energy sources — wood, sun, wind, underground thermal waters, energy generated during laying and laying of water, biogas, alcohol and vegetable oils taken from plants, etc.).

The use of renewable energy in the world differs greatly from one another. The share of non-renewable energy in the United States is 3.6 %, in Australia — 3.7 %, in France — 4.7 %, in Canada — 4.6 %, in Finland — 6.2 %. In Azerbaijan, especially in Absheron, the number of sunny and windy days, as well as the wind copy are very satisfactory for alternative energy production, so should be widely used.

Taking this into consideration, a special state program on alternative energy production is being developed and implemented at Absheron Peninsula and its vicinity. In developed countries, thermal waters are used as a major alternative source of energy. This effective method should be widely used in our country (northern, southern, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and other regions) as a large source of thermal waters.

Biodiversity conservation, global climate change, ozone layer protection, and so on. Conventions are of great importance. These conventions are dedicated to issues of national, regional and global significance. From this point of view, the programs and projects implemented to prevent and reduce the number of low-water birds in the Caspian Sea, the smallest living in the world, and the decline in the number of valuable fish species (sturgeon, white fish, etc.) are of great importance. Among the existing international standards for environmental management and protection, it is now the driving force that is most primitive and known as the ISO 14000. In accordance with this standard, every organization operating in all spheres must continually ensure its application by preparing a «Environmental Management System». This document is a very important document for every organization that covers a wide range of environmental policies, planning, forecasting, goals and tasks, analysis of types of activities and governance, relevant outputs and meeting modern environmental requirements. In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted to explore the potential for renewable energy in Azerbaijan. The potential utilization of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan based on the technical data presented in various reports is as follows [2, 6].

The «State Program on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008–2015" confirms the activities that ensure the development of all sectors of the non-oil sector in the near future. The program focuses on the development of new generation capacities based on the use of renewable energy sources by establishing solar energy and small hydropower plants. It is recommended that periodic monitoring and financial sanctions should be applied to minimize negative impact on the environment. Within the framework of the program for sustainable management of the environment, existing monitoring of forest, water and land resources, sustainable biodiversity management and desertification, extensive utilization of renewable energy sources, integrated waste management, mountain and coastal zone, ecosystems, and environmental monitoring system and regulatory framework should be improved, and environmental awareness and awareness-raising measures should be implemented.

The program aims to create a Carbon Fund for financial support to enterprises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to minimize negative effects of climate change on the ecosystem, population health and the country's economy, and to prevent pollution of atmospheric emissions into larger cities, installation, and a range of activities aimed at the development of renewable energy sources. In terms of its geographical location, climatic conditions and economic infrastructure, Azerbaijan has great potential for the development of renewable energy sources. There are favorable conditions for the use of solar, wind, small hydropower and biomass resources [2, 5–6].


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  17. Smith W. B. & Hasanov E. L. (2013) Importance of handicraft traditions in investigation of history of urban culture in Ganja. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11(7): 61–66. doi: /10.15863/TAS.2013.11.7.10.
  18. Hasanov E. L. (2017) About research of features of legal culture on the basis of historical-literary heritage. Information (Japan), 20(4), pp. 2289–2296.
  19. Larsson S., Fantazzini D., Davidsson S., Kullander S., Höök M. (2014) Reviewing electricity production cost assessments. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 30, 170–183. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.09.028.
  20. Sever R., Taşdemiroglu E. (1986) Monthly and yearly average maps of total and direct solar radiation in Turkey. Solar Energy. Vol. 37, number 3. pp. 205–213.
  21. Teleuyev G. B., Akulich O. V., Kadyrov M. A., Ponomarev A. A., Hasanov E. L. (2017) Problems of Legal Regulation for Use and Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, vol.7, № 5, pp. 296–301.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISJ, SOCAR, DOI, DPI, ISO, URL.

Ключевые слова

Azerbaijan, renewable resources, energy-efficient potential, non-traditional

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