To the history of relations between countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 4. История отдельных процессов, сторон и явлений человеческой деятельности

Опубликовано в

II международная научная конференция «История и археология» (Пермь, май 2014)

Дата публикации: 12.05.2014

Статья просмотрена: 183 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Муллаев, А. Ш. To the history of relations between countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation / А. Ш. Муллаев. — Текст : непосредственный // История и археология : материалы II Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, май 2014 г.). — Т. 0. — Пермь : Меркурий, 2014. — С. 63-65. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

In today’s age of globalization economic and socio-political development of each country is associated with the integration into global community. From the very first years of independence the Republic of Uzbekistan is the supporter of deepening of comprehensive integration processes. Regarding to geographical location, the possession of ground and underground resources, the size of economy, the cultural level, Uzbekistan ranks its inherent position in Central Asia.

The further profound fraternity of our country with inherently connected states in economic, political, historical and cultural fields corresponds to the vital interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Therefore, the deepening and development of the relations of Central Asia with the CIS countries are constantly in the spotlight of Uzbekistan's foreign policy.

In this field, the main priority is consistent and turn-based regional integration. Uzbekistan along with the development of bilateral and multilateral trade and economic ties with neighboring and foreign countries attached great importance to sustainable peace and tranquility. In order to reinforce peace and stability in the region and on the whole earth, the intensification of the cooperation in the field of safety is paramount direction of Uzbekistan's foreign policy.

In this direction, Uzbekistan has established stable strategic cooperative ties with a number of countries in the world. It had been established strong ties with the Russian Federation on March 20, 1992. In the late 20th century and early 21st century in the areas of economy and culture policy on the part of Central Asia and Russia new views and attitudes emerged. In general, the values of these relations are very important and endless.

As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I. A. Karimov, in the first session of the second meeting of Oliy Majlis stated: «Establishing a Russian economic, cultural and friendly ties is important for Uzbekistan and the region. I would like to mention that multilateral cooperation between two countries established on the basis of equality and mutual interests, currently manifested new opportunities for strengthening the strategic partnership meet the interests of both sides- Russia and Uzbekistan. The reasonable approximation when considering the issues of the centuries-old spiritual and cultural trade ties between people of Central Asia and Russia shows their logical continuation; in essence, these countries attach a great importance to the development of various ways of cooperation among themselves, particularly:

-          Achieving the sovereign independence of the Central Asian Republics and the yield on the world stage gave the opportunity to establish an independent form favorable to both sides of the legal basis for cooperation;

-          At the present stage the feature of cooperation is that the independent countries of Central Asia are building relations with Russia as equal partners.

-          After the disintegration of the Soviet Union cultural ties between Central Asian countries and Russia rose to a new level.

These Republics realized the retardation of progress of the country and society without deep cultural ties. The relations between the states of Central Asia and the Russian Federation are studied by researchers, for the development of this area the conferences, academic forums are arranged.

The performed investigations of the establishment, formation, development and the current state of cultural relations between the Central Asian Republics and Russia Federation can be mainly divided into three groups:

The first group includes the researches and the works of scientists completed in the period of independent development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, it is worth to study the researches of the following scientists: M.Rakhimov (22, 23), N.Ziyamov (6), A.Kirgizboev (33), E.Nuriddinov (21), A.Masimov (11), S.Sharapov (31) as well as other scientists. In scientific works they created a number of features of the theme of cultural and diplomatic ties between Central Asia and Russia takes an independent place.

The second group includes performed in the same direction researches of Russian scientists. It should be noted that the study of these scientists is detached. For instance, in the studies of K. Mescheryakov(12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20),

L. Levitin (10), L. Fridman (28), A.Vasil’ev (3), S.Savoskul (24), S.Lunev(9) and other scientists (2;6;25;32), in separate monographs praised the relations between Central Asia and the Russian Federation, the growth of the authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the international arena, as well as the initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Russian Federation on safety and stability within Central Asia region.

The third group includes the works of scientists of foreign countries and the scientists ofCIS. The proceedings of N. Lubin (34), A.Dzhenshenkulov (4) on the participation of independent Central Asian states in the international arena, as well as their coverage of diplomatic and cultural ties with Russian Federation arouse heightened interest. They separately stopped position of Central Asia, particularly Uzbekistan, in foreign policy, as well as on co-operational issues with the states of the international community, in particular with Russian Federation. Meanwhile, special attention is given to the geopolitical role of Central Asia in Eurasia, the attraction of the attention of leading states of Asia. In general, the works of scientists from Russia and Uzbekistan related to this topic deserves special attention. (2,9,13,30).

In conclusion we can say that a large-scale study of the literature on foreign policy, international as well as cultural relations help for the obtaining general ideas and scientific illumination of the object investigated.

We can be sure that in the future the executed works, published primary sources and scientific works of scientists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, in the years of independence for covering mutual and multilateral relations are an important factor for the development of these regions


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Центральная Азия, Узбекистан, Россия, Ташкент, внешняя политика Республики, глобальный мир, Мещеряк, CIS, мировое сообщество, современный этап.

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