Sociological analysis of HIV/AIDS prevention | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Библиографическое описание:

Sociological analysis of HIV/AIDS prevention / Х. Е. Рустамова, С. М. Мирхамидова, М. Д. Махсумов [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Новые задачи современной медицины : материалы V Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, май 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 1-2. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: HIV, AIDS, epidemic, infection, analysis.

In the article HIV/AIDS is analyzed in terms of risk theory. The theory of risk society can explain the politics of HIV/AIDS prevention involving limitation of human rights. HIV/AIDS prevention requires modernization of social work which at present time should fulfill the function of managing behavioral risks. In modern society social work increasingly shifts its focus from the needs or needs on risk, although in practice the need and the risk, of course, are connected. And the thesis that social work plays a major role in risk management and life planning in the risk society, increasingly support. In practice, increasingly focusing on the so-called «privatized risk», i.e. risk related to individual factors rather than a risk to the community as a whole. The privatization of risk process, involving increasing responsibility of individuals for decision-making on issues of risk. Moreover, social work is connected with risk due to both individual factors and characteristics of at-risk groups and partly microsistemi. One of the features of the risk of HIV/AIDS is just a manifestation on all levels: individual, social group, society. Currently, characterised by a process of generalization of the epidemic, i.e. the output of HIV infection beyond the traditional risk groups and, above all, the community of drug users, with whom was associated the peak of the epidemic in the late 90-ies management Strategies risk of HIV infection should focus on the introduction of HIV-safe behaviours (especially unprotected sex), covering individuals, various social groups, including marginalized, such as drug users, sex workers, homeless, etc., as well as society as a whole that involves the creation of legal and socio-cultural environment that supports safe against HIV/AIDS behavior. With this quite controversial thesis can fully agree, when it comes to HIV/AIDS. The importance of the problem of HIV/AIDS prevention in the world for this period of time no doubt. HIV/AIDS is a special phenomenon in the history of mankind that is associated with the propagation speed, scale and depth of the consequences. Of particular importance is the prevention of HIV/AIDS among those who consume drugs by injection. Contemporary social situation is characterized by aggravation of a number of asocial processes and phenomena that previously did not pose a serious threat to society, due to their low prevalence. Currently, Uzbekistan society is directly confronted with the drug problem: the growing number of drug users and drug dealers; a strong prevalence of the contingent of drug users as HIV-infection and sexually transmitted infections, parenteral viral hepatitis; increase in the prevalence of HIV infection among women, adolescents and even children.

Relevance. The HIV/AIDS epidemic, which began in the early 80-ies of the last century, 20 years into a global crisis and constitutes HIV — human immunodeficiency virus AIDS — acquired immune deficiency syndrome one of the most serious threats to social progress and human development. In 2013, according to estimates by the Joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the world claimed the lives of 2.9 million (2.6 to 3.3 million) and more than 20 million since 1981, when it was installed the first cases of AIDS. In the same year, another 4.8 million people (4.2 to 6.3 million) were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Today in the world of 37.8 million people (from 34.6 to 42.3 million) are infected with HIV or sick with AIDS, and 90 % of them live in developing countries, and this number increases dramatically every year. Every day about 14,000 people are infected with HIV. Thus, there is a clear shortage of publications reflecting exactly the characteristics of social prevention of HIV/AIDS among people who use drugs by injection, especially with regard to national literature.

The object of study is a set of characteristics-social behaviour contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS among intravenous drug users. Subject of study are the existing and promising technologies to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among intravenous drug users.

The purpose and objectives of the study the Aim of the research taking into account the relevance and degree of elaboration of the problem is to identify the specifics of social prevention of HIV/AIDS among people who use drugs by injection and development of technologies to improve the effectiveness of preventive interventions.

To implement this goal were the following objectives:

– to study the existing domestic research and publications on the social prevention of HIV/AIDS among people who use drugs by injection;

– to perform foreign innovative experience of social prevention of HIV/AIDS among drug users by injection; figure out the real level and the practice of injecting drug use;

– identify the most vulnerable subgroup of drug users injecting with behavioural and epidemiological points of view; to investigate activities in social prevention of HIV/AIDS among people who use drugs by injection;

– to evaluate the existing system of assistance to drug users injecting in local, regional and state level;

– to develop a strategy to establish constructive communication between the main actors of social prevention of HIV/AIDS among people who use drugs by injection (by vulnerable groups, communities, service agencies and government structures);

– develop guidelines for the social prevention of HIV/AIDS among drug users injecting in local, regional and state level.


  1. Batygin G. S. Lectures on the methodology of sociological research. Textbook for students of humanitarian Universities and graduate students.
  2. Borodkina O. I. Social services HIV / AIDS clients; the American experience // Uzbekistan journal of HIV/AIDS and related problems. 2004, vol. 8. No. 1, pp. 77–82.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HIV, AIDS, UNAIDS.

Ключевые слова

HIV, AIDS, epidemic, infection, analysis

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