The attitude of the population towards HIV-infected people | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Библиографическое описание:

Мирхамидова, С. М. The attitude of the population towards HIV-infected people / С. М. Мирхамидова, Ф. Э. Тошбоев, Н. Ш. Исаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Медицина и здравоохранение : материалы VI Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, март 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 49-51. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

INTRODUCTION: in the development of the HIV epidemic in the world, there are 3 epidemic periods: 1987–1999 — the initial stage of the epidemic, 2000–2009 — the increase in morbidity and the formation of a concentrated stage of the epidemic, 2010 — to date — the stabilization of the epidemic process at a concentrated stage. Efforts to develop an adequate attitude towards HIV-positive citizens are being made through numerous governmental and non-governmental projects. Despite interventions over the years, there is still a certain level of stigmatization and discrimination against people living with HIV in society. This phenomenon has a negative impact on the ability to counteract the epidemic and reduce its spread. In this regard, the formation of tolerant, adequate attitude to HIV-positive people and to the topic of HIV infection in Uzbekistan continues to be an urgent task.

Although HIV infection is only a disease, it has many social and emotional consequences not only for those living with HIV / AIDS, but also for their families and friends, for all people concerned about the spread of The disease. In the face of the obvious and imminent death, most people are afraid. What if scientists are wrong and there are other ways to transmit the virus? Better not to risk it. It is better to stay away from danger and not to admit AIDS patients to themselves or to their loved ones. The intolerance that underlies discrimination to everything alien results in practice in labeling, intimidation and threats, in physical violence, in addressing public opinion with demands to protect society from these people by coercive measures of influence on them, up to isolation from others. This attitude leads to tragic results. Children are forced to drop out of school, the sick are fired from work, they are expelled from homes and apartments. Some die alone without any care. Often, people living with HIV/AIDS are divided into «innocent victims» and «those who are to blame». Infants infected from their mothers, people infected through transfusion of untested blood, wives infected husbands are considered as «innocent victims» and evoke sympathy. Those who are allegedly «guilty» of their own infection, for example, prostitutes, drug addicts, homosexuals, are considered to deserve illness and death. People who do not belong to these groups believe that they are not in danger and do not care about the safety of their behavior. They think, " It can't happen to me».. But AIDS is not about» us «and»them». Some do not get HIV, because they are «bad» and others are not protected from HIV by the fact that they are «good». People become infected with HIV as a result of their actions, and not due to the fact. who he or she is. Any person who commits acts that border on the risk of HIV infection can become ill with AIDS. No one is immune from illness if he or she puts himself or herself at risk. No one deserves to get this disease. And until we realize that anyone can become infected with HIV, the epidemic will continue to spread. By educating, by knowing the truth about AIDS, rumors, myths, and fears can give way to compassion and care. It is necessary to overcome the fear of infection. Many of the virus carriers are burdened with isolation and loneliness. People always feel very thin when suddenly changing attitude. Don't be afraid to give them a helping hand. Do not be afraid to shake hands with a person infected with HIV, do not be afraid to sit next to him, eat at the same table, use the shared toilet, participate in sporting events, learn and work or kiss him. Children and adolescents infected by the virus should attend school, at least until the doctor advises them to stay at home. The risk of infection from them is so unlikely that it is simply unethical to deprive them of the opportunity to learn and communicate with their peers. Try to imagine what would you do if it was suddenly discovered that he had contracted the immunodeficiency virus. So treat people with HIV, as I would like them to treat you. Any of of virus carriers or patients with AIDS need compassion and sympathy, care and support, treatment and prevention in the same way as any other sick person. No one deserves to be neglected just because he got infected [1].

At present, stigma and discrimination are serious problems directly related to HIV/AIDS. Stigma for people living with HIV means a social stereotype that reflects the bias of those around them towards people living with HIV. These people, because of their infection, are unfairly attributed qualities that are not really available. So, on an emotional level, stigma is accompanied by prejudice against HIV — infected people in the population as indecent, unworthy and depraved people. On a rational level, stigma means the danger of HIV for the health of others the ability to infect [2]. Stigma leads to feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation in people living with HIV (self — stigmatization), and extreme negative attitudes (discrimination) lead to inaction or actions that can harm others. They can have a negative impact on the health, quality of life, social support and well — being of people living with HIV.

The AIM of the STUDY was to Assess the attitude and level of tolerance of the population of Tashkent city people living with HIV.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: a Quantitative survey method of the personal formalized interview. The sample size of 150 respondents (50 doctors, 50 nurses and 50 population of Tashkent city).

RESULTS: the Majority of respondents are ready to take care of a sick relative if necessary in case of HIV infection (70 %), only 6.5 % noted that they are not ready to take care. In case of infection of relatives, more than half of respondents will try not to disclose this information to others (58.1 %), will not hide it 15.3 %. Higher level of tolerance among women (45,4 %), respondents 31–40 years (48 %), people married (47,9 %), having children. In addition, respondents who practice risk behaviour tend to be tolerant. In relation to the HIV-infected teacher of the educational institution, the surveyed audience demonstrates less tolerance than to other personnel. Only one third of respondents consider it permissible to continue professional activity of an HIV-infected teacher. Half of the respondents are ready to show tolerance towards a friend who has contracted HIV and to continue communicating with him. Less than a fifth of them will try to stop communication (18.3 %). In negative emotions confessed every tenth (contempt) and a little more admitted fear of HIV infection. About the desire to help says one in five (19.3 %), feel sorry for patients with HIV infection 16.9 %, fear of HIV-infected 12.8 % of respondents. Every tenth feels disgust or indifference.

CONCLUSION: based on the results of the survey, it can be concluded that respondents are not tolerant enough to HIV-infected companions and teachers. The formation of tolerant attitude towards HIV-infected people and the inadmissibility of discrimination, promotion of principles based on respect for human rights are still relevant today. In this regard, one of the priorities to ensure the targeted use of resources and a coordinated response to this problem should be the elaboration of issues of coordination and development of inter-sectoral social partnership between the state and society.


  1. The social and health problems of people living with hiv/aids in Tashkent. Rustamova H.E, Mirkhamidova S. M. Penza, 2017
  2. Rustamova H.E, Mirkhamidova S. M. The organization of rendering medical, advisory, psychological and other types of the help for the people living with HIV. Penza, 2017
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HIV, AIDS, AIM, AND, CONCLUSION, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS, METHODS, RESULTS, STUDY.