Scientific activity in primary school | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 9. Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы

Опубликовано в

VII международная научная конференция «Инновационные педагогические технологии» (Казань, октябрь 2017)

Дата публикации: 28.09.2017

Статья просмотрена: 171 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Алибоева, А. А. Scientific activity in primary school / А. А. Алибоева. — Текст : непосредственный // Инновационные педагогические технологии : материалы VII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, октябрь 2017 г.). — Казань : Бук, 2017. — С. 87-89. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Students are usually attracted to scientific research in high school. Of course, these studies are rather primitive, but they justify their role. Students learn the basics of research; try to understand the nuances of the scientific approach. But you can start the way of the scientific community in the primary classes.

This statement has many examples. Today, more and more schools are taking on the experience of organizing research activities among junior students.

Why do you need scientific activity in primary school?

The answer is simple — it helps to identify and develop the intellectual and creative abilities of the child. Children have a natural need for new knowledge, they are inquisitive from nature. And this must be stimulated and directed to the right track. The child learns to see the problem, build the simplest hypotheses, analyze and compare. In addition, children learn to ask questions: correctly and correctly. And, finally, the child begins to position himself as an explorer, he learns to put forward his own ideas and protect them correctly.

All these skills are very relevant for a modern school. This contributes to the competitiveness of the intellectual market in the future, and also affects the aspects of socialization of the student.

At the same time, the novelty of the subject of research is completely unimportant. That is, first the children are working on the long-proven things. It differs from usual educational activity in that the children are not satisfied with the statement of facts, but they themselves go through the path of cognition and draw conclusions. The very process of cognition is important in the initial stage of research.

Scientific work in the modern context. The current generation of junior schoolchildren owns a computer well enough. This circumstance also affects the process of introduction into scientific activity.

Of course, working with kids has its own characteristics. A teacher who acts as a scientific adviser should remember three rules for working with schoolchildren: the availability of material, the gradual complication of the material and its various levels. This means that the topics for scientific research should correspond to the age and interests of the child. If the student asks the question: «Why is it snowing?",

He should make this issue the subject of research. The process of cognition, description and search for a solution to a problem should not be overloaded with terminology. More important is the correct construction of the study, a competent description of the process and the logic between the parts of the study. The child must master the scheme of scientific work, the algorithm of activity.

What are the results of research activities?

Scientific discoveries do not become an end in themselves here. For the child is important his own work, satisfaction from the search for an answer to the question. He is fascinated by the process, during which he learns new ways of learning and learning. The teacher also assesses the success and effectiveness of the work on the following criteria: the child acquires qualitatively new skills in working with information, he learns to set goals and plan his work. In addition, scientific activity influences the widening of the horizons of children, the level of erudition, the development of various types of thinking. It is also important that children acquire a new experience of public speaking.

What forms of work should be used?

The toolkit of the teacher acting in the role of the scientific leader is quite diverse. Including this applies to the choice of forms of work. The most important role played by a child of this age plays the main role. It is during the game that children most figuratively, associatively and objectively memorize most of the information. This is due to the motivation and reinforcement of the child's natural curiosity.

Explaining the essence of some phenomena or processes, the teacher conducts a practical lesson. It can be the construction of an elementary experience or experiment. There must be classes in the computer class. In the arsenal of the teacher there are also traditional conversations and discussions.

What are the tasks of the teacher?

The teacher sets himself a series of tasks that will help him make a program and outline the strategy of work:

‒ the students develop thinking, attention, and memory. Development in particular of such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison;

‒ familiarity with the methods of research, development of some of them;

‒ training in research design skills;

‒ development of a culture of speech, oral public speaking;

‒ improvement of computer skills and use of information technology.

How to choose a topic for scientific research?

In this issue it is important to take into account the opinion of the child. Usually the teacher has an idea of the interests and inclinations of the child. He can direct it, suggest a topic. Some of the children like the subjects of the natural cycle, someone else is approaching another option — socially significant topics. Do not limit the choice of the child. The experience of joint research is quite successful. That is, the teacher forms a small scientific community, represented by a class collective, which is working on one problem. In order for the first study to turn out to be bright and interesting to all the children, do not take a complex subject matter. So, you can stop the choice on the topic: «What does the modern hero look like?".

This research pursues two goals: acquaintance with the concept of «hero» and his representation in art and art, and also — drawing up the collective image of the modern hero. In the process of this work, the children not only understand the topics that are superficial, but also learn the basics of interviewing and questioning.

Internal visibility. It presupposes the use of images, associations, and logical connections formed in the minds to create new images. It is very important to use visual aids purposefully, not to clutter up lessons with a large number of visual aids, because this prevents students from concentrating and pondering the most significant issues. This use of visualization in training does not bring benefits, but rather hurts both the assimilation of knowledge and the development of schoolchildren.

Visibility is one of the components of a holistic learning system that can help a junior high-school student to better understand the material studied at a higher level. The solution of educational problems is facilitated by the use of various visual aids not only at the stage of acquaintance, but also in the consolidation of knowledge, in the formation of skills and abilities.

The practice of teaching shows that with the systematic inclusion of visual aids, the independence of students increases, their activity increases, and a positive attitude to the subject is formed. This circumstance is very important for ensuring development in the process of personal training.

Means of clarity help to solve such problems as mobilization of students' mental activity; the introduction of novelty in the learning process; increasing interest in the lesson; increase the possibility of involuntary memorization of the material; expansion of the volume of the assimilated material; the selection of the main in the material and its systematization.

The completed researches, as well as the study of psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue give grounds to conclude that the work will be more fully perceived if correctly selected types of visualization, taking into account the genre features of the work under study. Visibility is used not only for illustration, but also as an independent source of knowledge for creating problematic situations. Modern visibility makes it possible to organize effective search and research work of students.

Thus, visibility plays a special role in teaching children of primary school age, as it corresponds to the peculiarities of their perception and assimilation of knowledge. Visual aids are of great developmental value, they contribute to the development of children's skills and habits. Knowledge of the types of visual aids makes it possible to correctly select them and effectively use them in training. In terms of use, visual aids are divided into general and individual.

The relevance of the research movement

Today, research activities not only contribute to the solution of the above tasks, but also plays the role of forecasting. The teacher observes the pupil's inclination to this or that type of activity, to the object. This is expressed in some continuity to the starting in the middle link Olympics movement. Many teachers call the scientific activity of students of lower grades the first step of self-realization of the child.


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