Written speech activity of students in learning English | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 5. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Опубликовано в

III международная научная конференция «Педагогика сегодня: проблемы и решения» (Казань, март 2018)

Дата публикации: 22.02.2018

Статья просмотрена: 879 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Циленко, И. П. Written speech activity of students in learning English / И. П. Циленко. — Текст : непосредственный // Педагогика сегодня: проблемы и решения : материалы III Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, март 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 31-33. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/276/13787/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Teaching writing involves a different kind of speech exercises: speech exercises for teaching written communication; writing-speech exercises for working with a printed text; writing-speech exercises, due to the process of reading, listening and oral communication.

The letter and written speech serve not only as a learning tool in the methods of teaching a foreign language, but more as a goal of learning a foreign language. The letter is a technical component of writing.

As you know, writing is closely linked with reading. Their system is one of the graphic systems of the language. Writing is the encoding or encryption of thoughts with graphic symbols when reading is their decoding or deciphering.

If you identify the goals of teaching writing and written speech correctly, to address the role of writing in the development of other skills to use exercises that fully meet goals, perform these exercises at a suitable stage of learning, then speaking is becoming richer and more logical.

The letter plays a supporting role at the development of grammar skills, doing written exercises from simple cheating to tasks which require a creative approach that creates the necessary conditions for remembering. It is difficult for students to retain vocabulary and grammar without reliance on the letter.

Written statements, essays, creative dictations, drafting plans and talking points for messages on a given topic, writing personal and business letters, written stories according to the specified situations relate to communicative written speech. In other words it is a written speech exercise on the studied or related topic of speaking practice.

Written-speech exercises for the work with a printed text.

In addition to the well-known exercises, they can contain the following:

– rewrite the text, excluding the secondary words and sentences from it;

– write a message to a potential, real or imaginary recipient, using the contents of the letter;

– prepare outline of oral presentation using a selection of texts on the topic or issue.

– When reading (viewing, studying) the following written exercises are interesting:

– find and write out necessary information from the text;

– make a written review on a topic or issue, using a variety of sources in a foreign language;

– make annotations on articles of the special magazine;

– prepare material for proposed publication in a special journal by analogy with the article;

– make written notes for further work with the material in the process of reading literature (texts).

While listening students can do the following tasks:

– make a summary of the text according to a previously proposed plan (keyword);

– make the recordings with the printed reference signals in the process of listening of the audio text;

– allocate information from the text and record it in accordance with a given communicative situation.

Exercises written in the sequence from simple to complex, from reproduction to develop its views and positions.

All exercises are made in written form. The following tasks are interesting:

– restore the beginning and end of the story;

– restore the dialogue on the individual «rails» replicas;

– change the text (message to a conversation, a dialogue in the description);

– describe the ambiguous situation in various texts and dialogues;

– explain the contradiction between textual and illustrative information;

– answer a letter with a letter, a phone call, conversation, etc.;

– pick up key words which lead to a particular result which is known in advance, etc.

«A creative letter»

For creative writing work business reference texts can be used. Students are asked questions of a personal nature, such as: What is the significance of the obtained information for me? How does my world differ from my peers abroad? Why are there these differences?

Thus, to teach how to record oral speech, including teaching to write personal and business letters, fill out forms, write brief and detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of work or school, etc. — all this is the main purpose of teaching writing, besides performing a supporting role in the teaching of reading, speaking, grammar, vocabulary.

The task of the teacher is in creating the conditions which would facilitate the communication of students. To do this, the teacher should take into account the specific features of this form of speech activity, such as:

– motivation;

– purposefulness, activity;

– the relationship with personality and mental activities of man;

– independence;

– tempo and situational.

If you have goals and motives of communication, taken into account the characteristic features of the participants of communication, their age, level of development etc., the act of communication in any speech situation will definitely take place.

1. Tasks aimed to develop cultural sensitivity:

– a description of the course of events (history in pictures);

– free comments to pictures, to sounds and noise (audio);

– a limit of perception (describing pictures/ situations from memory);

– the description of the picture — interpretation — personal experience).

2. Tasks to form concepts and explain values:

– preparation of social gram;

– —definitions;

– making a collage of images and different types of texts;

– the differentiation of the values of similar concepts

– project work: a study of the concept.

3. Tasks for mapping cultures:

– contrasting/ comparing;

– discuss and evaluate stereotypes;

– discuss and evaluate different opinions.

I. Announced written texts:

– Description (description of pictures, plot).

– Conversation/dialogue.

– A story/fairy tale.

II. Oral texts:

– Review to movies/storytelling (11 class, a remake of the film).

– Oral story/message.

– Oral interview, interview.

– Scenes from plays/films, programs.

– Discussion.

Project method

1. Try to represent the behavior of the characters in the changed circumstances, for example, a few years later, or ask to become heroes, if something did not happen;

2. Retell the text from those different characters. Here, students can even dream up, because the text cannot contain all information about behavior and location of a particular character;

3. Offer the picture-illustration to the text, not to draw it, but just describe what it will be;

4. Write your questions to the characters, if it were possible to be there. For example, you work for the newspaper. You are going to interview one of these people: Mr. Harris, Miss Adams, Sergeant Parnell. Write 5 questions for the interview. Then interview your friend and write his/her answers. Or: What would you ask Ivanhoe on meeting him?

5. Having considered the illustration to the text, write an essay on «What is happening to the hero (heroine) at the moment»

6. Write promotional brochure of any passages from the text or institution. For example, write an advertisement for the Race Train. Use a map of Canada to describe a route of the train across the country.

7. Write a brief summary to the book, which could be an introduction.

8. Write a letter to the hero or heroine of the book, warning him (her) about what might happen. For example, Write a letter to Olivia, warning her about Malvolio's actions (use Shakespeare's phrases where possible) («Twelfth Night»).

9. Give advice to the hero (heroine). For example, your advice to Childe Harold.

  1. Write an essay about your favorite character;
  2. Compare the characters in the book that there is clearly opposed to each other or with the character previously read books.
  3. Based on the situation of the text, write your own text in a different genre.
  4. Choose / to select the Proverbs which fit the meaning to the situation andconvey the idea of the text most accurately.

Teaching writing can be both a goal and a means of learning, as this process helps to acquire oral speech, practicing such characteristics as large-scale, consistency and coherence. It should be noted that learning written language is inextricably linked to learning other kinds of speech activity. The written word allows you to preserve linguistic and factual knowledge, serves as a reliable tool for thinking, encourages speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language.

It should be noted that learning written language is inextricably linked to learning other kinds of speech activity. The written word allows you to preserve linguistic and factual knowledge, serves as a reliable tool for thinking, encourages speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language.

Based on the foregoing, I can conclude that the end result of a competent and properly-planned approach to teaching in the field of teaching writing is the high level of literacy, fluency in the language and styles of presentation, the ability to consistently and succinctly convey how their own thoughts and perceive from external sources.


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