Effective strategies for teaching the homogeneous direct objects in modern English at Uzbek schools | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 13. Народное образование и педагогика за рубежом

Опубликовано в

III международная научная конференция «Педагогика сегодня: проблемы и решения» (Казань, март 2018)

Дата публикации: 07.03.2018

Статья просмотрена: 103 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мамасолиева, Ф. Р. Effective strategies for teaching the homogeneous direct objects in modern English at Uzbek schools / Ф. Р. Мамасолиева. — Текст : непосредственный // Педагогика сегодня: проблемы и решения : материалы III Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, март 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 66-68. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/276/13941/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

In our article we worked on the homogenous direct objects in both English and Uzbek schools as well as effective teaching strategies of them at Uzbek schools. In sentences we use object complements in a sentence that has an action verb. No action verb needs a complement to be grammatically legal. But an action-verb sentence without a complement may sound bare. The complements that follow action verbs — the direct object, indirect object, and objective complement — enhance the meaning of the subject-verb pair. The direct object receives the action.

In these languages like in everyday languages, a direct object is a word (usually a noun or a pronoun) or a word group that follows an action verb and is the direct receiver of the action expressed in the verb. By the term direct receiver of the action we mean that sometimes the action in a verb may be carried over to some word or word group mentioned in the sentence. That word or word group is the receiver of the action and therefore homogeneous direct object as in the sentence like “He asked for a book and a magazine to read”. In this sentence the verb is an action verb: asked for. The subject is the person doing the action of asking for: a book and a magazine. The nouns abook and a magazine is therefore the homogeneous direct object of the action verb asked for. Homogeneous objects are sentences which usually answer the same question and are connected with the same word in the sentence. Homogeneous objects are the identical sentence parts connected with each other by co-ordinating conjunctions or without conjunctions.

And also I mainly focused on possible realizations of a homogeneous direct object. At the beginning I tried to explain what an object was. One should make clear difference between direct and indirect objects as well as some other clausal elements which influence objects first of all, I think.

Generally, we can distinguish four basic elements within a sentence: subject, verb, complement and object. Let’s imagine we have a sentence in which there is involved some action. If the action or event involves another person or thing which the action affects, relates to or produces, we express it by placing a nominal groups referring to them directly after the verbal group (verb). This is called homogeneous direct object (I-subject- don’t like- verbal group- Jack and John.- homogeneous direct object realized by a nominal group). Clauses which contain a homogeneous direct object are usually called transitive clauses. Verbs contained in these clauses which are followed by a homogeneous direct object are called transitive verbs. As a rule direct object is the most frequent kind of object and if there is an indirect object in the sentence, there must be a direct object as well (but there are some exceptions from this rule). An object (both direct and indirect) can be also described as a noun phrase or clause with nominal function which follows subject and predicator (verbal group). For distinguishing objects it is necessary to know that by being made passive they assume the role of subject.

We also focused on homogeneous direct objects that can be realized by a nominal group or by finite clauses. The finite clauses can be further divided into “that” clauses and “wh-“clauses. Other way of realizing objects are non- finite clauses. We distinguish two types of them: “to infinitive” clauses and “-ing” clauses. The example of a homogeneous direct object realized by a nominal group can be: The police (subject) caught (verb) the murderers and robbers (homogeneous direct objects). Homogeneous direct objects realized by pronouns belong to this category as well. Pronoun is considered to be a nominal group. We use so called homogeneous object pronouns in these sentences. Object pronouns are: me, us, you, him, her, it and them. Example of such realization is: Jack (subject) couldn’t find (verb) you and them (homogeneous direct object realized by pronouns).

The case of the usage of “that” clauses depends on the verb in the preceding homogeneous direct object clause was also studied thoroughly in our paper. Verbs which are often followed by “that” clause can be divided into verbs of knowing and perceiving (believe, imagine, find, realize, see) — I believe that you will become a good teacher and that you will achieve much success in teaching; verbs which refer to potential situation (hope, expect, suppose) — I hope that you don’t mind participating in the project and taking an active part in it.

“Wh-“clauses which are homogeneous direct objects follow verbs of different verbal or mental processes (realize, think, insist, ask). In this case the “wh-“ clause retains the same function as nouns (nominal groups): Tom thought where he had been and what he had done yesterday. She soon realized what a good luck she had had and whom she had enjoyed it with.

We also discussed homogeneous direct objects that can be also realized by non-finite clauses. These clauses can either have subject of their own or they can have the same subject as the main clause. There are two types of non-finite clauses: to- infinitive clauses (I would like to stay and to rest at home.) and -ing clauses (I regret hearing and saying that.).

There is also another way how a homogeneous direct object can be realized. In this case we use anticipatory it and an extra posed subject (anticipatory it). The structure of the sentence is following: subject, predicator, homogeneous direct object and object complement. Example of such sentence can be: Peter might find it difficult (complement) for the company both to get the contract and to assign it. (homogeneous direct object).

So-called prepositional object may belong to marginal realizations of homogeneous direct object. There are two points of view as far as this type of object is concerned. One of them says that the prepositional object exists, but that it is identical with homogeneous direct object (For what are you asking?). The second viewpoint claims that there is not prepositional object and that there is only homogeneous direct object after prepositional verbs (What are you asking for?).

We gave our specific interest to work on effective teaching strategies on the theme of homogeneous direct object as well. The main purpose is to evaluate the traditional methods of teaching as well as multimedia teaching and to suggest other useful teaching methods that can be attempted in imparting knowledge to the students. Basically teaching must include two major components sending and receiving information. Ultimately, a teacher tries his best to impart knowledge as the way he understood it. So, we think any communication methods that serve this purpose without destroying the objective could be considered as innovative methods of teaching. The use of innovative methods in educational institutions has the potential not only to improve education, but also to empower people, strengthen governance and stimulate the effort to achieve the human development goal for the country.

Nowadays there is democratization of knowledge and the role of the teacher is to change that. We need to have interactive teaching and this changing role of education is inevitable with the introduction of multimedia technology.

The analysis reveals some of the suggestions that the teaching community can practice in the classrooms. The teachers are satisfied when they could reach the pupils community with their ideas and views. So, teaching depends upon successful mode of communication and innovation.

The teaching would be highly effective if the teacher start to use the recent multimedia technologies like usage of computers extensively or some modifications in the conventional mode of teaching. The use of computers may be very well practiced in the environment where the use of such technology is highly possible, but there must be some sort of innovation which can also be practiced in an environment where such use of technology is on its way to growth.

We believe that the core objective of teaching is passing on the information or knowledge to the minds of the pupils at schools. Any method using computers or modifying the existing conventional chalk-talk method are innovative if they ultimately serve the attainment of core objective of teaching.


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