Learning English without tutor is an achievable goal | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 10. Образование взрослых, самообразование

Опубликовано в

VIII международная научная конференция «Инновационные педагогические технологии» (Казань, май 2018)

Дата публикации: 07.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Собирова, Г. С. Learning English without tutor is an achievable goal / Г. С. Собирова, А. Ш. Мухаммадиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Инновационные педагогические технологии : материалы VIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, май 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 61-65. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/278/14200/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

To speak English fluently is the goal of many people around the world, whether it is an ordinary builder or a school teacher, or a student. After all, this language is one of the most popular languages in the world, which helps us to find a good job in international companies, enter a prestigious university or college, to study the culture of countries you do not know the language of. In a word, English is the «golden bridge» that connects all countries of the world. But how can you learn this language yourself, without any tutors? Is it possible at all?

First of all, before starting to study, we must determine the reason for studying this language, for example, to find a good job, make friends with people from other countries, to travel and so on. But this is not enough, after all, we usually begin to talk about how to learn grammar, how to write a sentence and start speaking English. Do not forget, for good reason, English is an international language, as this language is much easier to learn than other languages. Why is learning English so pleasant and easy? Let’s compare English with Russia:

First, in English there is no such number of prefixes, suffixes and endings, (that is, forms of declension of nouns and adjectives, as well as forms of conjugation of verbs), as in Russian.

Secondly, in the English sentence, in comparison with the Russian, a rather rigid order of words; if you master this rigid structure (and this is not difficult), then you can «replicate» sentences, substituting new and new words into it.

Third, many English words are familiar to us from childhood — we only need to be able to recognize them and use them according to the rules of word formation and pronunciation.

Fourthly, the grammar of the English language is much stricter and more logical than the grammar of the Russian language; if you master this strict (and not very complicated) logic, you can «replicate» a variety of grammatical constructions to express all your thoughts and feelings. [1, 11p.] And now we will draw up a strict plan for studying English, which will help us to learn this language independently much more efficiently than with a tutor:

THE FIRST STEP. Find in the library, bookstore or on the Internet textbooks that have special lessons on learning English yourself with a certain level of knowledge. For example, there are many useful books like Anne Watson and Peter Veney «Survival English: practice book», “English yourself” V. A. Milovidov or Sandra Stevens “Complete English as а Foreign Language. Teach Yourself”. All these books are wonderful and the authors of these books tried to create something special, based on many years of experience of their work. I would like to quote a passage from the introduction of Sandra Stevens’ book “Complete English as а Foreign Language. Teach Yourself”:

«What is special about this course? Research method: learn to learn!

There are many methods of learning a foreign language. Perhaps you are already familiar with some of them and even invented your own ways. The basis of this course is the research approach. First, you will hear how words, phrases and grammatical structures are used in context. Then, using tasks and leading questions, you will find out their meaning, pay attention to stable expressions and constructions, begin to understand grammar, expand vocabulary and learn to understand English, speak and write in English. What you understand yourself, you better remember and use more confidently in the speech. This method will help you improve in language learning and after you finish the course at our course.

Everyone can learn a foreign language. The whole question is how to teach it. Learning a language is not just about reading, memorizing grammar rules and new words. You need to learn actively, on examples from life. If you understand yourself in the device of grammatical construction or the intricacies of using words and expressions, you better remember them and easily can apply them where appropriate.

With most of the necessary information, such as grammar and pronunciation rules, you will get acquainted with the help of the research method — which means that you will learn more interestingly and you will quickly see the result.


THE SECOND STEP. Learning new English words is one of the most important aspects when learning a language. There are many ways to study them, such as separating words by subject. For example, you need to find all the words related to the bathroom or school supplies. You will achieve much better results when dividing words by subject, if you draw a mind map through which you can make up a whole «family» of words. When you draw, recalling the words, you better remember them. Also drawing up multi-colored cards with new words is an alternative way. Most importantly, do not forget to repeat the learned words on a regular basis by charting a special repetition schedule.

THE THIRD STEP. After reading the above books, you will have a Basic English language, through which you can easily conduct a conversation, communicate, make contact with other people about solving or discussing problems related to your daily life. What is communication and why is it so important?

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, the perception and understanding of another person. Only in the course of communication with other people can we know, understand and assert ourselves in our eyes. By communicating with other people a person learns the knowledge accumulated by mankind, his experience, established laws and norms, values ​​and methods of activity, it helps to be formed as a person. [2]

But many of us have a fear of making mistakes when we speak. Remember! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because by doing them, you will try not to commit them next time. Moreover, there is a question — with whom we can talk, if we do not go to any tutor? The answer is very simple. In today's technological world, there are many social sites like Speaky, Facebook or Skype, by registering you will be able to find many foreign friends who speak English as the first language. Be braver and you will succeed.

If a person wants to do something himself, he will do it in spite of any difficulties. Do not expect help from someone. Try to succeed yourself, without anyone's help, only then you will be satisfied with the result. Imagine English as a huge stone, which you want to throw into the water. Yes, in the first minutes a bit spatters will appear in the water, the water will not want to reunite with the stone, but gradually the water will get used to and take this stone. Everything depends on our desire!


  1. English yourself / VA Milovidov. — Moscow: AST, 2015. — (Learning yourself). ISBN 978–5-17–087774–4
  2. Ye.I.Rogov “Psychology of communication” — OOO KnoRus Publishing House 2018.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): STEP, THE, AST, FIRST, ISBN, OOO, SECOND, THIRD.

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