Methods for forming educational and organizational activities of future teachers
Автор: Кастаев Серик Канатович
Рубрика: 9. Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы
Опубликовано в
Дата публикации: 12.05.2020
Статья просмотрена: 15 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Кастаев, С. К. Methods for forming educational and organizational activities of future teachers / С. К. Кастаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Актуальные вопросы современной педагогики : материалы XIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, июнь 2020 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2020. — С. 48-49. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.01.2025).
The future of modern civilization depends not only on technological progress and economic growth. The role of a person who is ready to solve key social-economic problems for the benefit of people is important. Therefore, in the second half of the twentieth century, reform of the educational system has become an urgent problem in different countries of the world. According to UNESCO, one of the reasons for this phenomenon was a reassessment of the values of world civilization, in which society came to understand the need to educate a person with a planetary mindset, able to actively participate in social progress, change himself and the surrounding reality. The leading factor in the implementation of this global task is the education system. Pedagogical education is the foundation of the general education system.
Reforms of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan over the past decade are aimed at integration into the global educational space and convergence with international educational standards. In the process of reforming the education system, a number of positive and negative trends are observed. Positive trends include the desire of educational institutions for autonomy, the introduction of new specialties, new disciplines necessary for society in changing social and economic conditions. Recently, a lot of work has been done to update the standards for all specialties, a variety of educational content and various levels has been achieved. To improve the quality of training, new educational technologies are gradually being introduced. Much attention was paid to the modernization of the educational complex in all disciplines of the educational cycle.
Taking into account the main problems facing Kazakh society and education, the mission of pedagogical universities is to train competitive graduates capable of living in changing conditions, and the aim is to create conditions for training such a specialist on the basis of integration of science, education and industry.
«In practice, the teacher is a key figure in the implementation of key innovations. However, the current pace of innovation in the educational process does not always correspond to the capabilities of the teacher in real working conditions.... The priority of the modern higher professional university is the training of educated specialists who are able and willing to adapt to changing market conditions and, more importantly, be competitive in the face of changing requirements for the dynamics of the workplace» [1].
All general educational skills develop comprehensively and are equally necessary for professional activities, as well as for the ability to learn independently. One of the most important skills that a future teacher should develop in society is the ability to plan his/her own activities. This applies to educational and organizational skills.
In the 70s of the XX century T. I. Shamova stated that teaching is a process of self-government: «From a didactic point of view, the learning process is a focused self-governing transforming function of mastering knowledge organized by a teacher (or student), methods of their search, processing and application» [2].
If we look at the management cycle of educational and organizational activities, it is necessary to understand the whole set of interacting, sometimes parallel, management functions aimed at achieving a specific goal [3].
In this regard, the nature of the educational and organizational abilities of the future teacher can be determined: activity, innovation, perseverance, hard work, communication, observation, self-control, implementation of the educational organization. The most important is the activity orientation of educational and organizational activity.
Currently, the format of education is undergoing radical changes due to the growing potential of digital technologies for education. At the same time, the system of requirements for the formation of educational and organizational skills of future teachers is changing. This is due to the fact that when forming the educational and organizational activities of future teachers, it is necessary to use the capabilities of digital technologies in education. This independent branch of pedagogy can be explained by the development of digital pedagogy.
The rapid development of digital technologies and the expansion of access to them form an education system with many innovative ideas and digital learning environments. In particular, the development of digital learning technologies (e-learning. Mobile-Learning, Smart-learning, Blended-Learning, Flexible-Learning, Nomadic-Learning, Ubiquitous-Learning, Network-Learning және т. б.), increasing the potential of smart devices in digital education (tablets, smartphones, etc.), the development of open educational platforms (Coursera. Eclass, Khan Academy, Canvas Network, Edx, Stanford on iTunes U және т. б.) and the rapid growth in the number of open online courses.
Digital technologies are used in education for solving two problems: expanding the learning environment and access to education and involving students in the educational process. In this regard, one of the important directions of the rapid development of the domestic education system is the study and use of methods for the introduction of secondary education using the capabilities of digital technologies, cloud platforms in the formation of educational and training resources.
The huge potential of digital technologies in education mentioned above emphasizes the importance of building the educational and organizational skills of future teachers based on digital technologies.
– In this regard, a summary analysis of experience and research in the field of secondary education was carried out. As a result, the following problems were identified:
– insufficient use of the pedagogical potential of digital technologies, cloud technologies in education and upbringing;
– lack of digital educational content in the Kazakh language and in some cases low quality;
– Lack of the systematic approach to the full use of the educational potential of digital technologies in education.
This actualizes the requirements for the formation of educational and organizational skills of modern future teachers, the content and organizational development of secondary education using the achievements of digital pedagogy. In this regard, the pedagogical and organizational skills of future teachers are improved, contributing to:
– ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the needs of students and the diversity of individual opportunities.
– improving the content of educational and organizational activities of future teachers in the classroom, combined learning, mobile learning, project-based learning in expanding and supporting educational opportunities for students using digital technologies.
– improving the professional skills of future teachers in the creation, distribution, exchange of digital learning resources using educational technologies for screening, podcasting, gamification, infographics, technology for mapping the mind, web quest, technology blogs, QR code;
– improving the skills of future teachers in the use of cloud technologies in education, online learning opportunities;
– creation of virtual educational platforms for training (blogs, sites, wikis), solving the problems of forming skills in using the capabilities of social networks for professional development.
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- Shamova T. I. Izbrannoe. — M.: Tsentralnoe izdatelstvo, 2004., s. 71.
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