The permanent innovational process as the factor of the developing of the education | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 5. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы

Опубликовано в

IV международная научная конференция «Теория и практика образования в современном мире» (Санкт-Петербург, январь 2014)

Дата публикации: 20.12.2013

Статья просмотрена: 31 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Черепова, К. Г. The permanent innovational process as the factor of the developing of the education / К. Г. Черепова. — Текст : непосредственный // Теория и практика образования в современном мире : материалы IV Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Санкт-Петербург, январь 2014 г.). — Т. 0. — Санкт-Петербург : Заневская площадь, 2014. — С. 103-104. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

…The main social pedagogical sense of the innovational movement in education is the main social and mental base, the tower of strength in the educational system.


The current stage of the social development is showed by the unprecedented increase in the science sphere, high level of the progress in the computer technologies, the evolution of the innovational processes in all aspects of the social production. The speed of the invention and absorption of the innovations in all facets of the modern society, the level of the implementation of them into our life and consciousness turned the innovations into a natural process, they have become an important element of the social progress that poses a requirement on the educational field.

The word “innovation”(from Latin “innove”) appeared in the middle of the 17 century. It means the intromission of the new thing into any sphere and generation a chain of changes in it.

This term has changed its first certain meaning recently. It had been interpreted as the science invention reflected in the certain technology or product. Therefore, the main rank of the effectiveness of the introduction of the innovational product was the actual profit. In the social sphere, in the sphere of education this figure of merit is not the main, on the contrary with the economics and the material production.

The innovation in the educational field can be considered as:

1)                 A stable changing, that inputs some new elements(inventions) into the education, that makes some of the characteristics of the separate parts and the whole system better

2)                 The process of the assimilation of some new technologies (new methods, programs)

3)                 The search of the perfect methods and programs, their introduction into the educational process and it’s art upheaval

Nowadays the innovation in the educational field is on the beginning stage and empirical research.

Modern school becomes an innovational institute in the informational technology part, where students can get not only some important knowledge, but the spirit of the modern informational society and learn to use it in a proper way. Without the using of the informative-communicatory technology the educational institution should not claim on the innovational status in education.

The educational institution can be counted as an innovational, only in case if the educational process includes didactic, methodical and technical innovations widely. Due to this, it achieves some real graduation of the speed and the capacity of the griped knowledge, it also raises the quality of the learning, that allows students to find their own special abilities.

The innovational route of the education changes the main goal of the school. The revelation of the abilities of each of the students, raising an orderly and patriotic man, personality that is ready for the life in the highly technological, competitive world comes into the first place. For reaching these goals, the educational process reorient on the individual educational tracks. This would allow teachers not only to select the most talented children, but to create some special circumstances for the huge number of outpourings of the children’s talents.

The transit from the education as a introducing a system of knowledge to the education as a work with some issues with the purpose of outputting some certain decisions; from the learning of some main subjects to the multidiscipline researching of some hard life situations; from the collaboration of the teacher and the pupil to the dynamic participation of the students in this.

The interactive teaching becomes the main element of the pedagogical innovation, that is based on the conversational forms of the cooperation of the participants of the educational process: learning mixed with the talk, that help the students to form and develop some communicational skills. This exact cooperation is a circumstance for developing some art abilities of the students, their cooperation(2).

The interactive learning could not ever be imagined without the modern informative-communicatory technologies. The most impressive invention for the students is a interactive whiteboard, that are slowly replacing the school chalky blackboard. It’s interactive possibilities make the process of getting knowledge even more memorable.

The lesson with using the interactive technologies, made on the base of the optimal pedagogical cooperation, has a list of advantages: the lesson goes through with an proper speed, the stages of the lesson has a logical link, some different types of the educational activity are mixed up; the lesson makes the attitude of the students more concentrated, different forms and types of activities provides the engrossment of the whole class, that allows each student to approve himself; all pupils get the materials of the lesson according to every individual-psychological makers of each of them, they get some new acquirements about the communication; the atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation is pervading on the lessons.

One of the methods of interactive learning is the group form of work, that increases the Gnostic motivation of the students and decreases the level of the fear of being incompetent in the solving of some issues. By working in a group the educability, effectiveness of the digestion and the actualization of the knowledge is increasing.

Nowadays the school has also all possibilities for the developing of the project thinking by the special type of the pupils’ activity — the project work. The project work usually has a target, that is personally meaningful of each student and it is stated as an issue. By solving this issue, the author of this project decides his strategy, arranges his time, use a lot of sources, including the informational.

The involvement of the students into the project activity happens gradually. The experience of the project activity in school shows that the interest to this significantly independent work appears in the primary school.

The students of the secondary school have enough knowledge, experience in research work, skills of using the computer for the searching of the information and the arrangement of their written work. They have also the necessary volitional merits to overcome the difficulties and not to lose the interest in the continuous duty. They are able to keep the main and important goal in their mind for the whole time of the work.

The using of the interactive technologies helps to develop the child’s personality, creation of the special pedagogical sphere, intensification of the educational process, that increases the effectiveness of the work and the quality of the education. The main sense of the including of the innovations is the increasing of the quality of the education.

The innovational process is a continuous process, that does not have the exact ending. It is not about an exponentially-increasing sum of knowledge, that was collected by the whole humanity. The peculiarity of the innovational process is it’s cyclical pattern, that can be expressed in this structure of the stages that the innovation passes: the creation, the hasty growth in the contestation with the opponents, the readiness, the absorption, the expansion, the saturation, the routinization, the crisis, the bottom(3,p.79)

Only when the innovations would be understood as a continuous and cyclic process, the quality of the education would considerably increase. This means that the education itself is not as valuable as the ability to create a new knowledge, basing on the old ones and the ability to use it properly according to the theoretical base, that was given to them in school.


1.                 Crazier M. l’enterprise a l’econte. Apprende la management postindustriale. P., 1991. P.2

2.                 Dneprov E. The school reform between “yesterday” and “tomorrow”. M., 1996, C.162

3.                 Lebedev P. The last try in modernization of the education in the Russian Empire/ P. A. Lebedev // pedagogy: science theoretical journal / Russian Academy of Education. M. 2006 № 8. С. 79–82