Lexical-phraseological linguistic cultural contact of Russian — Georgian — Turkish languages | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 5. Общее и прикладное языкознание

Опубликовано в

II международная научная конференция «Филология и лингвистика в современном обществе» (Москва, февраль 2014)

Дата публикации: 29.01.2014

Статья просмотрена: 106 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Инасаридзе, Т. П. Lexical-phraseological linguistic cultural contact of Russian — Georgian — Turkish languages / Т. П. Инасаридзе. — Текст : непосредственный // Филология и лингвистика в современном обществе : материалы II Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, февраль 2014 г.). — Т. 0. — Москва : Буки-Веди, 2014. — С. 75-77. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/phil/archive/107/4905/ (дата обращения: 23.%м.2025).

Lexical — phraseological system is any language including Russian- Georgian- Turkish Word consistes of words and their structure, which gives us an interesting research material in the development of language speakers, their ways, techniques, pattems of interaction.

The Turkish people, as with other Turkish peoples, the media and the creator of a language, has passed a difficult way of development, and it has affected to a greater or lesser extent, the effects of various languages, both related and unrelated.

Turkish language — the language of the indigenous population of Turkey and the Turkish population of Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Gapri, Iran, Syria and the conntries of Asia refers to the Ogue Subgroup Seljuk — languages. Native speakers of Anatolian Turks were knowh also unde the name “ “the Ottoman Turks”.

Modern Turkish literature is written language, which was formed only in the middle of the 19 th. century, and the modern rules of their received after the revolution 1919- 1923 Gg.and spoken language, consisting of the tuco main gronps of dialects — Dannbe- Turkish and Eastern Anatolian.

Descriptive, comparative, historical, comparative and etymological methods help to reveal the features of lexical- semantic structure of borrowing the Russo- Georgian- tareckiz languages.

“ Borrowing of vocabulary is u result of the rapporochement of the peoples on the grounds of economic, political, Scientific and cultural ties “(Reformed, 1998).

“ Borrowing is an element of foreign language (word, morpheme, syntaxs…) transferred from one language to another as a result of language contact, as the process of shifting the elements of one language to another” (Yartsev, 1990).

Turkish language of foreign borrowing words in different eras reflect the history of the Turkish people.

It should be notad that language influences were trehstoronnimi. In the Turkish language were the words vzaimstvovannyo from Russian, Georgian languages…

A. Reformed, particularly distinguishes borrowing “ learmod and mastered” In terms of words, mastered the language — recipient, are invisible and can only be opened Curea zycnost, s former research- which analysis”. Unfamiliar words are not always part of the daily vocabulary due to its importance and acope of use”(Reformed,1998).

Article is devoted to mapping, comparison, crossing the Russian- Georgian-language Turkish, known in Linguistics as a substrate.

The results make it possible to trace the history of particular words and phraseological units in these languages of Turkish and vice versa.

Languages Turkish groups still retain strong traces of the substrate that are easy to recognize during deep etymological and structural and grammatical analysis of lexical units. Linguistic description of the phonetic systems s contact us languages is given in all the phenomena of language that makes it possible to display their original and distinctive signs.

The process of linquistical creativity is associated with the notion of his domestic form. The dynamic theory based on the idea of the Von Humboldta, who notes that… Vocabulaty is an integral whole, as it spawned the Single power, and the process of producing continuiously continnes. (Humboldt, 1987).

Language, first of all it is interculturalism, reflecting the culture and consciousness of the people- a native speaker. At the present stage of development of Linquistics se need not only and not so much in the study of fixation in azykovyn units of information related to the material and spiritual culture of the peopees of native raznostruktunyh.

Describing the Russian_ Georgian-Turkish language contacts, you must allocate the following interdependent aspects of the phenomenon.

The first is to language contact situation i. e. bilingual Russian- Turkish or Georgian — Turkish, (partial, full, intensive);

The second is the result of language contact, vbirausie a lexical, phraseological, word formation, morphological, syntactic elements that penetrate from the Turkish language in Russian and Georgian languages.

Substantive components in the map languages are denotativnoj functions that make up the semantic data expression language base and define its borders.

Semantic data anality language structures allows you to define a range of Sema, relevant to members of each group, and set the semnu structure of the sense of constant and modulating semantic collocations.

In contrast to collocation, not the figurative meaning, phraseologism has semantic unity:

-       „На кончике языка“ — русский;

-       „ენის წვერზე“ — ქართული;

-       „Dılın ucunda“ — Turkish;

Here the sememe is common to all they t. e. semantically related words.

On the sustainable combination in the Turkish language is the grammar “ Rononov A. N. contemporary Turkish language”.

Ne selects, the phrase that is often so close from a semantic point of view- an association that develops into a single lexical whole” (Rononov,1956).

Phraseological combinations and expressions are semantically clenimye education, the value of which is equal to the value of their constituent words.

-       „ Заставить плакать мать“ — русский;

-       „აატირო, მიიყვანო ტირილამდე დედა“ — ქართული;

-       „Aqlayan anne olsun“ — Turkish;

Historical process have had a considerable influence on the data vzaimstvovannyh languages that have passed a modification. We meet Turkish lexical — phraseological units which are not present in the Georgian — Russian languages, or vice versa, there are words associating statistics show the death with different semantics:

-       „Путешественник того пути“ — русский;

-       „იმ გზის მგზავრი“ — ქართული;

-       „Yolun yolcusu“ — Turkish;

-       „Духовное“ — русский;

-       „სულიერი“ — ქართული;

-       „Manevı“ — Turkish;

-       „Отдать душу богу“ — русский;

-       „სულის ღმერთისვის მიბარება“ — ქართული;

-       „Ruhunu Tannya verın“ — Turkish;

-       „Душа моя“ — русский;

-       „სულო ჩემნო“ –ქართული;

-       „Ruhumu“ — Turkish;

Consider the common in Georgian — Turkish languages the semantics of the word of the day. In the same context, lets look at the semantics of noun phrase in Russian- Georgian- Turkish languages. Compare the romantic expressions and tenderness in Russian- Georgian — Turkish language contact.

-       „Любить тебя нетрудно, трудно тосковать по тебе“ — русский;

-       „ძნელი არაა მიყვარდე შენ, ძნელია მხოლოდ შენი მონატრება“ — ქართული;

-       „Senı sevmek kolaydır, senı özlemek zordur“ –Turkish;

-       „Пока не найдёшь вторую любовь, о первой не сможешь забыть“ — русский;

-       „სანამ არ შეხვდები მეორე სიყვარულს, პირველს ვერ დაივიწყებ“ — ქართული;

-       „Sen* esek deqıl bulmak baska dır ask olsa daö ılk unutmak mumkun olmayacaktırç“.

So, We have considered the problem of interaction — matching, mating, comparison, compare, anality perceive and use lexical idiom as a structural — semantic unit, in Russian- Georgian — Turkish languages.

In our view, the article helps an informed perception of lexical- phrazeological units of these languages, and contributes to their use in speech, identifies the pragmatic nature of their formation.

When the lexical — phraseological on Russian- Georgian — Turkish languages we have detected the following types of links.

Semantic — pragmatic, subdivided into species such as synonymy, qiponimia, partial, relations hips, psevdootnosenia;

The second type of semantic connection- sintagmaticeskie relationship, this type of connection in the phraseology you can only select the contextual significance.

The phaseological is the best way of the rational and compressed display of the validity. It economically displays characteristic attributes of different situations, which is submitted in consciousness of concrete language collective as a language icon of the word. The degree of reduction idioms is various. It depends on that as the subject perceives the internal form of an idiom: as alive, or already erased language icon.

In case of an alive language icon, in consciousness of the person displayed the small picture of the world, one of variants of a fragments of a language icon.

As to an idiom from with erased language icon in consciousness of the subject, it only specifies the purpose of nominations and abstracts of not essential communications.


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3.         Кононов А. Н.“ Грамматика современного турецкого языка“ М. 1956 с. 373.

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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): русский.