Teaching unprepared speech in English on the basis of reading texts | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 5. Общее и прикладное языкознание

Опубликовано в

V международная научная конференция «Современная филология» (Самара, март 2017)

Дата публикации: 28.02.2017

Статья просмотрена: 58 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зайнобиддинова, Г. Б. Teaching unprepared speech in English on the basis of reading texts / Г. Б. Зайнобиддинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Современная филология : материалы V Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Самара, март 2017 г.). — Самара : ООО "Издательство АСГАРД", 2017. — С. 40-41. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/phil/archive/234/11892/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Social processes in a modern dynamically developing society and growing exchange of information between the various countries cause much attention on teaching methods of foreign languages as means of communication, learning, self-realization and social adaptation [5.20].

Wherein one of the core components of the foreign language communicative competence of first –year students, namely communicative reading skill acts as a basis for formation informative- academic skills and allows a person to be guided effectively in growing streams of information, to design personal knowledge and independent strategy of educational activity.

Studying reading passes through difficult texts possessing cognitive value and the informative importance, therefore the first group of the skills includes the texts which are connected with standing of a language material. They include skills to correlate a word meaning with a sentence context; to establish semantic links between words/sentences/paragraphs; to define main and secondary in a sentence/paragraph; to predict on the linguistic level.

The second group — the skills connected with understanding of a content of a text, providing extraction of the substantial information: the skills which help to allocate in the text various elements, to generalize separate facts, to correlate separate parts of the text. In the third group allocate the skills connected with the comprehension of text's contest providing understanding on a judgment level: skills of outputting judgments on the bases of texts' facts, estimating the stated facts/contents as a whole, interpreting.

The development above stated skills of teaching reading occurs during independent and active educational activities of pupils which is directed on mastering the context of a text, information on culture in the broadest sense of the word and educational actions connected with the analysis of the form and function of the used lexical and grammatical language material [3.76].

The analysis of structure of educational activity shows, that each action of the activity the student carries out as an element of process of the decision of an educational problem. The term problem in psychological pedagogical science means “known objective achievement of which is possible with the help of the certain actions in the definite situation” [1.55].

So, after a preparatory stage students are offered educational task of creative nature which aims them to achieve detailed understanding of the text and to assume the information of taken from the text, its storing for expansion of knowledge and further use.

On the final stage of working with a text students obtain an opportunity to use reading means of cognitive, converting and orientation activities. At proper organization of educational activities students also solve creative problems which help them to use acquired material in practical activities.

The first component of motivation- orientation phase is the stage of actualization previously acquired socially-personal experience and actions on predicting the content of a text according to heading, keywords, the beginning and the ending, for example, by means of method “I Know — I Wish to know — Has learned”. The actions on actualization are accompanied by educational actions of defining of the basic stages of problem solving.

On the performing phase of educational activity students achieve absolute understanding of the text, wherein students repeatedly address back to the text, using not only supports in the text, but also addressing to the dictionary for full understanding of all details of its content and sense. This phase is presented by the system of educational actions of students:

– Allocation from the text its separate elements:

• central idea;

• essential facts (on the basis of paragraph structures);

• separation of the basic information from secondary one;

– Generalization of the separate facts of the text;

– Correlation of separate parts of the text with each other:

• forming and their fixing in any sequence;

• grouping of the received information;

– Conclusion on the basis of the facts of the text:

• establishment of the idea of the text which is not verbally expressed;

• assumption of possible development of the narration;

– According to novelty, importance, reliability of the facts stated in the text;

– Interpretation — to understanding of implied meaning of the text. [4. 49]

The Usage of the stated model of the organization of educational activity First-year students on mastering of reading by skilled training and the control of development of students skills of eliciting the whole information from the text allow to judge about efficiency of application of the approach during formation communicative competency of students.


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