Teaching foreign languages at the beginning stages through a role-playing games
Авторы: Жураев Зиёдбек Нурмаматович, Абдулазизова Севара Ганиевна
Рубрика: 5. Общее и прикладное языкознание
Опубликовано в
V международная научная конференция «Современная филология» (Самара, март 2017)
Дата публикации: 28.02.2017
Статья просмотрена: 94 раза
Библиографическое описание:
Жураев, З. Н. Teaching foreign languages at the beginning stages through a role-playing games / З. Н. Жураев, С. Г. Абдулазизова. — Текст : непосредственный // Современная филология : материалы V Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Самара, март 2017 г.). — Самара : ООО "Издательство АСГАРД", 2017. — С. 38-40. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/phil/archive/234/11903/ (дата обращения: 22.%м.2025).
This article is about one of the methods of teaching technology of a role-playing game at the beginning stages. Role-playing games often draw attention of the teacher since they recover a lesson, raise interest of pupils to a studied subject.
The pedagogical technology is the model of joint pedagogical activity gives interest in all details on designing, the organization and carrying out of educational process with unconditional maintenance of comfortable conditions for pupils and teachers (1).
Pedagogical technology — system set and an order of functioning of all personal, tool and methodological means used for achievement of the pedagogical purposes (2).
Well organized game creates conditions for real use of language at lesson. Putting the problem before pupil to solve, he resorts to a foreign language as to dialogue means.
It is often possible to hear reasoning of teachers that, despite their diligence, pupils cannot speak in a foreign language though well carry out exercises. Without pressing in the detailed analysis of the reasons, disturbing the pupil to “start talking”, it would be desirable to specify in one of them. In the formulation of the purposes of a lesson of a foreign language the accent is put on formation of abilities speaking skills, auditions, readings and letters, i.e. on separating kinds of speech activity. Probably, therefore the teacher only incidentally resorts to such receptions of training when it is necessary for pupil to use the generated abilities in a complex how it occurs in a natural situation of dialogue. If the teacher wants to teach pupils to communicate in a foreign language, i.e. wants, that they “have started talking”, it will not finish studying of a theme by retelling of the text or dialogue drawing up, and will consider these exercises as creating a basis for dialogue. Traditional division of exercises on language is conditional-speech and speech will turn in “training in dialogue” and “to practice in dialogue”, i.e. dialogue in a foreign language will take the certain place, both in plans of separate lessons, and in educational process on a foreign language as a whole.
So, in dialogue at a foreign language lesson it is possible to consider absence of practice as one of the reasons, disturbing the pupil to use language as dialogue means.
How to organize such practice? The most suitable form of dialogue at a lesson is the role-playing game. As well as exercises, it is possible to divide role-playing games on two groups: training in dialogue and organizing to practice in dialogue. The games training in dialogue, will be more simple, the choice of language means pupils is limited to a studied theme. Games, organizing to practice in dialogue, will be more difficult, the choice of language means is limited by nothing.
In role-playing game preparation allocate following stages:
identify the purpose and a language material on which game will be;
making up of the scenery of game;
giving roles to pupils;
psychological preparation of trainees.
For the first group of games, more simple, preparation includes points 1 and 4, for the second group — all four points. Psychological preparation is necessary especially before carrying out of the first games that the pupil has understood that he submits only to game rules and felt free in a choice of means of achievement of the purpose. Physical preparation is required to some trainees also: some simple movements under music. It is necessary to notice that during a role-playing game also the role of the teacher radically changes. During the game the teacher should forget such “harmful” habits, as correction of errors, transfer or the help of the forgotten word.
The dialogue organization at a lesson demands also a special arrangement in an office of tables and armchairs: it is impossible to communicate, sitting a back to each other. Training in dialogue is better for spending in subgroups on 3–4 persons, in certain cases — in pairs.
The teacher, beginning to apply role-playing games, should know that not always game passes how it has been conceived. The success of game depends and on pupils (they should get used to the new form of a lesson), and from the teacher. Organizing a role-playing game, the teacher should remember that:
It is impossible to compose a role instead of the pupil, and then to allow it to learn, as for performance;
It is impossible to prompt, as what words it is necessary to speak in this or that role;
At giving role it is necessary to consider quantity of boys and girls in group: boys should not play woman's roles, and on the contrary. The plot can be modified easily, entering or cleaning supporting roles or changing a man's role on female there where it is possible;
The requirement to exclude the help from the teacher does not mean that the pupil needs to be left unaided. For each game is made of keywords which, probably, will not suffice. First keywords are made by the teacher on the basis of intuition, but after carrying out of one game in 2–3 groups it is possible to make the dictionary-minimum of this game. Discussion of stories, difficult everyday or fantastic situations also concerns the second type of role — playing games, i.e. organizing to practice in dialogue. At first sight, the organization of such role-playing games is more simple, she does not demand special preparation. However, that talking of pupils, it is necessary to tell (in a foreign language) such history which would force them to worry heard or to think unexpected outcome, in other words, which would cause desire to express the opinion. In such situation the attention of the pupil is switched from the language form (how to decline a noun where to put a verb...) on the statement maintenance. During this moment the pupil uses language as dialogue meanings.
The technology of role-playing games can be used at different grade levels. Using games in steams which are directed on training of certain lexical units and grammatical structures, and the exit in speech further is provided.
At a lesson it is possible to apply the given technology within 10–15 minutes.
For example, a role-playing game “On shops” (“Going shopping”). Cards with instructions of a name and, for example, roles of the character (the Customer, Shop assistant). In advance prepare. Children voluntarily choose to themselves roles.
The task to the first pupil: You are a Customer, of shop. The customer comes to the shop. You will render what help to it in a choice of purchases.
The task to the second pupil: You are shop assistant who cannot find a thing approaching it. Answer the questions of the shop assistant (Can I help you?, What size do you need?, You can try on this dress, How do you feel?, This dress looks all right, does not it?, Do you think these gloves suit on your dress?)
Practice shows that the expressions fulfilled thus, structures, words are well remembered also pupils easily use them in their speech.
Role-playing games can be developed for all academic year. Each theme should come to the end with a role-playing game.
The foreign language lesson is not only game. We are sure that dialogues of the teacher with the pupils, arisen thanks to the general game atmosphere and actually games, have children to serious conversations, discussion of any real situations.
Pedagogical technology — set of the psycho — pedagogical installations defining a special set and configuration of forms, methods, ways, receptions of training, educational means; it is organizational-methodical way of pedagogical process.
- Комаров, А. С. Игра и пьесы в обучении английскому языку/ А. С. Комаров. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2007.- С. 3–8.
- Коряконцева Н. Ф. Современная методика организации самостоятельной работы изучающих.
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