Types of the homogeneous direct objects in modern English and Uzbek | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 5. Общее и прикладное языкознание

Опубликовано в

VI международная научная конференция «Современная филология» (Казань, март 2018)

Дата публикации: 07.03.2018

Статья просмотрена: 158 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зокирова, Д. М. Types of the homogeneous direct objects in modern English and Uzbek / Д. М. Зокирова. — Текст : непосредственный // Современная филология : материалы VI Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, март 2018 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2018. — С. 25-27. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/phil/archive/259/13942/ (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The homogeneous direct objects may are used variedly according to their use with the different syntactical means. Accordingly, they can be simple and complex, in other cases we use the verbs which require two direct homogeneous direct objects. The following constructions explain how the simple homogeneous direct objects are used with various kinds of verbs that require transitive verbs.

  1. In the first construction transitive verbs are used with the homogeneous direct objects in both English and Uzbek:

In English: vt (verb transitive)+ homogeneous direct object

In Uzbek: homogeneous direct object + vt (verb transtitive)

I have known one clump on the head have more effect upon my liver, and make me feel more anxious to go straight away then and there…

Harris wanted to get out at Hampton Church, to go and see Mrs. Thomas's Tomb.

As an instance, I remember Mr. Earnshaw once bought a couple of colts at the parish fair, and gave the lads each one.

When we reached Crewe, I asked him to come and have a drink.

Let’s see examples in Uzbek:

Bir kuni Jonkeldiboy hasratini qilib Hotam to‘raning o‘g‘lini yaxshi ko‘rganligini, diydoriga to‘yolmay besar bo‘lg‘anini arz qilib qoldi.

Hoji sukut qildi, o‘zining shunchalik gaplarini havog‘a ketib turg‘anini, majlisning Niyoz qushbegi ruhida borganlig‘ini yaxshi sezdi.

Biroq Poyanda Sultonbegim turkman sarkardalarining g'ururini, o'zboshimchaliklarini kesa olmadi.

  1. In this type of construction the homogeneous direct object precedes by the indirect object:

In English: vt + homogeneous direct object + preposition + indirect object

In Uzbek: homogeneous direct object + indirect object + dative case + vt

In this type the homogeneous direct object can be expressed by two ways:

  1. The homogeneous direct object precedes by the indirect object with to in English and with dative case in Uzbek:

He gave a book and a note-book to George. = U kitob va daftarni Jorjga berdi.

My grandmother read the tales and fables to us when we were a childhood. = Bolaligimizda buvim bizga ertaklar va masallar aytib berardi.

Не sold both his car and house to a man from Tashkent. = U Toshkentlik kishiga ham mashinasini, ham uyini sotdi.

He gave neither a pen or a pencil to anybody. = U na ruchkani va na qalamni hech kimga bermadi.

Don't show this letter and that invitation to any of your friends. = Bu hatni va anavi taklifnomani do’stlaringizdan birortasiga ko’rsatmang.

  1. The homogeneous direct object precedes by the indirect object with for in English and with dative case in Uzbek:

He brought newspapers and magazines for his father. = U gazeta va jurnallarni dadasiga olib keldi.

She bought a text-book and a dictionary for her brother. = U darslik va lug’atlarni akasiga sotib oldi.

Will you cook these eggs and sandwich for Mrs. Grey and her children? = Siz bu tuhum va sendvichni Grey honim va uning bolalariga pishirib berasizmi?

Please save this bread and cheese for your sister. = Iltimos bu non va pishloqni opangizga olib qo’ying.

  1. In this construction the homogeneous direct object may be expressed by the different subordinate clauses:

In English: vt + homogeneous direct object + subordinate clause

In Uzbek: homogeneous direct object + subordinate clause + vt

Nobody at Waterloo ever does know where a train is going to start from, or where a train when it does start is going to, or anything about it.

Our descendants will wonder how we did it and how clever we were.

Bu xo‘rlik, bu odatdan tashqari uyatsizlik bechora qutidorni juda ezgan; nima qilmoqni, xo‘rlang‘an, tahqir etilgan qizini ne yo‘sunda yupatishni, bu qora kunlarni qandog‘ qilib o‘tkazishni bilmas edi.

Bobur daftariga Saripulda qanday mag'lub bo'lganini, keyin qanday xorliklar ko’rganini yoza boshladi.

Husayn Boyqaroni va uning o'g'illarini ichkilik balosi qay darajada xarob qilganini mavlono esdan chiqarmagan edi.

  1. The homogeneous direct object may be expressed by that-clause and this the most typical type of the use of the homogeneous direct object:

In English: vt + homogeneous direct object + that-clause

In Uzbek: homogeneous direct object + vt

She said that he was very earnest, and had a beautiful nature.

I convinced that the Grange had but one sensible soul in its walls, and that lodged in my body.

We heard that Germans and Austrians had broken through in the north and were coming down the mountain valleys toward Cividale and Udine.

Biroq bu bahaybat o'ngirlar oyoq ostidagi zaminni ichdan hilviratib qo'yganini, kabutarxona ortidagi jarning tagini suv o'yib ketganini, yer o'pirilgudek bo'lib turganini Mirzo ham, uning atrofidagi mulozimlar ham mutlaqo sezmas edilar.

Ulaming dillari umid va shodlik bilan to'lgan, turmushning qayg'ularini, mashaqqat va dahmazalarini unutgan edilar.

I forgot that I was in London and in the nineteenth century.

  1. When homogeneous direct object is used in the construction vt + that + should in English the verbs express disappointment, admiration, pity. In this construction few verbs are used:

Harris said that should judge there must have been twenty people, following him,

in all; and one woman with a baby.

6. The peculiarity of the next type of the homogeneous direct object is that it may precede by the past participle:

In English: vt + homogeneous direct object + Past participle

In Uzbek: homogeneous direct object + Past participle + vt

We found all the door and gates locked. = Biz barcha eshik va darvozalarni yopiq ekanligini ko’rdik.

We found both the house and the yard searched. = Biz uyni ham, hovlini ham kimdir tintuv qilganini ko’rdik.

I want this work finished as well as that problem solved quickly = Men bu ishni tezda tugatilishini, shu bilan birga o’sha muammoni tezda hal etilishini hohlayman.

He had seen towns destroyed and houses laid lown by bombing = U bombardimonda shaharlar vayron bo’lganini va uylar yer bilan yakson bo’lganini ko’rdi.

In conclusion we can say that Homogeneous object clauses are connected with the principal clause by the help of the conjunction –ki in Uzbek: Siz mendan ham yaxshiroq bilasizki (nimani?), shu uyda sizni allaqancha mashaqqatlarg‘a solg‘an, cheksiz joni-vorliqlar ishlatkan va hisobsiz tillalar to‘kdirgan, nihoyat, shu daqiqag‘a keltirib to‘xtatqan birav uxlaydir. The homogeneous direct objects can be lined in two or more components in their use in one sentence. The two components of the homogeneous direct objects can be formed by the help of any kinds of conjunctive coordination or without conjunctions.


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