Justification of prospects of growth and increase of efficiency of production of animal husbandry in CJSC «Kaluga-Moloko» of the city of Kaluga | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Постникова, Д. Д. Justification of prospects of growth and increase of efficiency of production of animal husbandry in CJSC «Kaluga-Moloko» of the city of Kaluga / Д. Д. Постникова, Н. А. Билибина. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы VI Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, январь 2020 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2020. — С. 29-32. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/stud/archive/357/15535/ (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

The article analyzes the rationale for the growth prospects of livestock products of CJSC «Kaluga-Milk» in the city of Kaluga and suggests measures to improve the efficiency of livestock production in the organization.

Keywords: productivity, volume of production, livestock products, dairy cattle breeding, production, feed additives.

A special place in the composition of agro-industrial production is occupied by cattle breeding, which is due to its significant share in the production of total agricultural products. It largely determines the economic efficiency of agricultural production [1, p.53].

In recent years, due to the unprepared transition to market relations in animal husbandry there have been significant changes. The sharp disparity of prices on industrial and agricultural goods, reducing forage supply and incomplete observance of technological processes in cattle breeding and processing industry monopolies and other factors led to the crisis in the industry. This has led to a significant decrease in the number of cows and reduced productivity. The state and dynamics of development of meat and milk production leads to degradation of the industry, making our country dependent on imports of livestock products [5, p.26]. Only sustainable and progressive development of agricultural production and organization of effective sale of agricultural products is the most important task for achieving food security of the country [2, p.125].

It is the decline in production, rising production costs and decrease overall economic efficiency of enterprises, led to the relevance of the choice of topics for writing.

In CJSC «Kaluga-Milk» the main direction in animal husbandry is whole milk, its share in structure of commodity production made in 2019 73,6 %. From this it follows that it is advisable to justify the increase in the efficiency of milk production.

The main sources of increase in production in dairy cattle are the growth of livestock and increase in productivity of animals.

In the conditions of production activity in CJSC «Kaluga-Milk» increase in output due to the growth of livestock is not possible, as the construction of additional farms — a very expensive event, for which the economy has no funds. Therefore, the increase in milk production in the organization is possible only by increasing the productivity of cows [3, p.82].

The main source of growth of productivity of the animals are increase of feeding level and efficiency of use of feed by improving the structure of fodder, preparation of high quality foods and balanced feeding, the use of advanced technologies in crop and livestock production, reduction's barrenness of cows, improving the age and species composition of the herd, and conditions of animals [4,p.245].

In this regard, as a way to increase the productivity of animals in CJSC «Kaluga-Milk» it is advisable to improve feeding through the use of high-quality feed additives and biologically active substances.

FCD «Delta Feeds» special complex — for cash cows. Designed for cows with milk yield up to 16 liters per day. Included in the complex enzyme preparation enhances the digestibility of nutrients, breaks down the fiber of feed, enriches them with mono — and disaccharides, especially necessary for lactating cows. The use of this functional feed additive (FCD) leads to an improvement in the microbiological environment of the intestine. Increasing the content of available sugars in feed increases their absorption and absorption in the small intestine.

FCD contributes to an increase in cattle yields by an average of 1.1 center per cow, increases the safety of livestock by 1–2 %.

This feed additive allows you to balance the diet of cows in vitamins, micro-and macroelements, prolongs the peak of lactation, increases milk yield, improves the quality of milk (protein, fat), improves the absorption of nutrients in the diet, increases the immunity of cows, protects against serious diseases such as mastitis and pasture tetany.

Table 1

Project production volumes


Average annual number of cows, head.

Productivity (kg per head)

Gross production, centners





When the feed additive «Delta feeds» is included in the diet of cows,

the volume of milk production will be 26460.0 quintals, which is 1625 quintals more than in 2015.

With the increase in the volume of production respectively and increase the labor costs of the project production volumes.

Table 2

Calculation of milk production in CJSC «Kaluga Milk» in the planned year



Average annual number of cows:


Average milk yield per 1 cow

- for a year


- during the stall period


- in the pasture period


Gross milk production

- for a year


- during the stall period


- in the pasture period


From the data of table 2, it can be concluded that with the average annual number of cows unchanged, the average milk yield per 1 cow, taking into account the proposed indicator, was 4410.1 kg, including 2086.1 kg for the stall period and 2324 kg for the pasture period. With this in mind, the productivity of cows gross milk production in kind for the year is 26460.0 quintals, with 10758.2 quintals accounted for the stall period, and 15701.8 quintals — for pasture. That is, after the proposed event, productivity per 1 head increased by 316.8 kg, and gross milk production in natural terms-by 1625 kg per year.

At the final stage of the study, it is necessary to consider the cost-effectiveness of the proposed activity in table 4.

Table 3

Economic efficiency of the applied measure





Before the event

After the event



Commodity production, quintals




Revenue, thousand rubles




The level of marketability of milk, %




Average annual number of animals, head




Productivity, centners




Average selling price, RUB




Costs for commodity products, thousand rubles




Profit, thousand rubles




Level of profitability, %




According to the data presented in table 4, it can be concluded that from the implementation of the event, despite the fact that the costs will increase by 2814.2 thousand rubles, the company will receive an additional profit of 4347.21 thousand rubles and the level of profitability of milk will increase by 15.8 % in the planned year.

In General, with a view to the future, the proposed event had a positive impact on the results of the economy.


  1. Goryushkin, A. A. Organization of production: Textbook /N. I. Novitsky, A. A. Goryushkin; edited by N. I. Novitsky. — Moscow: KnoRus, 2016. — 350 c.
  2. Sribniak L. Y., Surikov V. N. Organization and planning of agricultural production. — Moscow: Kolos, 2017. — 272 p.
  3. Sergeev I. V., Veretennikova I. I. Economics of organizations (enterprises): studies./under the editorship of I. V. Sergeeva. — 3rd ed., reprint and additional-M.: TK Welby, Prospect Publishing house, 2018. — 560s.
  4. Savitskaya G. V. «Analysis of economic activity of agrarian and industrial complex enterprises” — Moscow: New publishing, 2013. — p. 687
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CJSC, FCD, RUB.

Ключевые слова

productivity, volume of production, livestock products, dairy cattle breeding, production, feed additives

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