Analysis of schemes for the development of cutting areas by multi-operation machines | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Analysis of schemes for the development of cutting areas by multi-operation machines / В. В. Абрамов, Л. Д. Бухтояров, А. С. Черных [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы XXX Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, январь 2022 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2022. — С. 1-7. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article is devoted to the analysis of technological schemes for the production of assortments in a felling area using a harvester and forwarder. The most environmentally friendly options for wood harvesting by a machine method were determined according to the criteria of the area of technological corridors and productivity. The relevance of further research in the direction of predicting the results of the operation of equipment simultaneously with the technical-economic and silvicultural-ecological positions is indicated.

Keywords: assortment technology of logging, schemes for the development of felling areas, felling, processing operations, parameters for the development of apiaries, harvester.

Currently, logging enterprises carry out the entire range of logging and reforestation works, therefore, the issues of damage to the felling area are of great importance [1-2; 3-5; 6-15].

One of the determining factors for maintaining the productivity of the forest environment is a decrease in the share of technological areas in the total area of the cutting area. The scheme with the use of an auxiliary rectilinear corridor (Fig. 1, a) on which only the harvester operates helps to reduce the total length of the main technological corridors (skidding trails) in the felling area. The forwarder works only on the main technological corridors, which are separated from each other at a distance of 3... 3.5 effective reach of the manipulator. When the harvester is working on the main and auxiliary corridors, the entire cycle of operations is performed: felling, delimbing, bucking and bundling. However, assortments are packed into bundles at the maximum distance from the machine. This ensures the availability of bundles formed by the harvester for the manipulator of the forwarder, which moves during the collection of assortments along the main technological corridors.



Fig. 1. Technological schemes for the development of cutting areas when using a harvester: a — scheme with one auxiliary corridor; b — scheme with two auxiliary corridors

The option of using two auxiliary corridors (Fig. 1, b) [1, 6] for the work of the harvester allows even more significant reduction in the share of technological areas in the cutting area due to the increase in the width of the cutting area. Here the harvester first cuts adjacent trails spaced up to 45 m apart and develops adjacent half-routes. Then, in two passes, he develops routes that are not adjacent to the trail. In this case, the assortments are stacked in bundles when working on auxiliary corridors only on one side, where they will be accessible for the forwarder manipulator moving along the skidding trail.

The technology of harvesting assortments with the harvester drives into half-cultivation areas (Fig. 2) [2, 6] makes it possible to increase the width of the developed area up to 5 effective manipulator outreaches and also to reduce the proportion of technological areas in comparison with the traditional scheme. The step of entrances to the trail is about 30 m on each side. To ensure a smooth adjoining of the entrances to the trail, they are performed in an arc.

Fig. 2. Technological scheme of the harvester's work with the harvester's arrivals on half-trails

Analysis of the calculation of damage to the forest environment on technological areas (Fig. 3) showed that the largest share of damage is observed when using the scheme of work of the harvester with the harvester drives to the half-trails — 35 %, and the smallest (17 %) when using the scheme with two technological auxiliary corridors for work harvester when the reach of the boom is 10 m.

Fig. 3. Damage to soil, undergrowth and trees in technological areas, depending on the development scheme of the cutting area

Thus, when analyzing the considered schemes for the production of assortments in terms of the share of the technological area and the degree of damage to the main components of the forest environment on it, it was revealed that the most environmentally friendly option for harvesting wood by a machine method is the use of one or two auxiliary corridors for the work of the harvester.

With these two schemes for the development of cutting areas, the degree of preservation of undergrowth, trees and soil is from 80 to 83 %, respectively. At the same time, damage to undergrowth and trees occurs not only on technological areas, but also where part of the stand is left for growing, i.e. between portages or technological corridors:

— when aiming the harvester head at a tree to be cut, from its blows against adjacent trunks (peeling off the bark on the neck and trunk at a height of 1.5 meters from the ground level);

— when the manipulator strikes against growing trees when aiming the head and operating with the tree being processed (peeling off the bark of a small area at a height of up to 3 meters, inclination of the trunk);

— when the tree being processed, which is in the grip of the harvester head, hits the trunks and crowns of growing trees during its felling and further processing (ribbon-like peeling of bark at a significant height, breaking off branches and tops, crumbling of crowns, fracture of trunks of small trees or their inclination, peeling of bark at a height of up to 1 meter);

— when the harvester and especially the forwarder move along the technological corridor due to the lateral roll of machines when moving single obstacles (stumps, stones, rock outcrops);

— at sharp turns on strongly curved routes (peeling off the bark, up to the formation of trees with large damage, peeling off the root necks when the trees are close to the drag) [2-4; 6; 8; 10; 16-18].

In addition, it can be assumed that the use of the considered technologies leads to a decrease in the productivity of the harvester during its operation in auxiliary corridors due to the need to transfer the assortments to the accessibility zone of the forwarder's manipulator.

In this regard, in order to make optimal scientifically grounded design decisions in timber harvesting, it is necessary to develop a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the execution of logging operations simultaneously with technical, economic and silvicultural and ecological positions, as well as a mathematical apparatus for adequately predicting the result of the functioning of a harvester and forwarder, taking into account various schemes and parameters of work, production conditions and the natural environment.


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Ключевые слова

assortment technology of logging, schemes for the development of felling areas, felling, processing operations, parameters for the development of apiaries, harvester

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