Information and communication technologies as a means of forming key competencies of students in English lessons | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 24. Педагогика

Опубликовано в

XXXIII международная научная конференция «Исследования молодых ученых» (Казань, февраль 2022)

Дата публикации: 23.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 37 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Арыстанбек, У. М. Information and communication technologies as a means of forming key competencies of students in English lessons / У. М. Арыстанбек. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы XXXIII Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, февраль 2022 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2022. — С. 60-66. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.%м.2025).

Teaching a foreign language is impossible without the use of modern teaching technologies, such as training in development, project methods, information technologies, including the Internet. This problem lies in the fact that information and communication technologies are distinguished by a high communicative ability and active involvement of students in educational activities, activate the potential of knowledge and skills of speaking and auditing skills, and effectively develop communicative skills among schoolchildren. These are pathological conditions, because society needs people who quickly find their bearings in the elite world, who are independent and enterprising, who achieve success in their activities. At the heart of any innovative activity is creativity. Creative activity involves the development of the emotional and intellectual spheres of the individual. This is one of the main tasks of the modern educational process.

Keywords: technology, ICT, creativity, innovative activity, communication.

Educational activities at school require specific technologies, the solution of which is solved by the task. These are innovative forms of education: ICT, project method, critical thinking technology techniques. [1]

The main goals of using ICT in English lessons are:

– increasing motivation to learn the language;

– development of speech competence: the ability to understand authentic foreign texts, as well as the ability to convey information in coherent, reasoned statements;

– increase in the volume of linguistic knowledge;

– expanding the scope of knowledge about the socio-cultural specifics of the country of the language being studied;

– development of the ability and readiness for self-study of the English language.

A modern teacher must take into account the fact that information and communication technologies (ICT) of education have firmly entered life. The use of new information technologies expands the scope of the educational process, increases its practical orientation, helps to increase the motivation of students in the educational process, the development of intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge and create conditions for their successful self-realization in the future. [2]

Let us consider the main types of linguodidactic tasks that can be solved with the help of ICT, that is, the linguo-methodological possibilities of using computer learning tools in mastering aspects of the language, developing skills and abilities in various types of speech activity.

When teaching phonetics

With the help of ICT, the pronunciation visualization technique is often used. Multimedia capabilities allow you to listen to speech in the target language, adapting it in accordance with your level of perception, and sound speed control allows you to break phrases into separate words, while comparing the pronunciation and spelling of words. [3]

When teaching grammar:

The use of ICT in a grammar lesson is possible when studying almost any topic. With the correct location, good color design, the use of diagrams and tables, voice accompaniment (pronunciation of examples in a foreign language), the material will be perceived easier and faster by schoolchildren, since most of the receptors will be involved. The time spent in the lesson will also be less — there will be no need to write down the material on the board.

And with the help of ICT, it is more interesting to control the level of formation of grammatical skills based on test programs and provide reference and information support (automated grammar references, systems for detecting grammatical errors at the morphological and syntactic levels). [4]

When teaching vocabulary:

based on test and gaming computer programs using visual clarity; expansion of passive and potential vocabularies of trainees; provision of reference and information support (automatic dictionaries, programs for selecting synonyms and antonyms). Exercises to master vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Possible types of work such as:

– fill-in-the-blank exercises. In case of an incorrect answer, the following scenarios are possible:

– forbidding the student to move on to the next task or sentence;

2) the transition of the student to the next task or sentence with their subsequent correction, namely, highlighting the correct answer in a different color or putting a “cross” sign, meaning an incorrect answer;

– exercises in the form of crossword puzzles, where when writing a word, the wrong letter is highlighted in gray, not black;

– exercises in the form of a sentence-making game, during which the student points the cursor at the required word, which then moves into the sentence being composed and becomes after the last moved word.

– exercises in the form of the game “Hunter”, which can be in the following versions:

– the shot is made after listening to the word according to the desired definition (picture);

– the shot is fired after writing the word.

– the student is asked to match two lists of foreign words and establish pairs of synonyms or antonyms;

– the student is offered a list of foreign words and a list of definitions of these words. The student is required to connect each word with its corresponding definition (picture);

– exercises “Find the mistake“, in which it is proposed to correct a particular word in accordance with a given situation;

When learning to read:

ICT allows the improvement of reading skills through the use of such techniques as varying the field of perception and the tempo of presentation, changing the location of the text, etc.; strengthening receptive lexical and grammatical reading skills; mastering the skills of extracting semantic information of various types from the text (basic, secondary, clarifying, etc.); training in various types of text analysis; formation of the ability to independently overcome language difficulties; provision of reference and information support by providing linguistic or extralinguistic information (through the use of automatic dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias); control of the correctness and depth of understanding of the read text.

When learning to listen:

– formation of phonetic listening skills;

– control of the correct understanding of the listened text.

When learning to speak:

– formation of phonetic speaking skills; organization of communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games based on simulation programs.

When learning to translate:

– formation of lexical and grammatical skills of translation; control of the correctness of the translation; mastering the ability to edit translation texts using text editors and machine translation systems; provision of reference and information support (use of automatic dictionaries, glossaries, systems for selecting antonyms and synonyms).

After analyzing the experience of using ICT in foreign language lessons and after school hours, we can conclude:

– multimedia technologies speed up the learning process:

– contribute to a sharp increase in students' interest in the subject;

– improve the quality of mastering the material;

– make it possible to individualize the learning process;

– make it possible to avoid the subjectivity of the assessment.

Thus, the introduction of computer technologies creates the prerequisites for the intensification of the educational process. They allow in practice to use psychological and pedagogical developments that ensure the transition from the mechanical assimilation of knowledge to mastering the ability to independently acquire new knowledge. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of personal qualities of students.

In the modern education system, a situation has developed when the established methods, techniques and forms of education require reflection, correction and new pedagogical solutions. This is due, first of all, to the widespread introduction and widespread use of information and communication technologies.

Having studied the state of the problem of the use of ICT tools in the field of teaching foreign languages, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the use of ICT depends on the methods and forms of application of these technologies, on how well the teacher knows how to work with them, on the electronic resources he uses.

At the moment, many teachers want to include ICT tools in the learning process. Another question is raised, where and at what time to conduct classes on computers. Many schools today have computer labs, but they have a huge load. It is necessary to create conditions in schools for each teacher. Creating an information and educational environment is a necessity of modern reality.

It is obvious that the use of ICT tools in English lessons of various types helps to increase students' interest in the subject and enhance their speech and thinking activity, develop skills for independent work and work in a team, and effectively form all types of speech activity. Systematic work with computer tasks forms students' stable skills of independent work, which leads to a reduction in the time for performing standard tasks and allows you to increase the time for performing creative work.

Based on the study of theoretical research problems and the analysis of ICT resources and the experience of practical application of these resources in English lessons, we can highlight a number of recommendations for teachers using information and communication technologies in the classroom:

  1. The teacher and students should be able to handle the computer at the level necessary to complete computer tasks;
  2. The teacher should clearly understand what forms of ICT should be used at this stage of the lesson, and whether this use is justified;
  3. It is necessary to select in advance the material for the lesson using ICT, guided by certain criteria, to adapt the selected digital material in accordance with the objectives and conditions of learning;
  4. The teacher should plan and organize the independent work of students in the subject with the involvement of ICT;

In the process of work, I came to the conclusion that computer technology helps:

– attract passive listeners;

– make classes more visual;

– provide the educational process with new, previously inaccessible materials that help students to show their creative abilities;

– accustom students to independent work with the material;

– provide instant feedback;

– increase the intensity of the educational process;

– cultivate tolerance, receptivity to the diversity of cultures and spiritual experience of other peoples;

– activate the cognitive activity of students, and, consequently, the desire to study the subject;

– objectively assess the actions of students;

– accumulate statistical information during the educational process;

– implement personality-oriented and differentiated approaches to learning;

– to discipline the teacher himself, to form his interest in the work.


  1. Донцов, Д. Английский на компьютере. Изучаем, переводим, говорим / Д. Донцов. — М., 2007.
  2. Евдокимова М. Г. Компьютерные технологии обучения иностранным языкам: методологические и педагогические аспекты // Телекоммуникация и информатизация образования. 2001, № 4,
  3. Ефременко В. А. Применение информационных технологий на уроках иностранного языка// ИЯШ № 8, 2007., с.18–21.
  4. Полат Е. С. Интернет на уроках иностранного языка // ИЯШ 2001, № 2,3

Ключевые слова

communication, innovative activity, technology, creativity, ICT

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