Methodological features of the organization of classes for the development of speed and strength abilities in school-age children
Автор: Ерыгин Иван Романович
Научный руководитель: Зимовец Наталья Викторовна
Рубрика: 25. Физическая культура и спорт
Опубликовано в
LXXXI международная научная конференция «Исследования молодых ученых» (Казань, май 2024)
Дата публикации: 06.05.2024
Статья просмотрена: 28 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Ерыгин, И. Р. Methodological features of the organization of classes for the development of speed and strength abilities in school-age children / И. Р. Ерыгин. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы LXXXI Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, май 2024 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2024. — С. 40-44. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.%м.2025).
In the article, the author explores the methodological features of the organization of classes for the development of speed and strength abilities in school-age children.
Keywords: exercise, quality, speed and strength training, development.
To evaluate the effectiveness of speed and strength training of schoolchildren, it is recommended to regularly use the method of various control exercises, which provides for repeated changes in weight, distance, time, number of repetitions, etc. The measurement is carried out under standard conditions following the warm-up, at certain intervals (once every 1–2 weeks), necessarily according to the curriculum of the subject [4].
When performing control exercises, the following methodological rules are followed:
– clear expression, understanding of which motor task can be solved in this exercise;
– development of motor sensations, muscle memory and control of freedom of movement;
– tracking the correctness of the pattern, tempo, amplitude and emphasis, angular values of the manifestation of maximum muscle effort for selective and most accurate effects on certain muscle groups in accordance with the working phases of a competitive exercise;
– vision and feeling of the main component and evaluation of the effect of the exercise;
– do not repeat inaccurate movements, as this most often causes only harm;
– the use of reflex force and elasticity of pre-stretched muscles, constant stimulation of the stretching reflex, with the exercise performed in the rhythm of elastic;
– knowledge and understanding that the faster the change of direction of movement is performed, the transition from a conceding mode in muscle work to a overcoming one, from flexion to extension, from «twisting» to «unwinding» and the shorter the braking path, the greater the impact the musculoskeletal system experiences in this exercise.
– concentration of volitional efforts on the energetic explosive nature of the manifestation of efforts;
– understanding that the number of repetitions in one approach should correspond to a feeling of mild fatigue, optimally it is 25–30 in jumping exercises and without weights, 10–15 in exercises with low weights or effort on the simulator. Before feeling completely tired in exercises with medium weights or effort — 4–6 repetitions and 1–3 in exercises with high and maximum weights, alternating the use of small weights (belt, vest 0.25 % of weight) in basic and special exercises for technique and without weights;
– gradually increase the pace to the maximum with repeated repetition of exercises;
– understanding that changing the speed of movements when performing special and basic exercises (from slow, medium, fast to very fast) significantly updates their content and introduces new sensations to the performer. Therefore, correct but slow movements should be considered only as warm-up and tuning;
– a gradual increase in the load in strength training over the weeks, both in volume (more repetitions) and in intensity (an increase in the weight of weights or speed, the pace of 31 exercises) [5].
The leading factor is an increase in the weight of the load (by 2–3 %). Hasty increase in weight (resistance) is the worst enemy of strength training [1].
The following control exercises are used to determine the level of development of speed and strength abilities:
- A long jump from a place with a push with two legs is performed in the horizontal jumping sector in the gym. The participant assumes the starting position (hereinafter I. P.): legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the line of repulsion. By simultaneously pushing two legs, a forward jump is performed. Arm swing is allowed. The measurement is performed in a perpendicular line from the place of repulsion to the nearest trace left by any part of the participant's body. The participant is given three attempts. The best result is counted. Errors: stepping over the line of repulsion or touching it; performing a push-off with a preliminary jump; pushing off with legs is different.
- Lifting the torso from the «lying on your back» position is performed from the I. P. lying on your back, hands behind your head, elbows forward, legs bent at the knees at right angles, feet pressed by a partner to the floor. The participant performs the maximum number of trunk lifts (in 1 min.), touching the hips (knees) with his elbows, followed by a return to the I. P. The number of correctly performed trunk lifts is counted. To perform the test, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by his feet and shins and simultaneously keeps score. Then the participants switch places. Errors: the absence of touching the elbows of the hips (knees); the absence of touching the shoulder blades of the mat; fingers are open «from the lock»; displacement of the pelvis.
- Flexion and extension of the arms in the prone position is performed from the I. P.: the emphasis is lying on the floor, arms shoulder width apart, hands forward, elbows apart no more than 45 degrees, shoulders, trunk and legs make a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support. Bending your arms, you need to touch the floor with your chest (or a 5cm high platform), then, unbending your arms, return to the I. P. and, fixing it for 0.5 seconds, continue the exercise. The number of correctly performed flexions and extensions of the arms, recorded by the referee's score, is counted. Mistakes: touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis; violation of the straight line «shoulders — trunk — legs»; lack of fixation for 0.5 sec. I.P.; simultaneous extension of the arms.
- Shuttle running is carried out on any flat surface with a hard surface that provides good grip on shoes. At a distance of 10 m, 2 parallel lines are drawn — «Start» and «Finish». The participant, without stepping on the starting line, assumes a high start position. At the command «March!" (with the stopwatch turned on simultaneously), the participant runs to the finish line, touches the line with his hand, returns to the start line, touches it and overcomes the last segment without touching the finish line with his hand. The stopwatch is stopped at the moment of crossing the Finish line. Participants start with 2 people [2].
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