The importance of telecommunication technologies in the preparation of future teachers of computer science at the university | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Библиографическое описание:

Жураев, Н. М. The importance of telecommunication technologies in the preparation of future teachers of computer science at the university / Н. М. Жураев, Н. Н. Абдуллажонова. — Текст : непосредственный // Технические науки в России и за рубежом : материалы VI Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, ноябрь 2016 г.). — Москва : Буки-Веди, 2016. — С. 71-72. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The training of future teachers of computer science must meet the level of fast-developing information world. For students, the study of telecommunication technologies gives insight into the practical foundations of computer science.

To date, the development of society is hand in hand with the informatization. This process is reflected in all spheres of life and professional activity of people. The key features that inherent in today's information society are the following:

  1. Information is one of the alternative resources and its effective use can partially reduce the need for conventional sources of materials.
  2. Information becomes available to all and is used in any area of human activity, at all levels of production and management.
  3. The use of high-technology with a lowest cost is increasing by reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy.
  4. Despite the number of those involved in industrial and agricultural production significantly reduces, the efficiency of production increases through the use of the modern high-tech, robotic automation, and the emergence of more skilled workers.
  5. There is a dynamics in economy through the creation of global networks and computer-aided manufacturing.
  6. Expert knowledge and time are important for the development of national economies.
  7. There is a growth in material investments into education, health, and environmental protection activities.

Informatization of the society implies informatization of education. The goal of informatization of education is «the global improvement of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies (NIT), a radical increase in the efficiency and quality of training to the level achieved in the developed countries, i.e. the training of professionals with a new type of thinking that meets relevant requirements of the post-industrial society».

It is obvious that the modern teacher of computer science in the conditions of global communication and information must have fundamental knowledge on computer science and computing techniques, telecommunication technologies, and the ability to apply their knowledge in their future career.

The rapid development of information technologies has a significant impact on educational structures. On the one hand, education provides with new opportunities, on the other hand, education is designed to prepare a new generation for a successful and productive activity in the information world.

Taking into account the content of professional activity of the teacher of computer science in the conditions of a significant change in the structure and content of learning computer science at schools, development of special courses related to the study of NIT, and the increase of their use in the educational process, one may conclude about a significant increase in the role of the training of the future teacher of computer science in the field of information technologies and telecommunication systems. Nowadays, students and future teachers of computer science can not be satisfied with only superficial knowledge about the functioning of the computers and telecommunication systems.

It may be noted that the development of information technologies primarily concerns the development of telecommunication technologies. Future teachers must well orientate themselves taking into account the new realities of the information world.

WEB technologies are one of the most advanced telecommunication technologies, whereas Internet technologies, in general, make up a larger part of the modern information technologies. The teachers of computer science should have enough knowledge about their functioning, since it affects a significant part of the modern practical use of computer science.

The training of teachers of computer science at the pedagogical institute should include the following:

  1. Telecommunication technologies and various options of their application:

a) the source of information and opportunity to find material to solve various tasks;

b) organization of teleconferences;

c) development of telecommunication projects and their application at schools and in promotion campaigns of schools.

  1. Multimedia technologies and their use in various areas of school activity.
  2. WEB programming for effective interaction between network users within the school and beyond.
  3. Object-based programming for the creation of software that can be used in various spheres of activity of the school.
  4. The use of educational software in the educational process.
  5. Publishing systems that can provide schools with printed materials.

Knowledge and use of telecommunication technologies by teachers in their professional activities allow:

− increasing the quality of educational process;

− providing broad opportunities for self-education and e-learning;

− access to a variety of new sources of information with various content and forms.

Using these opportunities, the teachers can more effectively allocate their time, individually work with students, organize research activity on students and develop their creative abilities.


  1. Abdeev R.F, “Philosophy of information civilization”. — M.: VLADOS, 1994. — 336 p.
  2. Kolin K. K. “Education at the threshold of the XXI century” // Collection of research papers. «Social computer science — 98". M.: Institute of Sociology and Technology. 1998.
  3. Nimatullaev М. М. Preparation of teachers of computer science to use web-technologies at the pedagogical institute. Dissertation. Candidate of pedagogic science — М, 2002–182 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): NIT, WEB, VLADOS.

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