Статьи по ключевому слову "Azerbaijan" — Молодой учёный

Отправьте статью сегодня! Журнал выйдет 26 октября, печатный экземпляр отправим 30 октября.

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Culturology issues of comparative description of the ethnolinguistic identity of historical heritage of Azerbaijan (based on period of Safavid Empire)

About historical issues of research of medieval heritage of Ganja city

Travel insurance in Azerbaijan

About research of some problems of craftsmanhip features of Ganja city for early middle ages (on the sample of metal-making trade)

Socio-historical basis of research of tolerance model (on the sample of multiculturalism features of Azerbaijan)

Importance of basic handicraft traditions of Ganja in research of history of the Turkic World

About research of some historical-cultural problems of ancient Ganja on the basis of local sources

Some issues of evaluation of teaching efficacy perception

Some ıssues of research of effectıveness of renewable energy sources

Some problems of ınvestıgatıon of tradıtıonal trades ın the terrıtory of Azerbaıjan based on academıc sources

Cultural aspects of historic-ethnographical research of local craftsmanship branches of Ganja

Conference COP29 and tourism: climate change and its impact on the tourism sector

To the question on research of teaching of some basic decorative — applied arts of Ganja city

About cultural basis of investigation of typical features of some traditional craft kinds of Ganja

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