Статьи по ключевому слову "Development" — Молодой учёный

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One of the main forms of speech communication is dialogic speech

Speaking Skills Development in English Classes

Научно-техническая политика новых индустриальных стран. Возможность применения в условиях российской экономики

Different approaches to teaching substantivized adjectives to b2 level learners

Microfinance as a Development Opportunity for Agribusiness in Albania

Principles of developing a financial strategy for a corporation

Innovative teaching methods for teaching reading to young learners using the PIRLS literacy resource

Competitive Strategy for Chinese Retail Companies

Examples of the Use of Games in Primary Classes

Methodological features of the organization of classes for the development of speed and strength abilities in school-age children

History of Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation

Organizational change and development

Team building through the DIR model of Stanley Greenspan

La Bioéconomie du Tchad dans un futur proche (The Bioeconomy of Chad in the near future)

The development of Christianity on the territory of Phrygia at the time of its entry into the Byzantine empire

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