Статьи по ключевому слову "Education System" — Молодой учёный

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Тенденции современного мирового образовательного пространства и информационных технологий в вузе

The military education system of Kazakhstan

Educational effectiveness research and teacher professional development

Effective application of pedagogical methods and technologies in music culture classes

The importance of theoretical analysis in music literacy

Creating a healthy lifestyle in children with intellectual disabilities

Current state of formation of creative talent in future music teachers

Developing the speech of low-class mentally students in the process of technology lessons

The Finnish education model: the Scandinavian approach: how it is changing world pedagogy

Approaches and techniques for creating textbooks for use in native language lessons

The source of developing intеllеctual ability

Improving the effectiveness of arithmetic-based teaching in the lower grades of secondary school

International studies of the quality of education PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA, TALIS

Development of Algorithmic Thinking in School Informatics

Education and the economy are the industries of development

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