Статьи по ключевому слову "Russia" — Молодой учёный

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К вопросу развития въездного туризма в Россию из стран региона Восточной Азии

Analysis of income-consumption relationship in Bulgaria and Russia

Russian foreign trade with EU in times of sanctions

Dialogue of cultures at the card table. Study of social and cultural history of playing cards in Asia, Europe and Russia

Recycling as a method to increase energy efficiency: problems and solutions

Assessing the role of gross expenditures on R&D in Russia’s economy

Comparative Analysis on Outward Foreign Direct Investment Performance of Russia and China

Sari from the Viewpoint of British and Russian Travellers in Qajar Period

Social policy in the Russian Federation

The dual margin of Russia's export growth from the perspective of multiproduct level

The impact of sanctions on the Russian economy

Russia's participation in the construction of hydropower plants in Tajikistan

Unveiling the dynamics of e-commerce development in Russia: assessing the influence of sanctions

Foreign Policy of Russia in Front of West Governments and United States in Caspian Sea

Comparative analysis of the authenticity of the texts of the «Reading» section in the unified state exam in English in Russia and China

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