Статьи по ключевому слову "artificial intelligence" — Молодой учёный

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Роевой интеллект и его наиболее распространённые методы реализации

The modern definition of artificial intelligence

Empowering English distance education through cutting-edge ai technology

Negative aspects of using artificial intelligence

Application of artificial intelligence technologies in information security

Artificial intelligence: concept of neural networks

Advantages and disadvantages of neural networks as a means of teaching foreign languages to secondary school students

The dangers of AI in Multimedia Journalism

Leveraging data science for growth: retail, e-commerce, and price management strategies

Pros and cons of using artificial intelligence and chatbots in teaching foreign languages

Remote controlled intelligent robot dog

The impact of new technologies on language: digital evolution and artificial intelligence

Innovative approaches to English language teaching: integrating AI and adaptive learning systems for personalized language acquisition

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