Статьи по ключевому слову "blockchain" — Молодой учёный

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Использование blockchain в банковской системе

Принцип работы Blockchain

Qishloq xoʻjaligida suv zaxiralaridan samarali foydalanish uchun IoT va Blockchain texnologiyalari imkoniyatlarini qo’llash

Сrypto labels system and blockchain as a service for pharma industry

Blockchain technology for through-life asset management in the aviation/space/automobile industry

Breakthrough technologies: crypto labels and blockchain for pharmaceutical industry

Crypto labels technologies integrating blockchain with automotive industry

Проблемы механики первого поколения блокчейн-игр

Crypto labels reader ready for future blockchain technology

Кибернетика распределенных реестров на технологиях блокчейна

Is 2020 an excellent time for cryptocurrency in Kazakhstan?

The difficulties of developing blockchain technology in the financial sector

The Importance of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Water Management in the Post-Soviet Central Asian Countries

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