Статьи по ключевому слову "communication" — Молодой учёный

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Positive and negative impact of media among young people

Three aims which should be achieved in foreign language teaching

Forming the communicative competence of learners at using the communicative technologies in the English lessons

Problems of translation of the English Gerund and its components in different system of languages

Teaching Foreign Language to Preschool Children

General problems with translation from English into Russian and vice versa

One of the main forms of speech communication is dialogic speech

General problems of modern literary translation

Culture and communication

Teaching speaking through games in high school

Speech situations as a means of organizing a communication

Etiquette statement of compliment in English culture

Metaphor as the main argumentative figure in advertising

Specificity of mass information as forms of the fourth power

Forming the communicative competence at the English lessons

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