Статьи по ключевому слову "communication" — Молодой учёный

Отправьте статью сегодня! Журнал выйдет 26 октября, печатный экземпляр отправим 30 октября.

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Product-placement как доверительный инструмент коммуникации с потребителем

Как brand-marketing влияет на performance-marketing и почему влияние бренда до сих пор велико

Manifestation of interlingual verbal lacunarity through examples from different languages

Social network as information and pedagogical potential of education

Bilingual communication is a complex linguistic problem

The importance of the principles of collaborative learning in teaching English to middle school students

Games at English Lessons in Primary Classes

Information and communication technologies as a means of forming key competencies of students in English lessons

Translators and bilinguals: theory and practice

Professional competence as a communicative tool cadets of a military university

The usage of economic terms: analysis, comparative studies

Soziale Kommunikation und Theorien des Unterrichts

Use of instant messaging in business

Exploring the efficacy of role-playing as a pedagogical technique for lesson completion

Features of communication interaction and achieving consolidation on the example of Iraq and Russia

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