Статьи по ключевому слову "creativity" — Молодой учёный

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Intercultural communication in foreign languages teaching and learning

Managing the development of creativity of a preschool educational organization teacher

Ways and means of developing the creative abilities of younger students in the educational process

Psycho-pedagogical bases of formation of creative potential of the future teachers of subjects of natural sciences

Games for the development of attention, memory, speech and fantasy

The connection between the children’s literature and folklore

Walk This Way to a Smarter You: The Neuroscience of Walking

Information and communication technologies as a means of forming key competencies of students in English lessons

How does the creative approach affect the development of gifted children’s language skills at the English lesson

The Application of Metacognitive Strategies in Teaching Language

Translations of Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry into foreign languages

Metaphor as a Means of Understanding Writer's Creativity (the case of S. King and V. Pelevin)

Creativity in sublimation as a psychological resource for students with traumatic experience

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