Статьи по ключевому слову "education" — Молодой учёный

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Цели и задачи деятельности учителя в новых условиях развития общества

Modern school and modern teacher concept

Формирование компетенции здоровьесбережения будущих педагогов

Reforms in the education of Uzbekistan: state and prospects

To the problem of organization of educational environment in school

Use of modern technologies in the foreign language lessons in primary education

The role of information and computer technologies in self-education

Using interactive games in teaching young learners

Different approaches to teaching substantivized adjectives to b2 level learners

The use of innovative methods in education

Структура образа жизни молодежи Узбекистана на современном этапе развития

Methodological basis of formation of socio-cultural competence in the students of higher educational institutions

Развитие инновационных систем в образовании

About issues of use of literature in the foreign language classroom

Сhildren with special educational needs in the world. Experience of foreign countries

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