Статьи по ключевому слову "knowledge" — Молодой учёный

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Teaching Foreign Language to Preschool Children

Структура мировоззренческих ориентаций

Linguo-cultural competence and competence: reflection of terms in methodological dictionaries

The role of information and computer technologies in self-education

The ways to overcome the language barrier

Leadership in the 21st century: what is it about?

Innovative technologies for education and learning

Training Games in English Language Lessons

The notions of “knowledge”, “action” and “learning”

Shaping High Spirituality in Youth Mind and Soul, Consolidating the Sense of Belief for Future as a Factor of Social Stability

Routes, means and methods of formatıon lıfe skılls acquıred by students ın teachıng physıcs ın secondary school (on example of school No. 47, Baku, Azerbaijan)

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