Статьи по ключевому слову "language" — Молодой учёный

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Innovative ways of forming the phonetic competence in a foreign language at the secondary schools

Role of realia in translation of literary discourse

Forming the phonetic competence in a foreign language at the secondary schools

Internet slang

The role of borrowed vocabulary in the language of fashion

Manifestation of interlingual verbal lacunarity through examples from different languages

Peculiarities of implementation of the emotivity category in texts of women's English magazine

Speech error classifications in the context of teaching EFL

The practice of Teaching the English Language in University through Activation of Activities with the Help of Modern Technical Teaching Aids

Video film as a main method of teaching a foreign language

Impact of games on speaking proficiency in the classroom

Where East meets West: Asian language influences in English

Catenation Property of Information – the secrets of intelligence and language

The impact of new technologies on language: digital evolution and artificial intelligence

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