Статьи по ключевому слову "literature" — Молодой учёный

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Literary allusions in ‘The taxi driver’s daughter’ by Julia Darling

General problems with translation from English into Russian and vice versa

General problems of modern literary translation

About issues of use of literature in the foreign language classroom

The influence of world literature on the development of Uzbek children's literature

The subject of intellectual in Vietnamese modern literature

The connection between the children’s literature and folklore

Latin in the Contemporary World

The concept of love and sexuality in the poetry of Hilda Doolittle (on the example of «Circe», «At Baia», «Loss» and «The Contest»)

Description of nature in Magtymguly’s poetry with the usage of personification

Classic works of cinema and literature. The parallelism of Kubrick’s «2001: Space Odyssey» and Homer’s «Odyssey»: themes and characteristics

Some issues of Vietnamese poetic drama aspect in the period 1932–1945

Translations of Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry into foreign languages

Jobs and profession vocabulary words in Magtymguly’s poems

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