Статьи по ключевому слову "pedagogy" — Молодой учёный

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Цели и задачи деятельности учителя в новых условиях развития общества

Methods of increasing motivation in teaching English to younger students

The role of pedagogical tasks in the formation of educational and organizational activities of future teachers

The process of formation of pedagogical tolerance of students — future teachers in the framework of foreign language training

The role of the family in the formation of the personality of assistant school students

Systematics and classification of criteria for assessing the quality of essay writing

Developing the speech of low-class mentally students in the process of technology lessons

The Finnish education model: the Scandinavian approach: how it is changing world pedagogy

Improving the effectiveness of arithmetic-based teaching in the lower grades of secondary school

Mnemonics — a method for developing children's speech

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