Статьи по ключевому слову "skills" — Молодой учёный

Отправьте статью сегодня! Журнал выйдет 26 октября, печатный экземпляр отправим 30 октября.

Опубликовать статью в журнале

Teaching Foreign Language to Preschool Children

Linguo-cultural competence and competence: reflection of terms in methodological dictionaries

The effectiveness of using authentic texts in teaching foreign languages

How to Make University English Classes More Interactive

Organize the work of a psychologist working with children with intellectual disabilities

Opportunities for the formation of calligraphic skills during literacy training

The use of video materials in teaching auditing

The role of the innovative technologies in forming the professional competence of teachers (the case of Uzbekistan)

Peculiarities of auditing as a kind of verbal activity

Using YouTube in teaching speaking and listening

Preparing and piloting listening comprehension materials

Reading as an activity in the educational process

Analysis of issues related to qualification personnel in construction

Routes, means and methods of formatıon lıfe skılls acquıred by students ın teachıng physıcs ın secondary school (on example of school No. 47, Baku, Azerbaijan)

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