Статьи по ключевому слову "state" — Молодой учёный

Отправьте статью сегодня! Журнал выйдет 8 марта, печатный экземпляр отправим 12 марта.

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Impact of the media on political processes

Building civil society in Uzbekistan and the role of education in this process

The use of art therapy as a means of the emotional sphere

Analysis of the modern political picture of the world

The Constitution as the main law of the state and society

Diplomatic Terms Related to the Structure of the State in English and Turkmen Languages

Problems of improving the functioning of the archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The current state and directions of development of small and medium-sized businesses of the Republic of Kazakhstan

States need the rule of law to survive

International norms guaranteeing the participation of citizens in the referendum

Influence of Tai chi chuan on progress of learning in a University

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