On the Cultivation of Medical Humanism | Статья в журнале «Образование и воспитание»

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Рубрика: Медицинские и педагогические инновации

Опубликовано в Образование и воспитание №4 (4) октябрь 2015 г.

Дата публикации: 27.08.2015

Статья просмотрена: 43 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Чжао, Жуй. On the Cultivation of Medical Humanism / Жуй Чжао. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2015. — № 4 (4). — С. 50-52. — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/4/archive/13/260/ (дата обращения: 10.03.2025).


With the development of modern scientific technology, the medical humanism is gradually disappearing. In this paper, the author discussed the connotation of medical humanism, analyzed the loss of the medical humanism in today’s society, emphasized its importance and finally put forward a systematic way of cultivating medical humanistic spirit. The research makes contribution to the theoretical research on medical humanism.

Keywords: Medicine; Medical Technology; Medical Humanism.


With the fierce competition in the medical market and the rapid development of modern science and technology, medical humanism gradually disappears and medicine itself evolves from saving the sufferings of patients’ body and mind to the treatment of a single disease. Such a trend may not only damage the doctor-patient relationship, but also endanger the healthy development of medicine. Thus, it is necessary to reestablish medical humanism and improve the core competencies of the hospitals.

  1. Connotation of Medical Humanism

Medicine is a discipline with humanistic tradition in the history. And in ancient times, doctors are called “benevolent people” and their duty is to give of their love and save the patients from sufferings.

But in the 20th century, great changes have taken place in medicine. With the application of large numbers of high-tech diagnostic instruments and with the help of all kinds of inspection reports, doctors can accurately diagnose and analyze the diseases. However, the sufferings of the patients are often neglected. And according to a survey conducted by Chinese Medical Association, only less than 20 % of the medical disputes are caused by technical reasons. That is to say, the rest are caused by the lack of the medical humanism reflected in bad service, ineffective communications and so on

To sum up, the significance of medical humanism lies in its deep concern for the value of life and the future of life. It is people-oriented and emphasizes on the value and dignity of human. In practice, medical humanism is reflected in its respect for life and caring for the people.

  1. The Manifestation of the Lack of Medical Humanism

In recent years, with the implementation of the concept of medical humanism in some hospitals, the relationship between doctors and patients has been greatly improved. However, the loss of medical humanism shown in a few doctors is still a serious problem

2.1 Routine Checkups Being Neglected

Though advanced technology is an indispensable part of the medical activities, yet some medical staff put too much emphasis on the technology, thus ignore the routine checkups and caring for the individual sufferers.

2.2 Communications Being Neglected

Some medical staff focus too much on the medical technology instead of patients. They are unwilling to spend their time knowing the patients’ ideas, which may lead to the patients’ in cooperation and doctor-patient relationship being worsened

2.3 Service Being Neglected

Some malpractices exist in today’s medical institutions with part of the medical staff only concern about their own income and individual interests rather than their work. To pursue economic interests, some doctors take bribery and kickbacks and shuffle the patients. Such behavior may seriously damage the reputation of the whole medical industry.

  1. The Importance of Strengthening Medical Humanism

3.1 Harmonize Doctor-Patient Relationship and Improve Satisfaction

Narrow the distance between doctors and patients and establish a new type of doctor-patient relationship on the basis of mutual respect and understanding. In this way, doctors can provide the warm, thoughtful and personalized service from the perspective of patients, which may effectively improve the patients’ satisfaction and help construct a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients.

3.2 Establish the Image of Industry and Improve the Reputation

Along with the reform of the medical system, both our government’s policy and people’s ideas change accordingly. Under the current medical system, service becomes an important factor for patients to decide which hospital to choose. Thus, to improve their reputation, hospitals must strengthen the medical humanism education, learn the advanced humanism philosophy from foreign countries and innovate their service.

3.3 Enhance the Service Connotation and Improve the Trust of Patients

Medical quality is the key for the survival of the hospitals and an important factor for patients to make their choice. Hospitals should not only provide scientific treatment to the patients but also strive to improve the trust of them. Patients are not“machines” waiting to be repaired. Instead, they should be cared both physically and emotionally.

  1. The Cultivation of Medical Humanism

4.1 Humanistic Spirit Reflected in Medical Teaching

Medical courses should continue throughout the entire university learning. Thus, medical humanism may have a subtle influence on students’ humanistic spirit. The four aspects, namely, education philosophy, the humanistic spirit of medical teachers, the teaching process and the teaching evaluation may influence students’ medical humanism. To be more specific, teaching philosophy will directly affect the teaching objective, content and method; while teachers’ humanistic spirit will exert a subtle influence on their students. In the teaching process, the elaborately designed teaching content combined with the innovative teaching method will have a significant effect on the students. For example, in courses like anatomy and internal medicine, teaching content like medical sociology, medical ethics and medical philosophy can be adopted; in the process of experiment, values like respect for life and passion for life can be introduced; and in the case discussions, some medical incidents may provoke students’ thinking. In this way, humanistic education can be better implemented in the medical teaching. And in the teaching evaluation, medical humanism teaching should also be considered.

4.2 Medical Humanism Reflected in Clinical Practice

Besides systematic learning in school, clinical practices may also have a great impact on students’ medical humanism. To be more specific, the quality of doctors, the incentive and restraint mechanism, the medical procedure and the culture of the hospital may directly affect the medical humanism.

First, improve the medical humanism of doctors through systematic training and assessment. For example, humanism and its related content can be adopted in National Medical Licensing Examination and trainings on medical humanism should also be carried out. Besides, a platform for the better communication and cooperation between doctors and teachers should be built up.

In the second place, perfect the incentive and restraint mechanism. According to the theory of human resource management, the perfect organization system can improve their staff’s sense of organization and commitment. Thus, the ultimate goal of the organization can be realized. And the American Mayo Clinic set a very good example for us. Its health-care system including its recruitment system, promotion system and salary system all centers on the value “Patient First”. Thus, our hospitals should also learn from the Mayo Clinic and perfect our health-care system.

Thirdly, improve the medical process. The medical process can to some extent reflect the humanistic essence of the medical service. For example, in the outpatient department, the new model “GLCD” (good will, listen, communication, and decision) should be constructed based on the principles of autonomy, respect and justice. And when the clinic begins, doctors should first greet the patients in order to enhance their trust and then patiently listen to them. If necessary, doctors may encourage and comfort them. Finally, doctors should let their patients involve in decision-making.

Last but not least, hospitals should create a harmonious culture, in which hospital staff may be gradually affected in an invisible way. In a word, hospitals should construct a patient-oriented, harmonious and innovative culture, which is full of love, respect and understanding.




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Ключевые слова

, , Medicine, Medical Technology, Medical Humanism

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