Use of electronic learning in vocational education institutions
Автор: Уалкан Еркебулан Арманулы
Рубрика: Высшее профессиональное образование
Опубликовано в Образование и воспитание №3 (29) июнь 2020 г.
Дата публикации: 22.05.2020
Статья просмотрена: 21 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Уалкан, Еркебулан Арманулы. Use of electronic learning in vocational education institutions / Еркебулан Арманулы Уалкан. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2020. — № 3 (29). — С. 67-69. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).
Today, in the course of training, along with traditional printed publications, electronic learning are widely used, which are used both for distance education and for independent work in full-time and distance learning. Electronic learning act as teaching assistants, taking on a huge chore when presenting new material, when checking and evaluating students ' knowledge. It is important to note that the electronic manual is not an electronic version of the book, the functions of which are limited to the possibility of switching from the table of contents by hyperlink to the desired Chapter. Depending on the type of presentation (lecture, seminar, test, independent work), the course of the lesson itself should be adapted accordingly to achieve the effect of using such a manual, and the manual itself should support the learning modes for which it is used. If used correctly, the electronic manual can become a powerful tool for self-study of most disciplines, especially those related to information technology.
Keywords: teaching, electronic learning tools and Learning, e-learning book.
To a large extent, the possibilities of electronic textbooks are revealed when students work independently. All multimedia functions may be in demand here: animation and video, interactive components that involve the student in the learning process and do not allow him to distract himself, an announcer's voice and selected musical accompaniment, and all the features of a computer search engine. Even the most complete textbook is not able to contain all the information that a student may need on this subject, and additional literature is always required. With the advent of the Internet and the rapid development of thematic sites and portals for various purposes, it became possible to find almost any information by connecting to the network and making several requests to search engines. But even with such a system of information search, certain difficulties are possible. In this case, the advantage of the electronic manual is that all (or most of it) of the material necessary for the development of the discipline is collected in one place and students do not have to spend time searching for this material from various sources. In addition, the student can conduct a self-test of the learned material, if the textbook contains test tasks to test knowledge.
Electronic educational literature is created for the purpose of expanding the presentation, development and deepening of existing knowledge, provides access to additional information for students and is intended to provide in-depth study of the discipline. For General professional, special and in-depth study of continuing education disciplines associated with the intensive development of science and technology, as well as rapid aging of knowledge, electronic low-circulation educational literature is being developed. The electronic textbook is the main educational electronic edition, created at a high scientific and methodological level, fully complies disciplined educational standards of specialties and areas determined by the didactic units of the standard and program to ensure the continuity and completeness of the didactic cycle of the learning process subject to the implementation of interactive feedback. An electronic textbook cannot be reduced to a paper version without losing its didactic properties
Of course, a teacher using e-learning technologies can teach more students who are geographically separated, but will this bring the desired educational and economic effect? In the traditional face-to-face learning process, the teacher has the necessary feedback immediately, reacts to it”, in the process " reconstructing the training material, and has the ability to make this material more accessible in front of students. Of course, for the preparation of e-courses, the experience of teachers-experts, aces in their field should be used, but not always such a teacher has the necessary time and ability to work with a computer.
The method used was research and development. The development design was implemented by e-learning book. The process of transition from traditional training to computer-based training has been developing for two decades. Since the advent of huge archives presented on machine-readable media, the idea of using this material for educational purposes has become more and more common. In global terms, this became possible with the development of the Internet, which made it possible to transfer the necessary amount of data from one end of the world to another, freely communicate with other network users online and post information on Internet sites, making them available to everyone. An e-learning book is a training course in which all information on the lesson is provided in the form of text, pictures, videos, audio recordings, animations, and other graphic tools.
It is not surprising that, for all its obvious advantages, distance learning has quickly gained huge popularity in the educational world. Gradually, large corporations also became interested in it, correctly if this form of training will allow them to quickly, relatively inexpensive, high-quality and, most importantly, on-the-job increase the level of training of their personnel. In recent years, the degree of involvement of the Internet in education, the number of online courses, their subject matter, various ways of implementation, and the General orientation in General have led to the emergence of a more capacious term «e-Learning”. The European Commission defines e-Learning as «the use of new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. E-learning today is an educational process that uses interactive electronic means of delivering information: CD-ROMs; corporate networks; the Internet.
It should be noted that these advantages were appreciated by the students themselves. In 2004, SkillSoft conducted a survey of students from 16 major foreign universities who use e-learning technologies as a Supplement to traditional education. Students especially noted the following advantages of e-Learning courses: flexibility, time savings, and ease of returning to the passed educational material.
You can also identify several following principles that should be followed when creating an electronic textbook:
– completeness principle: each module must have the following components:
– theoretical core,
– control questions on the theory,
– examples,
– tasks and exercises for independent decision,
– control questions for the entire module with answers,
– control work,
– contextual help.
Result and discussion
The first textbooks in electronic format were really duplicates of books. There are several textbooks on the Internet in PDF, DOC, EPUB, FB2 formats. Among them are textbooks in Power Point format. All this can be called an electronic version of the textbook.
E-learning book — a computer-based teaching, control, modeling, testing, etc., containing the main scientific content of the subject set of programs. To create an e-learning book, it is not enough to convert the contents of the book into an electronic version. It should be supplemented with videos, illustrations, games.
Consider effective tools for the preparation of e-learning books. They are:
– general purpose tool
– multimedia tools.
An e-learning book provides an effective addition to ordinary textbooks. In particular, the provision of feedback in practice as soon as possible; since the search for information in a simple textbook takes some time, the e-learning book allows you to quickly find the textbook you need; save time when switching to hypertext explanations; person-centered, checking his knowledge on a particular section and codes in short text to show it, narrate, model, etc. features are implemented quickly.
Effectiveness and Practicality of Interactive E-Book
An electronic textbook is usually an independent multimedia learning tool, so the structure of an electronic textbook should be presented at a qualitatively new level. The electronic textbook has a few distinctive features that explain the feasibility of developing and using it as an independent learning tool.
One of the main elements of the electronic textbook are fragments of «live” lectures by the best teachers. At the same time, the presentation of the educational material is constructed so that it is possible to see the structure of the lecture and the student can repeat any fragment of the lecture.
To a large extent, the possibilities of electronic textbooks are revealed when students work independently. All multimedia functions may be in demand here: animation and video, interactive components that involve the student in the learning process and do not allow him to distract himself, an announcer's voice and selected musical accompaniment, and all the features of a computer search engine.
When developing an electronic manual on natural science subjects, the cadet will work with the text as a carrier of information and a unit of professional communication, as well as verbal support for training. This involves not only expanding the vocabulary of students, but also an adequate understanding of the theoretical material. Working with texts involves the development of four types of reading for foreign military personnel: studying, familiarization, search and viewing [2, p. 70]. All these types of reading should be taken into account when developing electronic manuals on natural science subjects.
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Ключевые слова
teaching, electronic learning tools and Learning, e-learning bookПохожие статьи
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