Media education is one of the most successful ways of teaching
Авторы: Байтенова Салтанат Амангельдиевна, Баймулдина Назира Сахипжановна, Курман Сымбат Cагаткызы, Муртазаева Онажон Хамидуллакызы, Шахимова Салима Бауржанкызы
Рубрика: Система образования
Опубликовано в Образование и воспитание №3 (34) июнь 2021 г.
Дата публикации: 10.05.2021
Статья просмотрена: 21 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Media education is one of the most successful ways of teaching / С. А. Байтенова, Н. С. Баймулдина, С. C. Курман [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2021. — № 3 (34). — С. 1-3. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).
The article discusses the relevance and intelligence of the use of media in teaching students and media education as one of the essential teaching methods.
The focus of the article focuses on the opinion of well-known domestic and foreign media teachers, where the concepts of «media education in the university» are considered, special attention is paid to the requirement of information societies. In order to conclude, the essence of the pedagogical science indicated on the categorical system. It is also explained by the concept of media education, its pros and cons, as it affects the mind and human health. Theories and methods of media education and literacy in this area are considered. The results of the discussion on social culture in Kazakhstan, and the methodology of media education, which is based on the implementation of various methods of tasks, are also carried out.
Keywords: media education, students, information education, media educational process.
Media education as a special direction in the pedagogical science, who advocates the study of schoolchildren and students of the patterns of mass communication, is intended to help students and students adapt in the world of media and works of media culture, mastering the language media, analyze the works of media culture, etc. The main task of media education is to prepare a new generation for life in modern information conditions, to the perception of various information, to teach a person to understand her, aware of the consequences of its impact on the psyche, mastering the ways to communicate on the basis of non-verbal forms of communication and with the help of technical means and modern information technologies.
Modern civilization, culture, society, person — all these concepts are inextricably linked with the media accentuity. Currently, the creation of a powerful information structure, the information of the most different sense turns into an economic category. The result of the development of the media is to saturate the market of visual interests, the consequence of the separation of channels on topics, the audit, address, national, territorial, temporary and other signs, in other words, the effect of mass media on a person is becoming increasingly professional. The stream of media information is constantly growing, all new television channels appear, periodic prints, internet sites, etc. The rapid development of media technologies and the expansion of their capabilities leads to the fact that media is present today in almost any field of human activity, in modern terms of the «product» of the consciousness industry.
Socio-pedagogical classification of media: by type of fixed assessment (print, radio, cinema, television, video, computer networks, etc.), on the channel of perception (audio, video, audiovisual, iconic — text, graphic). At the place of use (individual, group, mass, homework, workers, transport, etc.). According to the content of information, the direction of socialization (ideological, political, moral and educational, educational, educational, aesthetic, environmental, economic). According to features and objectives of use (receipt of information, education, communication, solving problems, entertainment, social management), based on the impact on the identity (the development of the horizon, self-education, self-education, self-education, self-assertion, self-determination, regulation of state, socialization).
Research methodology
Media education (modern interpretations):
— A system of using mass communication and information (printing, radio, cinema, television, video, computer equipment, photographs) in the development of student's personality. Development system itself, in contrast to traditional learning items, accumulating knowledge, primarily implies the practice of artistic and creative activity that simulates the process of emotional-intellectual development of a student; its possibilities;
— The process of education and personality development with the help of and on the material of mass communication (media) in order to form a culture of communication with media, creative, communicative abilities, critical thinking, interpretation skills, analysis and assessment of media texts, training various forms of self-expression with media machinery;
— Training theory and practical skills for mastering modern means of mass communication, considered as part of the specific and autonomous field of knowledge in pedagogical theory and practice; It should be distinguished from the use of aids in teaching other areas of knowledge, such as, for example, mathematics, physics, geography, etc.;
— Preparation of students to life in informatized space [1].
Discussion and results
In a modern sociocultural situation in Kazakhstan, a higher influence and distribution acquires a media culture, which in different types and forms is intensively distributed throughout the world. Today, media is a comprehensive means of mastering the people of the surrounding world in his social, moral, psychological, artistic, intellectual aspects. The potential of the media acultation in the modern educational process is determined by a wide range of human development: emotions, intelligence, independent creative and critical thinking, worldview, aesthetic consciousness (perception, artistic analysis skills, etc.), intensifying knowledge, obtained in the learning process in the university.
Methodology of media education is based on the implementation of various creative tasks, activity methods: decryption (retelling content, enumeration of media-text events), classification (definition of media text in the historical and sociocultural context), analytical (analysis of the structure and language of media text, copyright concepts etc.), personal (description of relationships, experiences, feelings, memories, associations caused by media text), explanatory-estimated (the formation of judgments about the media text, about its merits in accordance with the aesthetic, moral and other criteria).
Training is the transfer of the final, and the upbringing is infinite experience. Making a man «open system» after training will help introduce into a wide use of computers, thanks to which you can create a network information and computer space with the properties of infinity.
The use of a computer is rational in the following situations:
— as an «electronic board» to illustrate the material;
— for practical classes in computer classes when working out skills and skills to solve complex logical tasks at the studied course;
— control checks of knowledge and skills;
— in the conditions of scientific and methodical seminars;
— self-study of training courses;
— to observe invisible in real life by chemical-physical and other processes;
— stimulation activities;
— distance learning, allowing independently adjusting the rate of mastering material being studied, etc.
— multimedia in learning.
As experience shows, the computer allows you to use the principle of latent (hidden) learning: unconsciously and easily develop new information.
Consumption of the media acultation is spontaneous.
This is, first of all, a consequence of the abundance of media artes of various artistic value, ideological and moral orientation, secondly, the lack of the young spectator of their selection. Many works that are proud of artistic culture can mean a lot for the moral and aesthetic education of young people, but for one reason or another is difficult for an unprepared viewer.
Whether liberty will be able to benefit or harm — it depends on whether the «spontaneous» consumption or a teacher will continue and will continue the mechanism that ensures the harmonic development of the educational process in relationships.
Forms of media education schoolchildren (lectures, conversations, written works — review, essay; creative work — writing minissenaria).
Growing interest in the problem of developing the media component of modern schoolchildren and students, both in education as a whole and in media downtown in particular, is due to one of the areas of implementation of the competence approach in education, namely the establishment of key competencies on the subject matter to which pedagogical techniques and formation technologies include The ability to understand texts, processing various information. In this regard, a modern person should be ready to focus on the information flow, find the necessary information is capable of full perception, the assessment of media library, understanding the sociocultural and political context of the functioning of the media in the modern world, code and representative systems used by media.
The organization of the media education process is based on the principles of problem, project and interactive learning. A variety of methodological techniques are based mainly on cycles of creative and gaming activities carried out in educational or extracurricular activities. These are role, theatrical and situational games, preparation and creative implementation of scenario developments, etc.
Methodical approaches to media education contribute to the solution of the main tasks of media education:
— development of the skills of analysis and synthesis of space-temporal reality, the ability to «read» the mediates of various species and genres;
— the development of media perception — the perception of the media treatment, the feelings and thoughts of the authors of the works of the media culture;
— development of analytical skills related to predicting impacts mediatcts for various types of audience;
— the development of interpretation skills in the process of transferring media messages to the «language of the individual's perceive»;
— skills to decode information contained in media manufacturers, including manipulative techniques and technologies;
— the successful application of the knowledge gained in the field of education and education of students, etc.
С onclusions
The integration of media education in various educational items of the university program makes it possible to use its rich educational, developing and educational potential for all students, and not just for those who visit the circles, studios, media education clubs. The study of modern methodological and technological techniques of media education, the history of their occurrence and development, creative use in the educational process opens up new prospects for the use of educational, developing and educational potential of the work of the media culture in the university.
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Ключевые слова
students, media education, information education, media educational processПохожие статьи
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