Effective methods of teaching listening for low level students | Статья в журнале «Образование и воспитание»

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Рубрика: Высшее профессиональное образование

Опубликовано в Образование и воспитание №2 (43) апрель 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 27.03.2023

Статья просмотрена: 61 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Федорова, М. Л. Effective methods of teaching listening for low level students / М. Л. Федорова. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2023. — № 2 (43). — С. 55-57. — URL: https://moluch.ru/th/4/archive/246/8204/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article discusses the importance of teaching listening to low-level language students and outlines effective methods for doing so. The methods covered include setting realistic goals, choosing appropriate listening materials, engaging in pre-listening activities, during-listening activities, and post-listening activities. The article also provides examples of active listening methods, including listening for gist and listening for specific information.

Keywords: listening, low-level activities, methods, educational goals.

As a language teacher, it is essential to understand that listening is a crucial part of learning a new language. Listening allows students to understand and interpret the language being spoken, which in turn helps them to communicate effectively with native speakers. Teaching listening to low-level students can be challenging, but with the right methods and techniques, it can be an enjoyable and engaging experience.

Listening should occupy an important place already at the initial stage. Developed listening skills make it possible to realize educational goals. It allows you to teach students to listen carefully to the sounding speech, to form the ability to anticipate the semantic content of the statement and thus, to develop a culture of listening not only in a foreign language, but also in their native language. Listening is also a powerful tool for teaching a foreign language. It makes it possible to master the sound side of the language being studied, its phonemic composition and intonation: rhythm, stress, melody. Listening makes it easier to master speaking, reading and writing, which is one of the main reasons for using listening as an important means of teaching a foreign language. We will focus on the following key areas: Setting Realistic Goals; Choosing Appropriate Listening Materials; Pre-Listening Activities; During-Listening Activities; Post-Listening Activities

The first step in teaching listening to low-level students is setting realistic goals. It is important to understand that low-level students may have limited vocabulary and grammar knowledge, which can make it difficult for them to comprehend spoken language. Therefore, it is crucial to set realistic and achievable goals that are tailored to their level of proficiency.

For example, you could set a goal for students to identify specific words or phrases in a conversation. Another approach could be to focus on understanding the overall message or gist of a conversation. By setting specific goals, students can feel more confident in their ability to listen and comprehend spoken language.

Choosing appropriate listening materials is another essential aspect of teaching listening to low-level students. It is important to select materials that are relevant to the students' interests and are appropriate for their level of proficiency. It is advisable to choose materials that are related to the students' daily lives, such as news articles, songs, or movies.

Another important factor to consider is the complexity of the listening materials. It is essential to choose materials that are not too difficult for the students to understand, but also not too easy that they do not challenge the students' listening skills. Choosing materials with clear and concise language, simple vocabulary, and a slow pace can help low-level students to comprehend spoken language more easily.

Before starting the listening activity, it is important to engage students in pre-listening activities. These activities can help students to focus on the listening task and activate their prior knowledge of the topic. Some useful pre-listening activities include:

a) brainstorming: ask students to brainstorm related vocabulary or phrases related to the topic. This can help to activate their prior knowledge and prepare them for the listening task;

b) predicting: ask students to make predictions about what they expect to hear in the listening material. This can help to build anticipation and motivate students to listen carefully;

c) vocabulary matching: provide students with a list of vocabulary words related to the listening material and ask them to match the words with their definitions. This can help students to understand the meaning of the words before they listen to the material.

During the listening activity, it is important to engage students in activities that help them to focus on the listening task and comprehend the material. Some useful during-listening activities include: Multiple Choice Questions: provide students with multiple-choice questions related to the listening material. This can help students to focus on specific details in the material and check their comprehension; Fill in the Blanks: provide students with a cloze exercise where they have to fill in the blanks with missing words from the listening material. This can help to build their listening and vocabulary skills; Note Taking: Encourage students to take notes while they are listening to the material. This can help them to remember important details and key points from the material.

After the listening activity, it is important to engage students in post-listening activities. These activities can help students to reflect on their listening skills, reinforce what they have learned, and build their confidence. Some useful post-listening activities include: Retelling: Ask students to retell the main points of the listening material in their own words. This can help to reinforce their comprehension and encourage them to use their own language skills; Discussion: Engage students in a discussion about the listening material. Ask them to share their opinions and thoughts on the topic, and encourage them to ask questions about the material; Role Play: Ask students to act out a scene from the listening material. This can help to build their speaking and listening skills, and encourage them to use the language in a meaningful way.

It is necessary to mention some activities which can help students to develop their listening skills

Listening for gist means listening for the main idea of a text or a conversation. It is an effective method for low level students because it helps them to focus on the essential information and avoid getting lost in details. Teachers can use listening for gist activities by providing a short text or a conversation and asking students to listen and identify the main idea. This activity can be done individually or in pairs, and it can be followed up with a discussion or a comprehension activity.

Listening for specific information means listening to a text or a conversation to identify specific details, such as dates, names, and places. It is an effective method for low level students because it helps them to develop their ability to listen for specific information, which is an essential skill for language learners. Teachers can use listening for specific information activities by providing a short text or a conversation and asking students to listen and identify specific details. This activity can be done individually or in pairs, and it can be followed up with a comprehension activity.

Dictation is an effective method for teaching listening to low level students because it helps them to focus on listening and writing skills at the same time. It is also an excellent way to reinforce grammar and spelling rules. Teachers can use dictation activities by providing a short text and asking students to listen and write what they hear. This activity can be done individually or in pairs, and it can be followed up with a discussion or a comprehension activity.

Listening to authentic materials is an effective method for teaching listening to low level students because it exposes them to natural language and authentic accents. Authentic materials can include TV programs, movies, and songs. Teachers can use listening to authentic materials activities by providing a short clip of a TV program, movie, or song and asking students to listen and identify specific information. This activity can be done individually or in pairs, and it can be followed up with a discussion or a comprehension activity.

Peer listening is an effective method for teaching listening to low level students because it allows them to practice listening and speaking skills at the same time. It also helps to develop their social skills and their ability to work in pairs or small groups. Teachers can use peer listening activities by providing a short text or a conversation and asking students to listen and retell the information to their partner. This activity can be done in pairs, and it can be followed up with a discussion or a comprehension activity.

Visual aids are an effective method for teaching listening to low level students because they help to reinforce the meaning of the words and the context in which they are used. Visual aids can include pictures, diagrams, or videos. Teachers can use visual aids by providing a short text or conversation and displaying relevant images or videos that help to illustrate the meaning of the words or the context in which they are used. For example, if the text is about food, the teacher can display pictures of different types of food to help students understand the meaning of the words and the context in which they are used.

Overall, teaching listening to low-level students can be challenging, but with the right methods and techniques, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. By setting realistic goals, choosing appropriate listening materials, engaging students in pre-, during-, and post-listening activities, language teachers can help low-level students to develop their listening skills and become confident communicators in the target language.


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Ключевые слова

listening, methods, low-level activities, educational goals

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