Integrating task-based learning into distance English language education | Статья в журнале «Образование и воспитание»

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Рубрика: Образование взрослых и самообразование

Опубликовано в Образование и воспитание №4 (45) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 24.08.2023

Статья просмотрена: 6 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бондарева, Н. К. Integrating task-based learning into distance English language education / Н. К. Бондарева. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2023. — № 4 (45). — С. 38-43. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

This article focuses on the strategy of integrating Task-Based Learning (TBL) into distance English language education. TBL is an innovative approach to language learning that emphasizes task completion, communicative skills, and language use in authentic contexts. The article explores the core principles of TBL, including authentic tasks, communicative goals, the task-planning-report framework, globalized learning, and the incorporation of creative tasks and modern technologies.

The author analyzes popular distance learning platforms such as Moodle, Blackboard, Coursera, Udemy,, and Docebo, investigating their potential for supporting TBL. The article provides an examination of each platform's features, including task creation, student discussion and interaction, resource uploading, and integration with video conferencing tools.

Practical recommendations are offered for effectively adapting TBL in distance education. These recommendations encompass the formulation of specific communicative tasks, the creation of instructional materials, the establishment of collaborative environments for student interaction, personalized learning approaches, assessment of communicative skills, and the provision of feedback.

The utilization of TBL in distance English language education has the potential to enhance learning effectiveness and enable students to develop practical communicative skills. This article offers valuable recommendations and platform analyses that can assist educators and course developers in successfully integrating TBL into distance English language education.

Keywords: Task-Based Learning, distance education, English language, communicative skills, integration, learning platforms, Moodle, Blackboard, Coursera, Udemy,, Docebo.

In modern foreign language education, there are several approaches and methods used for the effective acquisition of a language by students. One of the alternative approaches is Task-Based Learning (TBL) — a teaching methodology based on performing tasks without prior explanation and practice of language phenomena. This approach suggests using language as a tool to achieve specific communication goals.

TBL is an approach to education in which the learning process revolves around the accomplishment of tasks with real communicative purpose. Instead of the traditional approach based on the presentation, practice, and production of language elements (Presentation — Practice — Production, PPP), TBL encourages students to directly engage in task performance, utilizing the language as a tool to achieve these tasks [6]. This method of foreign language instruction began to gain widespread usage in the mid-2000s following research by various scholars, including P.Skehan, R.Ellis, and J.Willis, among others. It is founded on a set of principles that govern its implementation, as outlined by M. H. Alimova, which include the following [1]:

First and foremost, TBL places the authenticity of tasks at the core of education. This implies that the tasks provided to students should be connected to real-life situations and materials they encounter in their everyday lives, aiding students in recognizing the practical value of the language they are learning.

The primary goal of TBL is to address communicative tasks using any available means, employing previously learned language structures. Instead of emphasizing the correctness of grammatical constructs and rules, TBL prioritizes communicative skills and the student’s ability to apply the language in practical contexts.

In TBL, an algorithmic approach known as “Task > Planning > Report” [4] is applied to task execution. Students first receive a task, then plan its execution, and subsequently present a report on their actions and achieved results. This approach differs from the traditional PPP method, where lessons are structured around presenting materials, practicing them, and creating a product.

TBL promotes the globalization of education and the utilization of networking. Students can employ social networks, communication platforms, and online language exchanges to practice oral and written speech, which contributes to the creation of authentic communicative situations and the development of language interaction skills.

TBL actively employs creative assignments and modern technologies. Students can create web collages, participate in projects, complete web quests, and record audio and video monologues. This approach enables students to showcase their creative thinking, develop technology skills, and apply their language knowledge in practice.

A distinctive feature of TBL is its deviation from the traditional approach to material acquisition and exercise completion in foreign language lessons. Instead of initially studying grammar rules, students are presented with a task right away, and then the teacher assists them in acquiring the necessary vocabulary and grammar to accomplish it.

Distance learning is becoming increasingly popular in modern education, especially for learning the English language. K. S. Itinson and V. M. Chirkova highlight the following popular platforms for distance learning: Moodle, Blackboard, Coursera, Udemy,, and Docebo [2]. Let’s consider these platforms as tools that can be used for effective distance learning of the English language. Below is an analysis of the capabilities that some of the existing platforms provide for the successful integration of Task-Based Learning (TBL).

Table 1

Analysis of Platform Capabilities for TBL Integration


Features for Task Based Learning Integration


Customizable course structures and activities

Assignment submission and feedback capabilities

Discussion forums for collaborative tasks

Grading and assessment tools

Integration of multimedia content


Interactive course content creation

Assignment management and grading

Integration with third-party tools and resources

Communication tools for group work

Analytic and tracking of student progress


Structured course layout with modules

Peer-reviewed assignments and assessments

Video lectures and interactive quizzes

In-built social interaction features

Certificates upon course completion


Diverse content formats (videos, quizzes, articles)

Self-paced learning and lifetime access

Tools for quizzes, coding exercises, and practice tasks

User feedback and rating for courses

Instructor-led or students-centered course creation

Open edX platforms for customizable course creation

Discussion boards and collaborative tasks

Real-time progress tracking and data analysis

Option for verifying certificates and micro-credentials


Mobile-friendly learning interface

Personalized learning paths based on learning performance

Gamification and rewards for engagement

Integration with CRM systems

One of the most widely used platforms is Moodle — a free and open-source learning management system that offers various tools and resources for education management. The Moodle platform engages the educational community with its flexible customization options and the ability to interact with various plugins and add-ons, enabling instructors to adapt assignments within the framework of Team-Based Learning (TBL), taking into consideration the unique goals and needs of each individual course.

Moodle does have a few drawbacks that can complicate the integration of TBL. For instance, the absence of robust email support hampers communication between instructors and students, particularly when detailed explanations and discussions about TBL assignments are necessary. Another limitation is the platform’s partial gamification support, which can reduce the course’s appeal to students and restrict the incorporation of gamified elements into TBL. It is important to address these limitations and consider workarounds or supplementary tools to mitigate their impact on the effectiveness of TBL implementation within the Moodle platform. This might involve utilizing external communication channels for detailed discussions, exploring third-party gamification plugins, or combining Moodle with other platforms that excel in specific areas where Moodle falls short.

Customizing Moodle may demand specific knowledge and technical preparation on the part of instructors. Moreover, utilizing consultancy services often requires an additional fee, making it unfeasible for educational institutions with limited resources. To address these challenges, institutions could consider providing training and technical support to educators to enhance their familiarity with Moodle’s customization options. Additionally, exploring alternative resources, such as online communities and forums dedicated to Moodle, can offer valuable insights and guidance without incurring extra costs. Collaborating with tech-savvy colleagues or seeking partnerships with organizations that specialize in Moodle integration can also be beneficial for institutions facing resource constraints.

In addition to Moodle, another prominent platform to highlight is Blackboard, which provides a customizable learning environment with social and hybrid features. Among the advantages of Blackboard, it’s worth noting the presence of a mobile application that ensures flexibility and accessibility for both learners and instructors. The platform offers the capability to categorize users based on different criteria, simplifying the organization of group work and collaborative execution of TBL tasks. Integration with social media and video conferencing tools facilitates active interaction between students and instructors within the scope of TBL [3].

Limited reporting capabilities can indeed hinder the assignment and tracking of students’ progress with TBL. Additionally, the minimized gamification on the platform restricts the use of game elements and students’ motivation during the TBL process. The platform also lacks an extensive set of security-enhancing features, which can be problematic when working with confidential data or needing to ensure security interactions between students and instructors. To address these limitations, institutions may need to explore third-party integration for enhanced reporting, security features, and gamification elements. This could involve using external tools for assessment analytics, integrating secure communication platforms for confidential discussions, and considering supplementary gamification plugins to bolster student engagement within the TBL framework.

Coursera, an online learning platform developed by leading universities and organizations, is expanding the boundaries of education access through a multitude of online courses. Coursera’s distinctive feature is its provision of access to detailed educational programs and certificates upon course completion. This enables students to learn the English language through differentiated and specialized courses while receiving official recognition for their achievements. In its pursuit of improving educational quality, Coursera employs cutting-edge learning tools and offers direct interaction with experts. This approach promotes the activation of the learning process and student interaction based on Task-Based Learning principles.

However, it is important to note that access to Coursera is exclusively granted to employees of partner institutions, creating barriers for independent students and instructors. The course creation functionality on Coursera is less flexible compared with other platforms, limiting opportunities for adapting and customizing TBL tasks according to specific educational program requirements.

To overcome these limitations, educators and learners seeking TBL integration might consider exploring alternative platforms that provide more flexibility in course creation and wider accessibility. Alternatively, if partnering with an institution is not an option, they consider platforms that cater to independent learners and offer robust customization options to effectively implement TBL methodologies.

Udemy is an interactive platform where learners can discover and enroll in online courses created by various instructors. The platform offers a wide range of topics, allowing students to expand their skill set. Udemy has several advantages that align with the TBL methodology, as well as some drawbacks. Udemy’s strength include its diverse course offerings that can cater to various aspects of Task-Based Learning. Learners can choose courses that align with their specific learning objectives, and instructors have the flexibility to design courses tailored to TBL principles. Additionally, Udemy’s interactive features, such as quizzes, games, and practice tasks, can enhance the active learning experience central to TBL.

One of the key advantages of Udemy is the availability of diverse educational materials in digital formats, including text files, video content, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF documents. This approach provides the opportunity for a variety of assignments and the utilization of multiple resources in TBL. Additionally, the platform is accessible with minimal costs and doesn’t demand extensive technical knowledge from users, whether they are students or instructors. This user-friendly nature of Udemy makes it an attractive option for educators and learners who are seeking a straightforward and affordable platform for implementing TBL methodologies. The variety of content formats also supports the integration of different types of tasks and activities that align with TBL principles. However, it is important to consider the potential variability in course quality and the platform’s limitations in terms of structured learning paths and collaborated features when planning a TBL approach on Udemy.

Udemy does come with a set of drawbacks that can impact the implementation of the TBL methodology. Communication between students and instructors on the platform is limited, making it difficult to establish the necessary feedback crucial for effective learning. Additionally, there is a high level of competition among course creators, and only the most popular courses receive active support and promotion from the platform. The lack of control over data and branding diminishes instructors’ abilities to create and manage TBL courses [5].

These limitations should be carefully considered when choosing Udemy as a platform for TBL implementation. Educators should be prepared to supplement the communication shortcomings through external tools, actively promote their courses, and consider how to maintain a cohesive learning experience for students despite the platform’s constraints. and Open-edX are online platforms that offer courses from leading universities and organizations. One of the key advantages of these platforms is their free and open-source nature, making them accessible to a wide range of educational institutions and allowing instructors to adapt and customize TBL courses to their needs. The presence of iOS and Android applications adds to their accessibility. The interactivity of all online lessons on and Open-edX platforms fosters active student engagement in learning and provides a deeper immersion into TBL tasks. Learners can actively participate, collaborate, and engage with the course content, enhancing the application of Task-Based Learning principles. These features make and Open-edX platforms attractive choices for educators looking to incorporate TBL methodologies into their teaching approach, given their adaptability, interactivity, and accessibility benefits.

However, these platforms do have drawbacks. The discussion forums on and Open-edX platforms might appear outdated and complex to navigate, which could hinder communication and collaboration among students within the context of TBL. The implementation of these platforms requires certain technical skills or instructors, creating additional barriers for educators without the necessary experience or resources. To address these limitations, instructors can consider simplifying the navigation of discussion forums, providing clear guidelines for student interactions, and offering support resources to facilitate communication. Institutions might also offer training or technical assistance to educators to ensure they can effectively utilize the platforms, making it more accessible for a broader range of instructors to implement TBL on and Open-edX platforms.

Docebo is a platform that leverages artificial intelligence algorithms to personalize the learning process. The Docebo platform caters to most training needs and requirements of any organization. AI-driven learning algorithms enable the customization of instructor-led training, which is valuable when creating TBL tasks. The platform’s engaging gamification and social learning features promote active participation and student motivation within the framework of TBL. The ability to integrate with video conferencing tools and other applications allows the utilization of various communication mediums during TBL. Students can receive course completion certificates as well.

Docebo’s focus on personalization, interactivity, and integration makes it a strong contender for educators aiming to implement TBL methodologies effectively. The incorporation of AI-driven personalization can enhance the alignment of tasks with individual learners’ needs, while the gamification and social learning elements foster engagement and motivation in TBL activities.

However, the reporting capabilities on the platform have limited customizable and advanced features, which can hinder the analysis of students’ progress within the TBL framework and the evaluation of their achievements. Certain functionalities for specific objects within the learning management system might be restricted, diminishing the effectiveness of integrating TBL into the educational program.

To address these limitations, educators considering the use of Docebo for TBL implementation should evaluate the platform’s reporting tools and explore potential workarounds or supplementary analytic tools. They might also collaborate with the platform’s support team to explore possibilities for customizing reporting features to better suit their TBL requirements. Additionally, if reporting and analytics are critical components of the TBL approach, educators might consider combining Docebo with external reporting tools to achieve a more comprehensive insight into student progress and achievement.

For the effective adaptation of the Task-Based Learning (TBL) methodology in remote English language education, it is important to consider strategies and approaches that account for the feature of the online format. The conducted research has proposed the following recommendations:

  1. Formulate specific communicative tasks — define clear, contextually relevant communicative tasks that hold practical significance for learners. These tasks can include role-playing, creating presentations, or participating in virtual debates. This helps students understand the knowledge and skills required to accomplish specific tasks.
  2. Create educational materials — provide texts, videos, audio recordings, web-links, and other resources that support learners in completing tasks and developing language skills. Ensure these materials are aligned with the learning objectives.
  3. Foster a collaborative work environment — utilize forums, chats, video conferences, and other communication tools for task discussions, questions, and idea exchange. Encourage collaboration through group assignments.
  4. Personalize learning — implement adaptive educational technologies to offer individual or differentiated tasks, enabling each student to progress according to their ability and interests.
  5. Assess communicative skills — evaluate students’ ability to apply language structures in real situations. Instead of traditional tests, use project submissions, reports, audio, and video content to showcase practical communicative skills.
  6. Provide feedback — offer timely feedback to help students understand their achievements and areas for improvement. Prompt feedback enables students to make adjustments to their learning.
  7. Embrace innovative technologies — leverage interactive platforms, web conferences, audio and video exchanges, and virtual classrooms to create an interactive and motivating learning environment.

In conclusion, these strategies and methods form the foundation for the successful implementation of TBL in remote English language education. They facilitate the use of modern technologies. By adopting these recommendations, educators can effectively integrate TBL methodologies into inline English language learning. As education continues to evolve, these principles will serve as beacons of guidance, ensuring that Task-Based Learning remains not just a methodology, but a transformative force in the realm of remote language education.


  1. Alimova, M.Kh. «Using task-based learning at secondary schools». Young Scientist, 2018, no. 12 (198), pp. 145–146.
  2. Itinson, K.S., Chirkova, V.M. «Overview of e-learning platforms: tools, advantages, disadvantages». Bulletin of the Baltic State Technical University, 2021, no. 3 (36). Available at: [] (Accessed: July 9, 2023).
  3. Petrova, S.D. «Application of various forms and methods of teaching in distance learning». Trends in Science and Education, 2020, no. 66–4, pp. 82–85.
  4. Spynu, L.M. «Task-Based Learning as an innovative strategy for teaching foreign languages». Pedagogical Journal, 2021, vol. 11, no. 4A, pp. 146–151. DOI: 10.34670/AR.2021.68.95.016
  5. Khalikov, A.A., Musamedova, K.A., Ibragimova, O.A. «Analysis of distance learning methods and implementation of distance learning in educational institutions». Bulletin of Scientific Conferences, 2017, no. 3–6 (19), pp. 171–173.
  6. Yurinova, E.A., Pakhotina, S.V., Tsalikova, I.K. «Technology of Task-Based Learning and Teaching in foreign language classes at universities». Higher Education Today, 2016, no. 3.

Ключевые слова

Moodle, communicative skills, integration, English language, task-based learning, distance education, learning platforms, Blackboard, Coursera, Udemy,, Docebo

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