To the question on the intensification of training foreign language with the use of information and communicative technologies | Статья в журнале «Образование и воспитание»

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Библиографическое описание:

Хужаниязова, Г. Ю. To the question on the intensification of training foreign language with the use of information and communicative technologies / Г. Ю. Хужаниязова, Г. С. Тохирова, К. М. Мадаминова. — Текст : непосредственный // Образование и воспитание. — 2018. — № 3.1 (18.1). — С. 31-33. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

В этой статье описана практика обучения для преподавания на иностранном языке, которая показала необходимость учета особенностей образования зрелой образованной аудитории и выбора активного обучения иностранному языку. Результатом этой деятельности является сотрудничество языкового факультета неязыкового университета со специализированными кафедрами, что позволяет повысить уровень профессиональной ориентации обучения студентов на иностранном языке.

Annotation: This article describes the practice of teaching for teaching in a foreign language, which showed the need to take into account the peculiarities of the formation of a mature educated audience and the choice of active learning a foreign language. The result of this activity is the cooperation of the language faculty of a non-linguistic university with specialized departments, which makes it possible to improve the level of vocational guidance of students in a foreign language.

Ключевые слова: мобильность, образовательных технологии, эффективность, устное и письменное общение, диалог, игра, проект, интеграция, кейс-анализ, мозговыми атаками.

Keywords: mobility, educational technologies, efficiency, oral and written communication, dialogue, game, project, integration, case analysis, brainstorming.

In connection with the growth of academic mobility, the discipline "Foreign language "in higher education received a new impetus. In the last Years in the leading universities of the country were established faculties with teaching all academic disciplines in English. To implement the training process at these faculties were required, along with the carriers Language, native teachers who speak English at level, which would allow them not only to give lectures, but also to conduct practical classes in the disciplines of the profile of the university. At the organization preparation of this kind of scientific and pedagogical cadres, we can take into account not only the peculiarities of working with mature highly educated Personalities, which required careful selection of educational technologies. Under the current circumstances, research has been different modern technologies of adult learning, taken into account specificity of the professional activity of students and defined spheres of their use of English language:

1) Providing the educational process in English in conditions Multi-level training (bachelor's, master's, post-graduate);

2) Increasing academic mobility. Successful academic today, the career is inextricably linked with the ability to communicate with colleagues and publish articles in international journals on the English language. It includes: informal and formal written and written communication with foreign colleagues at a conference or foreign internships, lecturing abroad meeting at international conferences, public participation in international educational projects;

3) Research activities. Scientific and pedagogical workers in foreign-language communication use the scientific style in writing oral and oral form (report, discussion, etc.). When creating foreign languages speech products related to the research field, it is also necessary to know the branch terminology necessary for Implementation of written and oral speech interaction in professors.

Regional sphere, as well as reading of the scientific literature on the concrete Specialty [1]. In view of the foregoing, the types of foreign language Skills, which are necessary for the teacher-specialist in a specific area for solving professional problems. Relying on the study of the possibilities of the didactic process for the development of a foreign professional communicative competence technologies are identified that are capable of to intensify professionally oriented activities Participants of the seminar:

- interactive – teaching strategies used in the process Communication;

- gaming – helping to form the necessary professional Personal qualities (role and business games);

- Design – suggesting the solution of a certain problem as a result of independent actions of students (case-study);

- Integration – based on subjects communications and which cultivate a general cultural and scientific potential for the training of specialists. Hundred [2].

Active forms of training at the seminar are presented by case analysis or the study of specific professional situations (case-study), role / business games, brain-storm, brief Problems in small groups of listeners (so-called "Buzz groups" – "buzz-groups"). These techniques complement the Internet- Search by instructor's task, as well as extracurricular reading and Analytical tasks on its basis.

An example of the use of project technologies Independent information search is a multimedia presentation. Specificity of professional activity of students of seven assumes constant work with the information, its analysis and preference. The presentation allows simulating various situations of lecture with students during a lecture, or a teacher with a student, during a practical lesson. Final exam at the seminar in the form of a multimedia lecture-presentation on a foreign Language. This is the presentation of one of the sections taught by the examiner in the academic discipline, or the results of his scientific research. The presentation is built in strict accordance with the requirements of the ourse program and is evaluated according to the developed criteria [3]. In the course of the seminar, the situation is more often simulated: "student / student-lecturer", in which the whole group participates. Listeners not only make presentations on the instructions of the teacher within the studied theme, but also check the degree of assimilation of the presented material with using a variety of feedback technologies. Along with widely common methods (question-answer work, tasks with many choices of the relevance of the answer), methods of working with graphs, diagrams, diagrams and tables are Persons.

Among the methods used at the seminar are "Methodology and methodology of teaching Training courses in a foreign language». Learning a foreign language should highlight the analysis of the problem Situation-study. This project technology requires Interaction between a foreign language teacher and Hundred in this area. Materials for case-analysis are selected with the listeners of the seminar, taking into account their importance for Discipline. Such interdisciplinary cooperation with this one of the most significant results [4]. In the course of the analysis of the problem, moreover, the study of a specific business situation in the submitted Practice completes a role-playing game, the storyline of which is based on the circumstances under consideration [5].

Awareness of the fundamental role of information in social development and the tremendous growth of information technologies have necessitated the formation of a special information culture of the individual. Therefore, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is an actual problem of modern secondary and higher education. "World experience shows that the solution of the problems of education begins with the professional training of teachers. Without qualitative growth of pedagogical professionalism, we will be doomed to remain in the past ". Teachers of the new generation should be able to select and apply those technologies that fully correspond to the content and goals of studying a particular discipline and contribute to the achievement of the goals of the harmonious development of students, taking into account their individual characteristics.

The relevance of this topic is also due to the insufficiently developed nature of the problem of introducing information technologies into the educational process (including when learning a foreign language). Computerization of educational institutions began relatively recently, and many teachers continue to experience a number of difficulties caused by objective factors, including insufficiently formed ability of pupils, and often teachers themselves, to use the computer as a means of working with information. At the same time, it is obvious that the use of information and communication technologies in the education system, in particular in the process of teaching a foreign language, has a number of advantages and makes it possible to significantly intensify the educational process. Under the information technologies of education, all technologies using special technical means (computer, audio, cinema, video) are understood here. All ICT tools used in the education system can be divided into two types: hardware (computer, printer, projector, video camera, audio and video recorder, DVD player, etc.) and software (information sites and Internet search engines, encyclopedias and dictionaries on compact disks, test environments, complex training packages – electronic textbooks, etc.)

The rich choice of ICTs makes it possible to use a variety of forms of work in organizing the teaching of a foreign language. Particular attention should be paid to such an ICT tool as a telecommunication project, since it is a relatively complete set of activities (educational, educational, creative, or game) organized on the basis of computer telecommunications. In the course of this type of work, a complete study of the material on a topic is proposed, using various kinds of influences.

Based on the tasks of teaching a foreign language, in order to intensify the process of its study, it seems expedient to use the following types of telecommunication projects:

I. Language telecommunication projects: 1) educational projects aimed at mastering the language material and developing speech skills; 2) linguistic projects: the study of linguistic features; Studying of language realities (neologisms, phraseological units, sayings); 3) philological: the study of the etymology of words; Literary studies.

II. Culturological (regional telecommunication projects): 1) historical: studying the history of the country, the city; 2) geographical: the study of the geography of the country; 3) ethnographic: the study of traditions and life of the people, folk art; 4) political and economic: acquaintance with the state structure of countries, with public organizations; 5) art criticism, dedicated to the problems of art, literature, culture of the country of the studied language.

III. Gaming: 1) social (students perform different social roles); 2) business (modeling of professional situations); 3) dramatized (the study of literary works in game situations, where students act as characters); 4) imaginary travel (learning speech structures, cliches, specific terms, dialogues, descriptions, reasoning, etc.).

Thus, the practice described in this article of training on the of the pedagogical staff of the university to teach the Ling in a foreign language showed the need to take into account the features education of a mature educated audience and selection of active Learning a foreign language. The result of this activity is the cooperation of the language department of a non-linguistic university with a specialized departments, which allows for a higher level of The professional orientation of teaching students in a foreign language.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that by refusing to use ICT tools in lessons, the teacher loses the ability to accurately record the facts, store and transmit large amounts of information, grouping and statistical processing of data. The use of computers and other ICTs in the classroom will significantly enhance the learning process of a foreign language, optimize the management of training, increase the effectiveness and objectivity of the educational process, while saving considerable time for the teacher, and motivate students to acquire new knowledge.


  1. Krupchenko, A.K. (2007). Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. – Moscow, 47 p.
  2. Dubinina G.A. (2010). Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. Seriya pedagogicheskie nauki, Issue 12 (591), pp. 81-90.
  3. Dubinina G.A. (2014). Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. Seriya pedagogicheskie nauki, Issue. 12 (698), pp. 158-165.
  4. Dubinina G.A., Savchenko N.V. (2014). Nauka v sovremennom mire: teoriya i praktika: materialy II Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii (Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference), Ufa: RIO ITsIPT, pp. 42-49.
  5. Dubinina G.A. (2011). Voprosy prikladnoi lingvistiki. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Questions of Applied Linguistics. Collection of scientific papers.), Issue 5, Moscow: Rossiiskii universitet druzhby narodov, pp. 26-32.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, иностранный язык, DVD, III, RIO.

Ключевые слова

игра, эффективность, диалог, интеграция, проект, мобильность, образовательных технологии, устное и письменное общение, кейс-анализ, мозговыми атаками

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