Development of innovation activities in modern enterprises
Авторы: Сатторкулов Обидкул Турдикулович, Махмудова Гулрух Равшанбековна, Махмудова Мохинур Равшанбековна, Турдикулова Гулмира Обидкул кизи
Рубрика: Экономическое развитие и рост
Опубликовано в Вопросы экономики и управления №2 (18) март 2019 г.
Дата публикации: 07.03.2019
Статья просмотрена: 79 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Сатторкулов, О. Т. Development of innovation activities in modern enterprises / О. Т. Сатторкулов, Г. Р. Махмудова, М. Р. Махмудова, Г. О. Турдикулова. — Текст : непосредственный // Вопросы экономики и управления. — 2019. — № 2 (18). — С. 21-24. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).
The main engine of sustainable economic growth is under the consideration the boost of innovation activity, in the long-term development strategy of Uzbekistan. At the same time, the further development of innovation and high-tech industries are among the most important state priorities.
“We will continue to work on the comprehensive support of active entrepreneurship even next year, creating wide opportunities for investors, and reducing inflation. In particular, the following measures are planned to maintain inflation within the forecast indicators. First, we must reconsider the practice of granting soft loans to large state-owned enterprises, which show low efficiency and are not capable of creating a sufficient number of new jobs. In 2019, we must act especially advisedly when granting loans in order to prevent the growth of budget expenditures and funds of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan ” [1, p.2].
Thereby, the country is focused on the preservation and development of scientific, scientific and technical also innovative potential and measures are being taken to develop the innovation activities of enterprises and organizations aimed at generating and commercializing innovations.
Innovation activity is all scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities, which leads to the implementation of innovations, including market research to identify needs for innovation, their distribution, as well as the innovation process [2, p.578].
As international experience shows, developed innovation system are possible with an effective innovation process and technology commercialization, where the key element is state participation and support for the activation of innovation activity by the real economy and leading companies. That is why the state plays a major role in the regulation of innovation. Mine time, the basis of the integration mechanism, which ensures the technical progress of the state and the socio-economic development of society, is a science.
In the conditions of modern transformations, it is innovative economy that provides global economic excellence for most developed countries in the modern world. To bring economic reforms to a new, higher level, we need to decide a number of priorities. First, we must maintain macroeconomic stability and high rates of economic growth. Secondly, we will consistently continue an active investment policy, which is an important condition for the development of our economy. [2, p.9].
Each country follows its own way of forming and developing an innovation system. However, the fundamental factors of innovation development are human capital, competitive business, infrastructure base and an effective institutional environment that help to achieve practical results in the field of technology and innovation.
On the modern stage, the state innovation policy of Uzbekistan is aimed at carrying out purposeful work on the development of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative potential. At the same time, the science management system is being improved, the legislative and regulatory and legal base of science and innovation activity is being expanded and strengthened on a modern basis, the reorganization of the academic and university science system continues, and measures are being taken to increase the science intensity of production and develop of information technology, innovative infrastructure, small innovative enterprises, high-tech complex.
In 2019, it is planned to absorb almost 138 trillion soums of investments from all sources, which is more by 16 percent more than in 2018. The volume of foreign direct investment will increase by almost 1.5 times and reach $ 4.2 billion, compared with the current year. Due to this, 142 modern enterprises will be put into operation. It should be particularly noted that the reforms are carried out in Uzbekistan today and their results are recognized by leading international rating agencies. [2, p.11].
A significant part of the existing reserves and opportunities to use production potential, as well as modernization reserves, technical and technological upgrading of production will be used as part of the Program for Further Reform, Structural Transformations and Diversification of Production for 2015–2019, as well as adopted in the period 2016–2017 of medium-term industry programs. Thanks to the implementation of projects under these programs, reserves will be used to further develop of the resource base, deepen the processing of rich mineral and natural resources, and increase on this basis the volumes of production and exports of competitive industrial products. The program provides for the modernization of industries in various industries, as well as the widespread attraction of foreign investment for these purposes. [3, p.215].
Realisation of innovation activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan involves the development and implementation of measures in the following areas:
- The development of a national innovation strategy focused on the technological modernization of economic sectors and the development of new high-tech industries, providing for measures to adopt advanced technologies and develop also introduce their own innovations.
- Improving the regulatory framework in the field of innovative development through the adoption of laws and regulations that stimulate the innovative activities of entrepreneurship and guarantee the protection of intellectual property rights.
- Development of innovation infrastructure through the creation of a network of technology parks, innovation and technology centers and an increase in the number of technological incubators.
- Development of an effective system of financing innovative activities, including direct and indirect financing instruments, the development of venture investment.
- Development of mechanisms for the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.
- Improving the business environment and conditions for innovative small business enterprises, the introduction of support mechanisms for fast-growing start-up companies {start-up companies).
- Coordination of the activities of all interested parties: business, government and consumers through the organization of public-private partnerships and the involvement of consumers and customers in the process of creating innovations.
The development and implementation of specific measures in these areas will contribute to the development of innovative activities, to improve the competitiveness of the economy, to ensure stable high growth rates and improve the quality of life style of the population.
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- The Message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev to Oliy Majlis. //
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