Especially the modernization of industry in a market economy
Авторы: Сатторкулов Обидкул Турдикулович, Махмудова Гулрух Равшанбековна, Махмудова Мохинур Равшанбековна, Турдикулова Гулмира Обидкул кизи
Рубрика: Экономическое развитие и рост
Опубликовано в Вопросы экономики и управления №2 (18) март 2019 г.
Дата публикации: 07.03.2019
Статья просмотрена: 27 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Сатторкулов, О. Т. Especially the modernization of industry in a market economy / О. Т. Сатторкулов, Г. Р. Махмудова, М. Р. Махмудова, Г. О. Турдикулова. — Текст : непосредственный // Вопросы экономики и управления. — 2019. — № 2 (18). — С. 24-27. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).
The industrial sector of Uzbekistan has significant development reserves that need to be used in the medium term. There are two ways to use existing reserves — attracting additional (new) resources and increasing the efficiency of using resources that are already involved in turnover to provide the industrial growth, mainly through deepening the processing of raw materials to ready-made products of final consumption.
Raw materials, equipment and technology which are not produced in Uzbekistan and imported for the organization of production will not be subject to state duties. Have been canceled the scheduled inspections of financial and economic activities of business. The requirements for obtaining 138 types of licenses and permits are simplified, 42 of them have been completely abolished. [1, p.1].
Significant reserves of growth lie in increasing the cost-effectiveness and lowering the cost of industrial production. Substantial reserves are concentrated in improving energy efficiency. This applies mainly to such energy-intensive industries as metallurgy, the production of building materials, and the chemical industry. The reserves of modernization of production capacities based on modern energy-saving technologies are not fully involved. The main factor in the dynamic development of industrial production in the medium term is an increase in the degree of loading of production capacity in the presence of demand for manufactured products. Estimates of the level of capacity utilization in industries show that the engineering industries have the greatest load potential, primarily the automotive industry in recent years, the textile industry and the manufacturing and food industries. In turn, it is necessary to strengthen the mineral resource base, in order to effectively use the existing production facilities, which also has significant potential and growth reserves. [2, p.216].
It is important to emphasize the role of industry in improving the export parameters of the economy. The fact is that the economic sustainability and competitiveness of any country, is not limited only to the achieved indicator of the overall growth or increase in industrial production, as well as its image in the world community. In the context of globalization and the development of world economic relations, the participation and sale of national products in foreign markets is of particular importance. In many cases, it is through products created in a particular country that the consumer world creates its attitude and trust towards it.
As a result of cooperation with the World Bank, the Asian and Islamic Development Banks, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other international financial institutions, the volume of investment portfolio reached $ 8.5 billion. Currently, 456 projects worth $ 23 billion are being implemented in our country through foreign investment. We should also develop a national concept of the digital economy, providing for the renewal of all sectors of the economy based on digital technologies, and to introduce the program “Digital Uzbekistan — 2030” on this basis. The digital economy will allow for the growth of gross domestic product by at least 30 percent and dramatically reduce corruption. This is confirmed by analytical studies of reputable international organizations. [3, p. 9].
Structural transformations which advanced development of high-tech industries and industries aimed at further improving competitiveness and strengthening the position of Uzbekistan in world markets, is the main priority of not only industrial, but also the entire socio-economic policy, started from the first days of independence of the Republic. First of all, we are talking about such industries, which, on the one hand, provide the diversification of production and production out put, which causes high consumer demand, and, on the other hand, are focused on using the country's rich sources of raw materials and resources. This condition, which is, in fact, the basic rule for the implementation of production and economic activity of any enterprise, serves as a guideline to achieve not only high profitability of production, but also to reduce imports of goods, especially those that can be produced from own resources and in-house.
The main factors for the growth of the industrial sector in the period 2019–2021 are:
− improving the processes of modernization and diversification of industry;
− expansion of the growth potential of industries in the manufacturing sector;
− increasing the efficiency of resource use by reducing energy, resource-intensive production and increasing labor productivity through the widespread introduction of energy- and resource-saving technologies into production;
− increase the utilization of production capacity by increasing access to raw materials and improving the resource base of industrial enterprises;
− strengthening the role of the innovation factor in the development of industrial production.
The country seeks to reach a new level of development and use of productive forces, to create a competitive and effectively functioning economy by implementing modern innovative industrial policy, as well as by implementing the programs of modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of production. For this, the country has not only accumulated a huge industrial potential, but also trained scientific and technical personnel capable of solving various ambitious tasks.
This allows us to conclude that the development of industry is one of the main directions of economic growth, which can be achieved more quickly and efficiently through modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of production. However, it is necessary to capture not only the technical, but also the economic aspect in the modernizing industrial production issues. The fact is that even a perfect technique or technology that does not give a sufficient effect when introduced into production, does not lead to a reduction in costs, an increase in labor productivity and product quality has no practical meaning. In addition, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of production is not an ordinary organizational and technical measure, costing enterprises without much effort and expense. Their implementation is almost always associated with investments, and considerable depending on the scale of modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises, which are often carried out or can be carried out in the course of their expansion and reconstruction.
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