Implementation of innovation strategy at Uzbekistan industrial enterprises | Статья в журнале «Вопросы экономики и управления»

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Рубрика: Экономическое развитие и рост

Опубликовано в Вопросы экономики и управления №3 (19) май 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 26.04.2019

Статья просмотрена: 89 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бекмухамедова, Б. У. Implementation of innovation strategy at Uzbekistan industrial enterprises / Б. У. Бекмухамедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Вопросы экономики и управления. — 2019. — № 3 (19). — С. 5-7. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

It is especially important, the development of innovations in enterprises, during a systemic crisis of production, it should cover various areas of activity related to innovation cycles, combining research methods, technologies and an enterprise management system. Foreign experience in introducing innovations at industrial enterprises should actively apply the conditions of Uzbekistan as the independent subjects of the economy, factors and driving forces of the innovation process on the part of companies. At the same time, they are characterized by significant differences innovation processes and their impact on the state of the economy and society.

Research on the organization of innovation in industrial enterprises, opportunities for enhancing innovation is a new area of ​​scientific thought. In order to introduce innovations at industrial enterprises, it is necessary to develop a methodology for determining of the socio-economic efficiency of new technology, managing scientific and technical progress and efficiency. The innovative way of development requires the intensification of industrial activity at the level of economic entities — this is the creation of relevant scientific and technical developments and investments. [1]

To begin the implementation of innovation in the conditions of industrial activity, you must consider the following factors:

− considering innovation as a nonstop process;

− Focus on process of control, i.e. opportunities to influence it;

− The existence of general dependencies between certain factors and the conditions of innovation at the level of an industrial enterprise.

To reach an innovative trajectory is the main task of the modern socio-economic development of a production enterprise, to maximize the use of fundamentally new growth factors. This approach will allow to reorganize enterprises on the basis of knowledge-intensive production. In order to select the most effective toolkit for managing the innovation activity of an enterprise and for evaluating the innovation potential, it is necessary to develop ways to increase the innovation activity in enterprises in the industrial sector. It allows to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, quickly identify domestic opportunities for innovation, to discover the hidden reserves of the development of the organization in order to improve the efficiency of its commercial activities [1].

It is necessary to improve the existing and search for new methodological approaches to the organization of innovation activities at the enterprise, taking into account the state of the external and internal environment, the current position and the tasks of the strategic development of the economy in market conditions, to implement an innovation strategy at industrial enterprises. In order to adapt innovation programs, it is necessary to analyze the innovation of management system of industrial enterprises, to identify trends in the development of innovation activities in the Russian context. In addition, it is necessary to develop an algorithm for organizing innovation in an industrial enterprise, to create a model of the innovation process, and to develop an innovation management program.

For creating an effective model of implementing innovations in a manufacturing enterprise, it is necessary to evaluate such indicators as:

− competitiveness

− performance,

− source of appearance,

− source of funding,

− degree of risk

− source of creation,

− costs [2].

It is also needed a method of rational allocation of funds of enterprises for planning the implementation of innovative projects.

The transition to the innovative development of a country, in world practice, the is idenfined as a reflection of the main goal of state policy in the field of the development of science and technology.

Today, the country has preconditions for a substantial reorientation of the priorities of the state, private business and civil society towards the intensification of innovation activities and the enhancement of the role of science.

Therefore, the presence of these backgrounds give reason to believe that a rationally constructed strategy to stimulate innovation activity will make it possible to effectively use of competitive advantages associated with educational and scientific and technical potential to ensure the competitiveness of non-primary sectors of the economy.

The content of innovation in the economic sphere is the creation and dissemination of innovations in material production. It represents a link between the scientific and industrial sphere, as a result of the interrelation of which the technical and economic needs of society are realized.

The innovative sphere is distinguished from scientific and production by the presence of a specific marketing function, specific methods of financing, crediting and methods of legal regulation, and also, what is most importantly, a special system of motivation for innovative activities. Ultimately, these methods are predetermined by the specifics of innovative labor and the circulation of funds, economic income and innovative product.

For the last time, in our country, to the issues of innovation activity and the creation of a clearly delineated innovation system an increasing attention has been paid. Thus, the report at the Cabinet of Ministers meeting on January 29, 2016 had identified the policy of further deepening structural reforms of the economy to ensure the growth of the country's competitiveness, including high rates of modernization, technical and technological renewal of production, expansion of high-tech products from high value-added, including export-oriented. [3]

The chosen strategy confirms the unconditional fact that Uzbekistan has chosen an innovative way of developing the economy of industrial enterprises. The next important document is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 916 “On Additional Measures to Promote the Implementation of Innovative Projects and Technologies into Production” dated July 15, 2008, which opens up real opportunities for launching large-scale works to enhance innovation, strengthen the integration processes between science and production. Thus, the state proclaims that the increase in the level of productive forces and the welfare of the nation is connected not only with the realization of its natural, but also intellectual resources.

Based on the tasks of voiced by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev during a meeting with leading representatives of the science of our country, today one of the priority areas of production is the development of innovative ideas and technologies by domestic scientists, their implementation in specific sectors of the economy. This year, on 10–12 May at the tenth fair, which was held in the capital of the country, domestic scientists and developers presented more than 500 innovative ideas and technologies in the fields of industry, information technology, health, agriculture, science and education. Also, 62 types of mass-produced products were produced at large domestic enterprises on the basis of advanced innovative technologies in the amount of 2.2 trillion sums were demonstrated.

An important factor in innovation development is cooperation between large industrial enterprises and small businesses. This is evidenced by the results of the territorial industrial fair and cooperation exchange between large industrial enterprises and business entities in Jizzakh. During the Dzhizak fair, contracts for more than 16 billion sums were signed. If 221 business entities participated in the fair in 2016, and contracts for 4.7 billion sums were signed, this year more than 310 business entities participated in the stock exchange. Moreover, the number and range of new enterprises in the region, is almost doubled compared to last year.

Uzbekistan certainly has great potential, since the country has managed to preserve its scientific potential: the level and volume of scientific research conducted by scientific organizations with the support of the state is quite high, which is one of our most valuable goals. However, it should be noted that in the scientific, and especially in the scientific and technical sphere, the market approach implies such an organization of the process in which scientific results are transformed into high-tech competitive products or technology. [4]

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the transfer of the economy to the innovative path of development is possible only under the condition of comprehensive reforming the scientific and technical sphere, from basic research to the production of high-tech products and entering the world market with it. The whole process of such a reform can be divided into three main elements:

− the organization of scientific research to ensure the preservation and expansion of areas in which Russian science occupies a leading position in the world;

− the creation of a national innovation system, including an innovation infrastructure that ensures the effective commercialization of knowledge;

− modernization of industry based on innovation.

Today, no one needs to be convinced that the introduction of innovative technologies is the key to progress. Innovation is one of the most important strategic resources of the state. The successful solution of social and economic issues, the introduction of new industrial technologies, the development of innovation and investment infrastructure, the preservation and enhancement of intellectual potential, the release of export-oriented products are largely due to the state of innovation.


  1. Shchiptsov A. A. Features and the need for innovation in industrial enterprises // Vector science of Togliatti State University. Series: economics and management. — 2013. — № 1. — p. 141–143.
  2. Mukhametzyanova G. V., Pugacheva N. B. Cluster approach to the management of vocational education. — Kazan: IPP PO RAO, 2007. — 144 seconds
  3. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On investment activity”
  4. Decree of W.AND. O. Of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On additional measures to ensure accelerated development of entrepreneurial activity, the full protection of private property and the qualitative improvement of the business climate” of October 5, 2016
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): AND, IPP, RAO.
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