Note-taking in business meetings | Статья в журнале «Филология и лингвистика»

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Рубрика: Вопросы переводоведения

Опубликовано в Филология и лингвистика №3 (12) декабрь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 16.11.2019

Статья просмотрена: 50 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Халилова, Г. А. Note-taking in business meetings / Г. А. Халилова. — Текст : непосредственный // Филология и лингвистика. — 2019. — № 3 (12). — С. 35-36. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The question of how to successfully recreate a message produced in one language in another is of paramount interest to translators, especially for interpreters who find themselves in different situations in which the cultural, linguistic and lexical features of languages can create serious problems. Regardless of the situation, the competent interpreter must ensure that the true meaning of the message is transmitted between two or more languages.

The main problems that consecutive translators often face are usually divided into three types:

  1. Note-taking — the translator is not able to write as quickly as the speaker makes his speech and cannot read carefully what he writes.
  2. Memory — the translator cannot remember all the segments of speech.
  3. Speed — the translator cannot speak at the same pace as the speaker.

To effectively record various components of speech, an interpreter can use various methods of census writing. Nevertheless, note-taking and characters in it — this is a matter of personal preference. R. Jones singles out some symbols, such as the accent sign, arrows, suffix sign, abbreviations and symbols, numbers, pictograms, etc., which deserve attention so that the translator can effectively perform the work.

The role of an interpreter is mainly to convey the basic ideas, not individual words. Note-taking must follow this requirement, which is to preserve ideas, and it must also be understood at the maximum level.

The translator should not try to write down verbatim what the speaker says, since a large number of words can contain only one idea, while one word can mean several ideas. There are some basic recommendations concerning notes that should be observed:

– It is useful to study already existing verbatim systems, symbols, or a note system, such as note-taking, or to invent your own way of keeping notes;

– Create and use symbols useful for objects with which the translator deals.

– Always use the same symbol to indicate only one subject in this context.

– Use images or graphics, such as circles and squares, lines and arrows. You do not «record a speech» — you «draw a picture of speech».

– Arrange notes on the page in order of importance (for example, significant data — at the top of the sheet, less significant — at the bottom). Use indentation logically and consecutively.

– Explore and use common abbreviations and abbreviations (for example, an abbreviation of the Morse code — SOS may refer to the words «help» or «ask for help» in the notes).

– Accept a simple symbol that, when you write it down, will mean «the main subject of speech».

– Use a simple sign that will mean numbers, for example a symbol for three zeros

– Create abbreviations for frequently used phrases (examples: b4 = before, asap = as soon as possible; iot = in order to; iaw = if and when).

– Select symbols for common prefixes and suffixes, such as «pre-", «anti-" or "-tion», «ment».

– When writing a word, do not duplicate any consonants and omit any unnecessary vowels to leave the word recognizable or distinguishable from other similar words, but at the same time minimize it as much as possible.

– Make as many notes as possible in the target language.

– Your notes system must be personal. It should be those symbols that you can easily use, based on your own representation and handwriting.

Why does an interpreter need note-taking?

First of all, written recording of information reduces the load on memory and helps to cope with the stress caused by high mental and intellectual stress during the process of oral consecutive interpreting. The use of note-taking provides minimal information losses for a full-text translation of a large message that is presented to an interpreter verbally.

In addition, the translation record is a kind of «draft», on the basis of which the translator can restore all the texts translated by him and prepare for further work within the framework of this event or other events on this topic with the same or another speaker.

The latter is due to the nature of man himself and the basic principles of his perception of information: from ancient times man, being part of the material world, drew information from it, and fixed it in turn on «material» carriers: in rock art, sculpture, books and. This is the most natural and habitual way for us to store and perceive information. That's why we are psychologically more comfortable and easier to read the book that we hold in our hands than the text from the screen. Tactile perception always helps us concentrate our attention and, therefore, relieve stress. This pattern is actively used in pre-school and correctional pedagogy and psychology, you can remember in this connection, notes, etc.

It should also be noted that note-taking fixing the speech of the speaker in writing is limited to the conduct of the translation from outside, outside, primarily visual, information not related to the translation, and it is easier for him to concentrate on the content of the text with which he is working directly in this moment.

In practice, note-taking is a system of symbols, which is gradually developed and improved by the translator himself, both in the learning process and in realizing the translation activity.

At the same time, we emphasize that the polysemy and synonymy of the signs of the note-taking are not its drawback, because the oral translation is always carried out within the framework of a certain thematic sphere, and for the translator it is not difficult to recall from the situation, who is designated by the «head» — the president of the country, the head of the company, a hospital doctor or a school principal.

It should also be noted that the individual system of symbols of note-taking is always potentially open, it is replenished in the process of translation practice. Therefore, from the methodological point of view, the most important thing in the learning process is not to master the maximum number of ready-made signs, but to master thinking strategies that allow you to quickly invent signs for new concepts, including transforming and combining already known ones.

On the basis of the above, it can be concluded that a translation notation helps an interpreter but facilitates his or her work only when it is performed automatically.

To make a conclusion it should be emphasized that consecutive translation tends to be a very frequent way of communicating at business meetings. Without interpreter the parties would not understand each other and would not be able to establish relations. Consecutive interpreter must meet all the requirements of the profession, as well as follow all the rules of business communication. Very often interpreter needs to take notes while interpreting which demands training and empirical test. For any interpreter it is necessary to remember how important his or her role in communication is because interpreter connects not only different languages but different cultures.


  1. Muminov O. A Guide to Consecutive Translation, Tashkent «Tafakkur Bo’stoni», 2013, с.28
  2. Андреева, Г. М. Социальная психология: учебник / Г. М. Андреева. — М.: Аспект-Пресс, 2003. — с. 376
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SOS.
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