Professional-based foreign language learning to students of technical specialities
Авторы: Кличева Наргиза Аширбаевна, Юлдашев Мухаммад Шехназарович
Рубрика: Спецвыпуск
Опубликовано в Техника. Технологии. Инженерия №3 (5) июнь 2017 г.
Дата публикации: 14.07.2017
Статья просмотрена: 353 раза
Библиографическое описание:
Кличева, Н. А. Professional-based foreign language learning to students of technical specialities / Н. А. Кличева, М. Ш. Юлдашев. — Текст : непосредственный // Техника. Технологии. Инженерия. — 2017. — № 3.1 (5.1). — С. 25-26. — URL: (дата обращения: 31.01.2025).
В статье рассматривается проблема профессионально ориентированного обучения иностранному языку студентов технических специальностей, которая в последнее время приобрела особую актуальность в связи с возрастающей ролью иноязычного общения в профессиональной деятельности современных специалистов.
Ключевые слова: cистематическое обновление, учебный материал, рамки, разговорный контакт, долгосрочная цель, ориентированная на профессиональную направленность, ассимиляция, многогранность, целостность.
Annotation: The article deals with the problem of professionally-oriented teaching foreign language for students of technical specialties, which has recently acquired special relevance due to the growing role of foreign-language communication in the professional work of modern specialists.
Keywords: systematic renewing, scholastic material, framework, the colloquial contact, long-run objective, professional-oriented directivity, assimilation, many-sided, holistic.
Professional-oriented education foreign language confesses at present priority direction in renovation of the formation. Under professional-oriented is understood education, founded on account of need student in study of the foreign language, dictated particularity to future profession or professions. It expects the combination of the mastering professional-oriented by foreign language with development larval quality training, knowledge of the culture of the country of the under study language and acquisition special skill, founded on professional and linguistical knowledge.
The Enormous contribution to development of the theories professional-oriented teaching the foreign language has contributed P.I. The Sample with coauthor. They have motivated the principle to professional directivity of the scholastic material when learning foreign language in high school. The Authors emphasized that study of the foreign language must be not end in itself, but facility of the achievement to purposes of increasing level education, eruditions within the framework of its profession. The Account of specific professions, with their standpoint, must be conducted on the following directions: work on special text, study special that for development spoken speech, study of the dictionary-minimum on corresponding to professions, creation teacher allowance for activation grammatical and lexical material training.
Professional-oriented education provides the professional directivity not only contents scholastic material, but also activity, comprising of itself acceptance and operations, forming professional skills. The Professional directivity to activity, first, requires the integrations of discipline "foreign language" with professional discipline; secondly, puts before teacher of the foreign language problem to teach the future specialist on base relationships to use the foreign language as facility of the systematic renewing of their own professional knowledge, as well as facility of the shaping the professional skills and skill; third, expects use the forms and methods of the education, capable to provide shaping the necessary professional skills and skill of the future specialist.
Special urgency gains professional-oriented approach to learning the foreign language in technical high school, which provides shaping beside student of the abilities of the foreign contact in concrete professional, business, scientific sphere and situation with provision for particularities of the professional thinking.
Modern professional-oriented approach to learning the foreign language expects shaping beside student of the abilities of the foreign contact in concrete professional, business, scientific sphere and situation with provision for particularities of the professional thinking, at organizations motivation-stimulating and oriented-research to activity. Preparation specialist technical professions is concluded in shaping such communication skills, which have allowed realize the professional contacts on foreign language in different sphere and situation.
Its main change seen in this from education language for general integer and socializations (the colloquial contact). However, professional-oriented education foreign language in technical high school is not reduced only to study "language for special integer".
If a special base is in tongue high school foreign language then in the other high school – exhibit to the general culture so in technical high school wording to long-run objective requires the concretization. The Practical mastering by foreign language forms only one side professional-oriented education subject. In the opinion of A.A. Rybkinoy, foreign language can become not only object of the assimilation, but also facility of the development of the professional skills. This expects the expansion of the notion "professional orientation of" education foreign language, which included one component – professional-oriented directivity of the contents of the scholastic material.
Professional-oriented education foreign language in technical high school requires the new approach to selection of the contents. He must be oriented on last achievements in one or another sphere of human activity, in good time reflect scientific achievements in sphere, directly brushing against professional interests training, give him possibility for professional growing.
Thereby, will lawfully consider the contents of the education foreign language in technical high school as collection that that training must adopt in process of the education that quality and level holdings by foreign language corresponded to their request and purpose, as well as purpose and problem given level of the education. The Selection of the contents is called promote many-sided and holistic shaping to personalities of the student, preparation it to future professional activity.
In the opinion of N.D. Galiskovoy, in contents of the education foreign language necessary to include:
- a spheres to communication activity, subject and situations, speech actions and speech material, taking into account professional directivity student;
- a language material (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, spelling), rules of his(its) registration and skills operating him;
- a complex special (speech) of the skills, characterizing level of the practical mastering by foreign language as facility of the contact, including in situation professional and business contact, joint production and scientific work;
- a system of the knowledge national-cultural particularities and reality of the country of the under study language.
Essence professional-oriented education foreign language is concluded in its integrations with special discipline to achieve the additional professional knowledge and shaping professional significant quality to personalities. Preparation specialist in technical high school is concluded in shaping the communication skills, which have allowed realize the professional contacts on foreign language in different sphere and situation.
The Foreign language in this instance emerges the facility of increasing professional competent and larval-professional development student and is a necessary condition to successful professional activity of the specialist-graduate of the modern high school, capable to realize the business contacts with foreign partner.
Thereby, taking into consideration above stated, possible draw a conclusion that main and long-run objective professional-oriented education foreign language in technical high school is a provision active holdings by foreign language student technical professions as facility of the shaping and defining the thoughts in sphere of the everyday contact and in the field of corresponding to professions; the achievement level sufficient for practical use the foreign language in future professional activity.
- Obraztsov PI, Akhulkova AI, Chernichenko OF. Designing and designing of professionally oriented technology of training. Orel, 2005. 61 pp.
- Rybkina A.A. Pedagogical conditions of formation of professional skills of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of teaching a foreign language. Saratov: Saratov. Jurid. Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. 152 pp.
- Obraztsov PI, Ivanova O.Yu. Professional-oriented teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic faculties of universities. Eagle: OSU, 2005. 114 p.
- N.Galskova. Modern methods of teaching a foreign language: A handbook for teachers. M: ARCTI-GLOSSA, 2000. 165 p. 1. Obraztsov PI, Akhulkova AI, Chernichenko OF. Designing and designing of professionally oriented technology of training. Orel, 2005. 61 pp.
- Rybkina A.A. Pedagogical conditions of formation of professional skills of cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of teaching a foreign language. Saratov: Saratov. Jurid. Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2005. 152 pp.
- Obraztsov PI, Ivanova O.Yu. Professional-oriented teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic faculties of universities. Eagle: OSU, 2005. 114 p.
- N.Galskova. Modern methods of teaching a foreign language: A handbook for teachers. M: ARCTI-GLOSSA, 2000. 165 p.
Ключевые слова
целостность, ассимиляция, учебный материал, cистематическое обновление, рамки, разговорный контакт, долгосрочная цель, ориентированная на профессиональную направленность, многогранностьПохожие статьи
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