National statistics – the basis of open data
Авторы: Маткаримова Интизор Атабаевна, Сабиров Жахонгир Шавкатович
Рубрика: Спецвыпуск
Опубликовано в Техника. Технологии. Инженерия №3 (5) июнь 2017 г.
Дата публикации: 14.07.2017
Статья просмотрена: 12 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Маткаримова, И. А. National statistics – the basis of open data / И. А. Маткаримова, Ж. Ш. Сабиров. — Текст : непосредственный // Техника. Технологии. Инженерия. — 2017. — № 3 (5). — С. Т.1. 32-33. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).
Annotation: The article describes the role of national statistics in the development of the country.
Keywords: open data, official statistics, implementation, development, information and communication technologies.
In modern conditions, one of the central problems of the economy of Uzbekistan is to ensure sustainable economic growth, which can be achieved through the adoption of strategically correct management decisions. An important basis for this is information generated by state statistics Authorities.
At present, the peculiarities of the formation of qualitative statistical information on the basis of the system of national accounts, the statistical methods of accounting for the shadow economy and the applied statistical tools for the implementation of the calculations for the unaccounted volume of the gross domestic product (GDP) remain insufficiently developed.
The main part
In Uzbekistan, great attention is paid to the introduction and development of information and communication technologies in all spheres of the national economy in the activities of state authorities. At present, the problem of economic and statistical research of statistical information as a separate product of the system of state statistics is a very high priority, which is constantly reflected in the adopted legislative acts. [6]
According to Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On State Statistics", adopted in December 2002, one of the fundamental principles of state statistics is accessibility, transparency and openness. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 8 January 2003 No. 8
"On the authorities of activities of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics" established "Goskomstat distributes and provides equal access for all users to open statistical information."
At the same time, there is no clear definition of what information is considered "open" and which is "closed". To eliminate this uncertainty, it is necessary to introduce such elements of openness as the definition of the list of "open" information, information with limited access, as well as a list of information, especially in demand by the society based on the experience of South Korea. [2]
The South Korea Open Data Portal is a vivid confirmation of the fact that the most requested sets of open data on the number of downloads are statistical information on traffic accidents and in the fields of primary, secondary and higher education.
An analysis of foreign practice confirms that the main provider of open data is statistical services. Thus, in France, Singapore and the Netherlands, the volume of sets published by the statistical services on national open data portals is an impressive proportion of the total number. [2]
Nowadays, the main channel for disseminating Goskomstat statistical information is printed publications – as well as statistical bulletins issued according to the annual Statistical Work Program.
Statistical compendiums publish the main indicators characterizing the social-economic situation of the republic.
For example, the collection "Uzbekistan in Figures" presents data reflecting demographic processes, problems of employment and unemployment, education and culture, health care, development of the consumer goods and services market. It provides information on the development of new forms of management, production and use of GDP, and external economic activity. In the GDP production section, separate indicators of the system of national accounts are also published.
In Uzbekistan, work on open data began relatively recently in the framework of work to create conditions for providing access to public information about state authorities and their activities in accordance with the law on "Openness of the activities of public authorities and administration." Despite this, several significant results have been achieved since December 2014. In March, the Open Data Portal ( was created, on which public data sets of public authorities are published centrally. An important step was the adoption of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 7, 2015, No.232 "On measures to further improve the activities of the government portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Internet, taking into account the provision of public government data," which approved the Statute on the State Open Data Portal. Decree of the Head of State of November 18, 2015 on the adoption of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Electronic Government".[4].
Open public data serve the interests of different categories of users. However, there are such categories of information collected within the framework of national statistical systems that are of interest to almost all citizens. Such data, in particular, are the data of the population census system of national accounts, labor, financial and banking system, statistics of foreign trade, education and health, poverty and inequality, offenses, and so on.
In conclusion, it can be said that open data is relatively new in Uzbekistan and it takes time to implement them in the work of all state organizations. However, now it is necessary to think about what characteristics existing in the statistical system in Uzbekistan in the future may be a barrier to the transformation of the final statistics into an open data format.
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- Центр развития системы «Электронное правительство» 2016.04.07
- Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об электронном правительстве», принят Законодательной палатой 18 ноября 2015 года
- Роль открытых данных в развитии электронного правительства Узбекстана. (Аналитическая записка). Сентябрь 2015 г.
- www.
Ключевые слова
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