Intensive development of phraseology in recent years is characterized by the differentiation of the research subject and methods of its study, as well as involvement in the orbit of scientific search of new challenges and issues that are based on existing domestic linguistics in theoretical foundations of phraseology. We study properties of phraseological units which have in their structure a certain component. In this case, it is called somatism. Special studies on the description of the composition of phraseological units with a somatic component in the Russian, English, Ukrainian and German languages in linguistics are not mentioned. Somatism is use of designated parts of the human and animal body. They take an active part in the formation of phraseological units and shaping their values.
The actuality of this work is that the idioms with component somatism represent a vast reservoir of phraseological fund of the English language, where they remain, in our view, an area that requires further study.
The novelty of this work lies in the fact that the phraseological units with component somatism have not been studied directly in English, Russian, Ukrainian and German languages.
The object of study is usage of phraseological units.
The subject of study is usage of phraseological units having a somatic component, in the English, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages.
The purpose is to reveal somatism as a phraseforming component of phraseological units of Russian, English, Ukrainian and German languages.
The objectives of this research are the following:
– To study literature references concerning phraseological units with somatism
– To analyse some features of phraseological units with somatism.
– To define somatism as unique phenomenon of a language.
– To choose and compare phraseological units having a somatic component, in the English, Russian, Ukrainian and German languages.
– To develop, plan and realize scientific investigation.
– To answer the questionnaire and reflect the results in diagrams.
Methods used in the research are theoretical, comparative, describing, analysis, experimental, text- analysis.
Theoretical basis: Theoretical analysis of the literature showed that this issue was covered on the works of Berdnikov T. A., Danilov V. S., Kunitsky N. V.,
Ibragimova I. I., Kunin A. V., Litvinov P. P., Vakk F.
The practical value: The work material has a certain practical value, and may be used in studying the English language in the school clubs, societies, at the lessons and various languages courses.
There are allocated idioms — somatism among the phraseological units in a specific group. The hallmark of them is the presence of a landmark component tokens in their structure which indicates the part of the human or animal body.
Somatic lexicon (from the Greek “soma” — body) is one of the oldest associations of universal words in all languages of the world. The operation acquires numerous associations and connotations in different languages which are combined in a certain system.
Investigation 1. The questionnaire was made. We wanted to determine the level of knowledge of phraseological fields with somatism among senior students of school #19. The results of the questionnaire:

According to the results of the questionnaire we concluded that:
– the level of knowledge of phraseological fields with somatism among senior students of school #19 differs. The students of the 8 and 9 forms showed one of the best results and it can be explained by their attention to the task and having more spare time for their self-development.
– the 10 form had a little difference. The reason might be not having enough interest in learning the phraseological units.
– at the same time, the results of the 11 form are better thanks to the fact that they have more experience in learning foreign languages and they learnt more information on this topic.
Investigation 2. We have analysed the usage of phraseological units with the following components: hand, eye, head, heart, face, blood, finger, feet, bone and soul in some dictionaries. They are: Сambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, Phraseological Language Dictionary (I. A. Bunin), Phraseological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (V. D. Uzhchenko) and German-Russian Phraseological Dictionary (L. E. Binovich). We have compared the number of phraseological units with every word. We came to the following conclusion:
1. The word head is the most frequently used word in English;
2. The word soul is the leastused word in English;
3. The word hand is the most frequently used word in Ukrainian;
4. The word bone is the leastused word in German;
Investigation 3. Phraseological equivalents may be complete or partial. Full phraseological equivalents are ready-English equivalents, which coincide with the Russian ones in the lexical composition, imagery, stylistic and grammatical structure.
Russian |
English |
Глаза — зеркало души |
The eyes are the mirror of the soul |
Быть замешанным в каком-либо деле, приложить руку к чему-либо |
Have one’s finger in every pie |
Translation based on partial phraseological equivalents should be born in mind but the proposed English terms may have some differences with the Russian. Partial phraseological equivalents can be broken down into three groups.
The first group includes idioms that match the value of stylistic color and similar in imagery, but diverge on the lexical composition.
English |
Literary translation |
Russian |
To draw the wool over someone’s eyes |
«Натянуть шерсть на глаза кому-нибудь» |
Водить кого-либо за нос |
Head to head, face to face |
«Голова к голове, лицо к лицу» |
С глазу на глаз |
The second group includes idioms that match the value of imagery, stylistic lexical composition and color; but differ in such formal features as the number and order of the words.
English |
Literary translation |
Russian |
Play into somebody's hands |
Играть вчьих-то руках |
Играть на руку кому-л. |
If you run after two hares you'll catch neither |
Если вы будет бежать за двумя зайцами, ни одного не словите. |
За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь; |
The third group includes idioms, which are the same for all indications, except for imagery.
English |
Literary translation |
Russian |
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush |
Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе |
Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки |
Never offer to teach fish to swim |
Никогда не предлагайте научить рыбу плавать |
Не берись учить ученого. |
Phraseology is extremely difficult phenomenon studying of which needs its own method of research. Phraseological units are also called idioms, a word group with a fixed lexical composition and grammatical structure. We have analysed some features of phraseological units with somatism. We have chosen and compared phraseological units having a somatic component, in the English, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages. We have answered the questionnaire and reflected the results in diagrams. We have analysed the usage of phraseological units with the following components: hand, eye, head, heart, face, blood, finger, feet, bone and soul in some dictionaries. We have compared the number of phraseological units with every word.
1. Mordkovich E. M. The article «The semantic and thematic groups of somatic phraseological units».
2. Ibragimova I. I. Comparative study of somatic phraseological units: Author. Dis. Cand. Philology. Sciences: 10.02.19 — theory of language. — Kazan, 1993.
3. A. V. Kunin, Arnold IV, Litvinov P. P. Sections of phraseology p. 129, 2001.